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Good afternoon families,

We hope your family has enjoyed the last two snow days!  Just a reminder that this coming Thursday, January 25th, is an early dismissal for students.  This means that they will be dismissed from school at 2:05PM.  Friday, January 26th is a Teacher Workday and students do not come to school. Enjoy another long weekend!  We will get back into our regular school routine on January 29th.

This year, we are working very hard to lower our absenteeism rate.  Since 2020, our school absenteeism rate has risen and we need to partner with you to make sure that your child is coming to school.  If your child has a fever, please keep them home, otherwise we want to see their smiling faces coming through our doors!   Please reach out to  Mrs. Coleman or Mrs. Darlington, our school  counselors, if your child is having difficulty coming to school.  We want to make sure they are supported.  Thank you for your partnership!   

Stay warm this weekend and we will welcome students to school on Monday!


Laura Elliott, Principal 

Quarter End, Early Release, and Student Holiday

Thursday, January 25, is the last day of the quarter and a two-hour early release for students. Also, schools are closed for students on Friday, January 26, for a teacher work day. See the complete school year calendar.

Attendance Rewards

Classes work very hard to reach perfect attendance each day.  Each day a whole class is here at school they get closer to winning a prize!  Some prizes are popcorn, ice cream, cookies, and cotton candy parties.  Please help us by making sure your child is at school everyday so they do not miss out on the fun.

If for any reason they need to stay home (vomiting or fever), please call the main office. We need every student accounted for every day.  Attendance matters….every school day counts!  Thank you!

Weather Days

For the current school year, FCPS will be returning to its previous procedure for snow days — there will be no virtual learning days when school is closed due to bad weather. 

During snow days, students may still access Tutor.com, complete any supplemental learning opportunities recommended by their teachers, and view educational programming (available virtually and on public access television channels):

Eleven snow days are built into the existing FCPS calendar. Eliminating virtual learning days will allow us to maximize students’ in-person learning and provide equitable access to instruction and student services.

Safe Students, Safe Schools

Fairfax County Public Schools believes that academic success is built on the foundation of a safe learning environment. This includes physical safety, and mental health and wellness. 

FCPS has a comprehensive approach to safety that involves physical security measures, online monitoring by security staff, and crisis intervention support. The division has created the Safe Students, Safe Schools Brochure (PDF) to enhance your awareness of potential hazards and to equip you with practical tips for how you can help. Visit the FCPS website for more information.

Opioid Awareness

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Family Resource Center

Free Resources for Families

Did you know that caregivers can access free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities? 

Learn more about FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC).

Be the first to learn about new workshops by signing up for the FRC newsletter.

National Mentoring Month


Imagine a world where young people feel empowered, encouraged, and understood. Mentors can make that world a reality by helping young people find and follow their passions, excel in school, and thrive wherever they are.  Learn more about Mentoring Month.

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet one in three children lack a mentor.

All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life.

FCPS’ MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Please contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at mmacdonald@fcps.edu


Tutor.com offers more than help with homework! This on-demand tutoring service also provides a comprehensive range of resources including exam prep for AP, SAT, and ACT tests at no cost to families. 

Students can take practice quizzes at any time. If they struggle in particular areas, they can immediately connect to a live tutor for help through voice or chat options. Learn more on the FCPS Tutor.com webpage.

Food Insecurity Resources for Families

Food insecurity impacts more than 60,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Find out how to receive or offer support on the Fairfax County website, or view their Human Services Resource Guide for assistance with food, clothing, housing, and other services.

literacy eliteracy


FCPS Needs School Bus Drivers 

School Bus Drivers earn $25.04/hour plus excellent benefits.

$2,000 signing bonus!

For more information call 571-423-3023

Mark Your Calendar!

Thursday, January 25- Quarter End, Early Release for students (dismissal will be at 2:05pm)

Friday, January 26- Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day

Monday, February 19-  Presidents' Day - Student and Staff Holiday