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Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
Tuesday, 1/23: Chipotle Fundraiser for WS Athletic Training; 4 - 8pm
Wednesday, 1/24: FAFSA Completion Seminar, 7 - 9pm (Library)
Thursday, 1/25: End of Quarter 2, Early Release
Friday, 1/26: Teacher Workday, Student Holiday
Monday, 1/19: Washington's Birthday and Presidents' Day, no school
Friday, 3/8: International Night, 7pm
Thursday, 3/21: EL Parent's Night, 6:30pm
📆 End of 2nd Quarter
January 25th will mark the end the 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester. There will be a 2 hour early release on the 25th and Student Holiday on the 26th.
SIS Parent and StudentVue will be temporarily unavailable during the 2nd Quarter on the following dates and times:
- Thursday, January 25, 4pm until Monday, February 5, 6am.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this period. Report cards will be available on Parent/Student Vue by the 2nd week in February.
Virginia Principal's Appreciation Week
 It's Virginia School Principals Week and we truly appreciate our incredible principal -- Mr. Mike Mukai -- for his leadership, dedication, and passion.
Our College Partnership Program invited several recent Spartan graduates back to West Springfield to speak about their post secondary experiences since graduating. This year’s panel included graduates from the Class of 2023: (pictured above, L-R) Angel Risper, Ahmed Abbas, Ingrid Rauchas, Khadijah Murtaza, and Lina Bondesson. The group decided a reunion visit to their high school alma mater wouldn't be complete without a picture with their principal!
Virginia School Principals Appreciation Week is an opportunity to recognize the hard work of Virginia school principals and to recognize the importance of school leaders in ensuring that every child has access to a quality education. Thanks Mr. Mukai for the ways you lead our school faculty and staff and mentor our students to do and become their best. We appreciate you!
FAFSA Completion Seminar
The 2024-2025 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is open. Current seniors should plan to complete this form to determine their eligibility for financial aid for their first year of post-secondary education. College Access Fairfax has partnered with our high school to offer a FAFSA completion event on Wednesday, January 24 at 7 - 9pm (Library). Please RSVP if you plan to attend WSHS’s event.
Before you come, participants should have already created an FSA ID for yourself and your student. Find out more and RSVP HERE.

Edison Academy Open House
Students, parents, and community members are invited to come meet with Edison Academy teachers and staff. Experience student demonstrations, tour classrooms, labs and more.
DATE: Saturday, February 3
TIME: 10am - 1pm
For more information, contact Academy Counselor Cassandra Deedy.
2024 Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s School (SRGS)
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) offers the opportunity for 10th and 11th grade students to apply to attend summer residential Governor’s schools in academics and Visual and Performing Arts (VPA). Students who are accepted into one of the programs will live in residence halls in one of the state colleges in VA for four weeks in the June - late July timeframe. To learn more about SRGS opportunities and the application process, visit the VDOE website and view the promotional video.
To be considered for the Brand New Medicine and Health Sciences Governor’s School, students must complete the Interest Form by 1/24/24.
Academic Advising Schedule Dates and Information
- Our Academic Website is currently available. Students and parents can find a great deal of information on this site, including how teachers provide class feedback, course selection sheets, how to add classes for next year to SIS StudentVue and much more. This is a public site available to all.
- Students interested in School Leadership or Sports Leadership must complete an application. The application can be found at this link and will close today, January, 19.
- January 22. We will have an advising lesson. Students will revisit how to add classes for next year to their StudentVue.
- Student considering taking a Dual Enrollment (DE) class will have to complete this packet.
- To better serve DE students during Academic Advising, we are asking students to share their student NOVA ID, aka Empl ID, so that we can ensure a smooth Dual Enrollment process.
DE Students who have not yet created a NOVA ID (Empl ID) and know that they will be signing up for a NOVA Dual Enrollment class for 2024-2025 School year, please access this website to create the ID. Share the ID HERE once one is created.
Important Academic Advising Dates:
- February 5 - 9, Academic Advising Rising Juniors
- February 12 - 16, Academic Advising Rising Seniors
- February 20 - 27, Academic Advising Rising Sophomores
- March 29, last day to make schedule change requests for 2024-25 School Year.
Late Senior Portrait Opportunity
It is not too late to be in the yearbook! Victor O'Neill Studios is offering Senior portraits at their studio, Ironlight in Chantilly, Virginia. Seniors can schedule an appointment by visiting their website. The studio operates on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to book your spot soon. Seniors must have their photo taken at the studio no later than February 11th.
The Ironlight Studio is semi-private, and seniors have access to the school's formal yearbook photo. To enhance your experience, you can opt for an elevated photography session. The studio's website provides details about all session types and upgrades.
If you need additional information or have questions, please contact the studio directly at ironlight@vosphoto.com.
Note: this opportunity is being provided by the photography company, Victor O'Neil Studios, and will not be held at WSHS nor is this organized by WSHS Student Activities nor the Yearbook Staff. This is the final opportunity for seniors to be included in the yearbook.
🎓Seniors: Graduation Gear and Class Rings
Order HERE
Need help or want to order by phone? Please call 1-800-567-8367
Spartan Sports Calendar, Week of Jan 22 - 27
Click the image above for access to the Spartan Sports Calendar.
🌯Chipotle Night for WS Athletic Training
Lets get out and make it a big day for the Athletic Training Program with their Chipotle fundraiser on January 23, 4 - 8pm.
Thirty-three percent of the proceeds will come back to the Athletic Training Room!
Order online with code ZZL6JTB or show the flyer in person.
Student Activities Highlights
🤸🏼 West Springfield and Lewis Varsity Gymnastics Camp
Athletic Boosters
🏅Athletic Booster Club Scholarship
2024 Rob Benton and Ron Tugwell Scholarship
Open to WSHS graduating seniors who participated in a VHSL sanctioned event or an FCPS supported club sport at WSHS at any time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE Sunday, April 7, 2024
May include, but not necessarily limited to: Athletes Performers Managers Trainers Statisticians Videographers
Baseball Basketball Cheerleading Crew Cross Country Debate Field Hockey Football Forensics Golf Gymnastics Indoor Track Lacrosse One Act Play Outdoor Track Rifle Scholastics Soccer Softball Swim & Dive Tennis Volleyball Wrestling
Submit your Application Today!
Winners will be notified prior to the Senior Sports Banquet
Athletic Boosters Club Nominations and Elections
The Spartan Athletic Boosters are accepting nominations for the Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 school year.
Elections will be held on May 1, 2024 @ the Booster Club Board Meeting
Submission Deadline is April 28, 2024
Submit a self-nomination today!
Need additional information? Check out our website and social media pages at:
📣Spirit Wear
Shop online for spirit wear. Two options:
Option #1: HERE
- 15% off $70 with code: WIN15
(Exclusions apply to the brands: The North Face, Acrux, and TravisMathew).
Option # 2: Looking for flannel pajama bottoms, hoodies, beanies, and decals? These items are available at the concession stand at all home games!
Stay in Touch with Spartan Sports!
You can follow WSHS Spartan Sports on social media:
X: @wshssports
YouTube Channels: LINK
Sign Up For the Sports and Activities News You Choose
 We're using a new Activities Calendar this year. Check it out.
Yearbooks and Senior Ads Now On Sale
 Yearbooks and Senior Ads are now on sale! Orders can be placed online at https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ using school code 4150 and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. We sold out of yearbooks for the past two years, so order yours today! We cannot guarantee books will be available for in-person sales at the end of the year. For questions, please email Ms. Melissa Morgan, Yearbook Adviser, at mmorgan2@fcps.edu.
OPIOD AWARENESS: What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse?
FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.
What can families do?
- Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink.
- Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success.
- Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage.
- Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors.
- Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”
Visit the FCPS website for more information.
📝 Tutor.com Can Help With More Than Homework
Tutor.com can help with more than just homework! This on-demand tutoring service also offers a comprehensive range of resources that include exam prep for AP, SAT, and ACT tests at no cost to families.
Students can take practice quizzes at any time. If they struggle in particular areas, they can immediately connect to a live tutor for help through voice or chat options. Learn more on the FCPS Tutor.com webpage.
✈️ Learn About Opportunities For the Year Following Graduation at the Gap Year Fair
FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas will co-host the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 30, 6 - 8:30pm, at Marshall High School.
This event is for high school students and their families who are interested in learning about increasing opportunities for the year following high school graduation. Students should register at USA Gap Year Fairs.
Save the Date: FCPS Military Fair (Virtual), March 20, 5:30pm
- Service Panel
- 2 x Optional Breakout Sessions
- Service Academies / ROTC
- Enlistment
More information to follow!
News for the Community
  Register HERE for the Zoom meeting.
Next PTSA Fundraiser
Save the Date:

