GBE Happenings 1.24.2024

In this week's GBE Happenings:

New Happenings at GBE

Photo of the Week 📷
Partner with the Principal
GBE House Color Thursday 🏠
January Parent Workshop 🚸
1st Annual GBE Night 💚
Quarter End, Early Release 1/25-1/26
Anti-Vaping Campaign 🚫

Still Happening at GBE 

FriYaY AttenDANCE 💃🕺
Follow Us on Socials 💻
Looking Ahead 📅
In Case You Missed It 📁
Rocking Roadrunner ⭐ 
PickUp Patrol Reminders 🚗

Photo of the Week 📷


Partner with the Principal

Please join us in the library on February 1st from 8:00-9:00 to meet with our administrative team to reflect on our second quarter together. You can RSVP by clicking here.

House Color Thursday 🏠


Get ready to show your house pride!

This Thursday is House Color Spirit Day! Don your house colors and join us for a day of fun and spirited competition.  

Here's a quick reminder of the house colors:

  • Flair: Pink
  • Stone: Yellow
  • Falls: Purple
  • Dragon: Black
  • Sharks: Blue
  • Everest: White
  • Sloth: Orange
  • Fire: Red

We can't wait to see you representing your house!


January Parent Workshop

The January Parent Workshop in our series will be held on the 31st of January at 10:00 AM in Trailer 2 (GBE Family Resource Center). Families can join in-person or virtually for any workshop. Mrs. Eley will send an E-notify message with the Zoom link on the 30th of January. Even though we encourage you to attend in person, so you can interact with our specialists, we will send a YouTube link of the workshop for families if they are unable to attend. The topic is going to be “Understanding Self Esteem”. In effort to provide important information as we continue our partnership as #OneGBE!

Arabic and Spanish interpreters will be available.


Reserven la fecha Estimadas familias de GBE

El taller para padres de enero de nuestra serie se llevará a cabo el 31 de enero a las 10:00 a. m. en el tráiler 2 (Centro de recursos familiares GBE). Las familias pueden unirse en persona o virtualmente a cualquier taller. La Sra. Eley enviará un mensaje de notificación electrónica con el enlace de Zoom el 30 de enero. Aunque le recomendamos que asista en persona para que pueda interactuar con nuestros especialistas, enviaremos un enlace de YouTube del taller a las familias si no pueden asistir. El tema será “Comprender la autoestima”. ¡En un esfuerzo por brindar información importante mientras continuamos nuestra asociación como #OneGBE!

Habrá intérpretes de árabe y español disponibles.

january parent worksop

GBE 가족들에게 날짜 저장


우리 시리즈의 1월 학부모 워크숍은 1월 31일 오전 10시 트레일러 2(GBE 가족자원관)에서 개최됩니다. 가족들은 직접 또는 가상으로 모든 워크숍에 참여할 수 있습니다. Mrs. Eley 부인은 1월 30일에 줌 링크와 함께 E-notification 메시지를 보낼 것입니다. 전문가들과 교류할 수 있도록 직접 참석을 권장하지만, 가족들이 참석하지 못할 경우 워크숍의 유튜브 링크를 보내드립니다. 주제는 "자존감의 이해"입니다. #OneGBE로서 지속적인 파트너십을 유지하면서 중요한 정보를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다!


아랍어와 스페인어 통역이 가능할 것입니다.



1st Annual GBE Night 💚

GBE Family Night

Click this link to sign up 

Quarter End, Early Release

Calendar reminder graphic

Thursday, January 25, is the last day of the quarter and a two-hour early release for students. Also, schools are closed for students on Friday, January 26, for a teacher work day. See the complete school year calendar.

Anti-Vaping Campaign



The National PTA, and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids are committed to educating youth, parents, school boards and local officials about the dangers of e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. Your PTSA is running its own campaign beginning this February!

*At our next general meeting on February 15th at 6:30 p.m. in the school library, we will host a guest speaker on the topic of tobacco use and vaping among our youth. Stacey King is a licensed clinical social worker and the substance abuse prevention specialist for the Chantilly Pyramid.

