To read this newsletter in other languages, please visit our website.
Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
Be sure to RSVP for orientation and schedule a registration appointment by contacting Angela Agana by email or phone 703-326-5200.
Herndon Middle School Curriculum Night & Fair
Thursday, February 1, 2024
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Herndon Middle School Auditorium
5:30 - 6:30 Special Education and ESOL Pre-Sessions
6:00 - 6:30 Curriculum Presentation
6:30 - 7:30 Curriculum Fair
Flyer English | Flyer Spanish
Providing Food Security for Students on Weekends
We are thankful for our community partners who support us by providing weekend meals. We support students by providing over 145 meals and the peace of food security during the weekend. Please consider making a contribution to help us in maintaining this weekly support for our students. Thank you!
Order your 2023-2024 yearbook at
Don't delay. Order today.
Community Flyers
Spring - Herndon Reston Youth Baseball
Flyer English | Flyer Spanish
The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care.
We invite you to submit your story, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees, specifically at Dranesville.
Save the Date
January 22 Intervention Letters Mailed to Families
January 25 End of Second Quarter | Early Release 2:05 pm
January 26 Teacher Workday | Student Holiday
February 1 Herndon Middle School Curriculum Night English | Spanish
February 14 Dranesville Loves to Read Day
February 19 Presidents' Day | No School
March 5 School Planning Day | Student Holiday
March 25-29 Spring Break | No School
April 1 Teacher Workday | Student Holiday
April 2 Staff Development Day | Student Holiday
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
#DranesvilleCARES about each other and the world!