Please, please don't wait any longer to join the PTSA!
Over 300-members have joined, but we need to get to 400 members to meet our budget! Please help us get there.
If you are unsure whether you've joined, e-mail us and we'll check!
YOU can make a difference in our school.
- Don't wait for someone else to do it.
- BONUS: members get access to recordings of meetings and other info!
USAG Fort Belvoir Youth Program
The USAG Fort Belvoir Youth Program caters to students grades 6-12 by offering a variety of affordable activities, trips, and programs to enrich the experiences and connections of our military-connected youth. Programs range from leadership and workforce preparation opportunities to life skills and fitness programs.
Within the Fort Belvoir Youth Program, the Youth Center opens after school and provides access to a diverse range of facilities including a gym, game room, art room, and dance studio. The free Middle School Teen program offers a homework lab, computer lab, open recreation, and special interest activities. For the high school students, the Youth Center offers a teen lounge as a place to watch movies, play games, or just hang out.
To take advantage of the Youth Center and all it has to offer, attendees must register through CYS Parent Central Services. For more information, visit the Fort Belvoir Youth Center. To connect with FCPS resources, please email militaryfamilies@fcps.edu.
Quick Links
WSHS Class of 2024 ANGP
Find general information HERE
Have you purchased your Class of 2024 Yard Sign yet? Options to personalize! Show your Spartan spirit all year long with a Spartan Class of 2024 or Home of a Spartan yard sign. Yard signs aren’t just for seniors! All proceeds benefit the ANGP for the Class of 2024! Order yours at https://wshs-angp.square.site/signs
Ready to Eat, Live, and Love Better?
Friends and families of West Springfield High School can sign up for the Seasonal Roots online farmers market and get a 1-year membership for just $25 (50% off)! For each sign up, Seasonal Roots will donate $20 to the West Springfield High School All Night Grad Party!
Seasonal Roots offers custom orders with convenient home delivery of a wide variety of farm-fresh produce, baked goods, eggs, milk and artisan goods.
Click here to sign up and be sure to use the promo code WSHSANGP2024.
WSHS Social Media
Find WSHS Spartans on:

Need Help? Contact our Family Liaison
If you have questions about navigating the school, learning about FCPS resources, or getting your student setup for success, our Family Liaison can help. Email to set up an appointment.