Hello Lake Anne Families,
Our Dolphins are starting 3rd Quarter off strong! Students have been enjoying many learning opportunities to include deepening their understand of Black Historical Figures on the morning news. Our Family Science Night will be on Tuesday, February 6! We are looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Next week, we will have many opportunities to celebrate our staff. February 5-9 is National School Counseling week and February 8th is National Crossing Guard Appreciation Day. Some ways you can celebrate Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Penning, Mrs. Palatucci (Mrs. Penning's Long Term Sub), and Mrs. Anne are:
- Sending a kind e-mail
- Making a card
- Saying thank you at the crosswalk
Lastly, our grade levels have posted their January Newsletters in Schoology. Please log in to the LAES Parent/Guardian Course in Schoology to receive important information about what your student is learning and grade level news!
We look forward to a fun week of celebration!
Have a Wonderful Weekend,
Mrs. Jill Stewart, Principal
Dr. Brittany Rogers, Assistant Principal
Please check the chart below for volunteer opportunities at Lake Anne!
Teacher Name
Volunteer Activity
Time Frame
C. Quattrocchi
Cut out and hang posters
C. Bachelet
Put together instructional materials
1/31/24 between 12:35-1:25
A student transfer is valid for one year only. A parent or guardian must submit a renewal application each year for student transfer consideration. A renewal application may be submitted for students who continue to meet the same student transfer criteria as indicated on the original student transfer request. For students no longer meeting the same student transfer criteria, a new transfer request must be submitted.
All students will be considered eligible for student transfer renewal unless the principal indicates a student is not eligible for renewal in the Online Student Transfer Application Admin View or the transfer type does not allow for renewal e.g. graduating, moving from one level to another, or family relocation.
Letters from the principal will be automatically generated from the online student transfer application in February for students eligible and not eligible for renewal and sent to the enrolling parents primary email address.
For detailed information regarding the renewal process, please visit the Online Student Transfer Application: Renewal Process webpage.
The Magnet Program registration window will be open from Tuesday, March 5, through Friday, April 12, 2024. No late applications are accepted.
To learn more about the programs and the registration process, families are encouraged to attend one of the Parent Information Nights:
- Bailey’s Upper, February 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. (Virtual only)
- Hunters Woods Elementary, February 12, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. (In-person)
- Snow date: February 26, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
- Bailey’s Primary, February 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. (In-person)
Snow date: February 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m
Want to know if your child's bus is on schedule or where the bus is? Here Comes the Bus® is an easy-to-use website and app that enables parents to see the location of their child’s school bus — almost in real time — on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer.
Parents can track multiple buses if their children don’t all ride the same bus; know exactly when children arrive at school or the bus stop; and receive customized text and/or email notifications about bus locations, schedule changes, or delays.
To get started, download the app from the Apple iOS or Android app store. Check out the Here Comes the Bus and Frequently Asked Questions webpages for more information.
Already using the Here Comes the Bus app? Send your feedback to HCTB@fcps.edu.
Note: eNotify text messaging will continue to be used for reporting bus delays and bus incidents.
We are exciting to be working with the Book Bounce Organization. The program helps support literacy to dual language learnings.
Parent Orientation - February 7
Class Dates- February 12, 14, 21, 26, 28, March 4, 6, 11
The temperature is dropping! We want all of our students to be comfortable and warm at recess. Please be sure to send students with the appropriate winter gear.
If your family is in need of a warm, winter coat, please contact Alexa O'Flynn in the front office.
End of the 2nd Quarter
Thursday, January 25 - 2 hour early release
Teacher Workday
Friday, January 26 - No school for students
February Walk and Roll
Friday, February 2
Family Science Night
Tuesday, February 6 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Presidents' Day (No School)
Monday, February 19
School Planning Day
Tuesday, March 5 - No school for students
Spring Break (No School)
Monday, March 25 - Friday, March 29