Bush Hill Updates - Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Bush Hill 2 Hour Delay Schedule

Doors open at 10:50 AM

Busses will come 2 hours later that the normal stop time

School begins promptly at 11:10 AM

Breakfast is NOT served

Lunch & Special Schedule

2 Hour Delay


Specials Time

Lunch Time

2nd Grade/ ID


12:55 - 1:25



1:10 - 1:40

1st Grade


1:00- 1:30

3rd Grade


12:05- 12:35

6th Grade/ Class 5C



4th Grade/ Class 6C


11:55- 12:25

5th Grade/ Classes 2A, 4E, 1E


12:25- 12:55

Specialist Lunch 12:30 - 1:00


Dismissal is at regular time of 3:55 PM

2-Hour Delay for all FCPS Schools

All Fairfax County public schools and school offices will open two hours late on Wednesday, January 17. Central Office employees may report two hours later than their regular scheduled time, but no later than 10 a.m.  

The unscheduled leave policy is in effect for all employees. In accordance with Regulation 4417, telework-eligible employees may telework or take unscheduled leave. Please check in with your program manager or supervisor to report your status.  

Central offices will open to the public at 10 a.m. 

  • Morning preschool (special education) classes are canceled. 
  • Afternoon preschool classes start on their regular schedule.
  • Full-day preschool (special education) and Family and Early Childhood Education Program/Head Start classes start two hours later than the regular schedule.
  • Morning field trips are canceled.
  • Morning transportation for high school academy classes is canceled. Transportation for afternoon academy classes will be provided.
  • Adult High School and GED courses will start two hours late.
  • Adult and Community Education (ACE) classes will start on time. ​​​​​​​
  • Homebound and home-based instruction will begin at 10 a.m.
  • School-age child care (SACC) centers will open at 8 a.m.

Cafe News

Dear Bush Hill Community,

Happy New Year! As we set resolutions and self-reflect, we’ve been thinking about ways to make our school even better. One of the first areas our data indicated we should focus on is our Cafe. To ensure this is a pleasant environment to enjoy lunch, we will be specifically focusing on re-establishing expectations and routines. Additionally, we have implemented some new systems that we believe will help this space run more efficiently. While we will be reviewing these expectations with your student here at school, we know we are a team and invite you to review and practice them at home as well. We’ve included a picture of our expectations for your review. 

To honor all their hard work, we will be positively reinforcing the classes’ behavior by awarding compliments when they demonstrate the expectations. This will mirror what we are doing in other areas of the school. These compliments will lead to classwide celebrations.

Additionally, there will be consistent logical consequences to address behaviors in the cafeteria. Your student’s teacher will communicate with you as necessary about your student’s behavior. 

Thank you for your partnership as we kick off the new year here at Bush Hill, where we “Appreciate, Include, Empathize…We All Belong!”

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher. 

Jaclyn Welsh

Assistant Principal

Last Chance Lost & Found


So many coats, hats, gloves, lunch boxes and water bottles!   All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the Month.  Please remember to label your child's items so they can be returned to them if found.  Thank you!



Tutor.com can help with more than just homework! This on-demand tutoring service also offers a comprehensive range of resources that include exam prep for AP, SAT, and ACT tests at no cost to families. 

Students can take practice quizzes at any time. If they struggle in particular areas, they can immediately connect to a live tutor for help through voice or chat options. Learn more on the FCPS Tutor.com webpage.


Family Resource Center -- Free Resources for Families

Did you know that caregivers can access free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities? 

Learn more about FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC).

Be the first to learn about new workshops by signing up for the FRC newsletter.