You must be 18 or older to attend. Ms. King will discuss the harms of tobacco use and vaping and will provide information about the latest trends in tobacco/vape use in our community. She will also talk about ways parents can initiate productive conversations with their children. There will be time for a question-and-answer session, and literature will be available in both English and Spanish. Light refreshments and student-provided childcare will be provided.

To register for this free event, please sign up here:

FriYay AttenDANCE 🕺💃

Today's Attendance rate is 81.8%

As of today, students enrolled at the beginning of the school year that have missed 8 or fewer days of school are helping us reach our goal of 85% (percentage of students not chronically absent). Thank you for making regular school attendance a priority! We love dancing our way out of the building on Fridays at dismissal when our overall chronic absenteeism rate is below 15%!

👍Follow Us On Social Media❤️


Want to see more photos and videos of what’s going on at Greenbriar East? Follow us on social media!


📅 Looking Ahead 📅

January 25- Last Day of 2nd Quarter, 2 Hour Early Release

January 26- No School, Teacher Workday

January 31- Family Workshop 10-11 am in Trailer 2 

February 1- Partner with the Principal, 8:00 am in the Library

📁 In Case You Missed It 📁

Did you miss a GBE Happenings? Want to take a look at past weekly newsletters? Click this link


⭐ Rocking Roadrunner ⭐

FCPS Cares


Do you want to celebrate a GBE employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way, or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

Pickup Patrol

Use PickUp Patrol to report absences

In emergencies, email or call the front office 

This is a reminder to put your students' absence, arriving late, or leaving school early in Pickup Patrol (PUP). All default plans should be up to date. Make sure you change the default plan anytime you change your students' permanent dismissal. Emails and phone calls are no longer encouraged, except for emergencies. When you enter a change in PUP, it goes directly to your child’s teacher as well as our front office staff. Please remember to provide a reason for the absence, late arrival or early dismissal. Changes must be entered on PUP by 2:30pm each day. If you need assistance setting up your PickUp Patrol account, please reach out to Adriana Barreto at 703-633-6400 or 

Este es un recordatorio para poner la ausencia de sus estudiantes, llegar tarde o salir temprano de la escuela en Pickup Patrol (PUP). Todos los planes predeterminados deben estar actualizados. Asegúrese de cambiar el plan predeterminado cada vez que cambie el despido permanente de sus estudiantes. Ya no se recomiendan los correos electrónicos ni las llamadas telefónicas, excepto en casos de emergencia. Cuando ingresa un cambio en PUP, se envía directamente al maestro de su hijo y al personal de nuestra oficina principal. Recuerde proporcionar el motivo de la ausencia, llegada tardía o salida anticipada. Los cambios deben ingresarse en PUP antes de las 2:30 p. m. todos los días. Si necesita ayuda para configurar su cuenta PickUp Patrol, comuníquese con Adriana Barreto al 703-633-6400 o


هذا تذكير لوضع غياب طلابك أو الوصول متأخرًا أو مغادرة المدرسة مبكرًا في دورية الالتقاط  Pickup Patrol (PUP). يجب أن تكون كافة الخطط الافتراضية محدثة. تأكد من تغيير الخطة الافتراضية في أي وقت تقوم فيه بتغيير الانصراف الدائم لطلابك. لم يعد يتم تشجيع إرسال رسائل البريد الإلكتروني والمكالمات الهاتفية، باستثناء حالات الطوارئ. عندما تقوم بإدخال تغيير في PUP، فإنه يذهب مباشرة إلى معلم طفلك وكذلك موظفي المكتب الأمامي لدينا. يرجى تذكر تقديم سبب الغياب أو الوصول المتأخر أو الانصراف المبكر. يجب إدخال التغييرات على PUP بحلول الساعة 2:30 ظهرًا كل يوم. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في إعداد حساب PickUp Patrol الخاص بك، فيرجى التواصل مع Adriana Barreto على الرقم 703-633-6400 أو