Rise Against Hunger Volunteer Sign-up Link

Dear Colvin Run Elementary School families, 

We are writing to encourage you to support your student(s) as they endeavor to collaborate with their Langley Pyramid peers to Rise Against Hunger. This yearly Langley Pyramid tradition is successful due to the support and commitment of our families. We held our last Rise Against Hunger event in February 2023, with our meals going to Convoy of Hope, a School Feeding Program in the Philippines. This event was a huge success and provided an outstanding service learning opportunity for children and adults of all ages.   

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, families in the Langley Pyramid are joining at Colvin Run Elementary School to help needy families. In partnership with Rise Against Hunger, the Langley Pyramid schools will prepare 75,000 meal packages for schools and orphanages worldwide. Each meal costs only 46 cents to make. For just $15, you can donate over 32 meals; $30 will make over 65 meals; $100 will make nearly 220 meals.  

Help raise money for the event: Students are encouraged to donate loose change or earned money to Rise Against Hunger. Students should bring in any money they would like to donate. Our school is collecting cash during arrival January 8 to January 31.  

Donate money online:  In order to reach our goal of 75,000 meals, the Langley Pyramid needs to raise $35,000 by January 31st . If your company makes matching contributions, please consider having them join you in making a tax-deductible donation today at Langley Pyramid Rise Against Hunger 2024 and help us Rise Against Hunger.  

Volunteer for the event: (Sign up opens January 10) 

Register to volunteer for the event at: 

Enter your Last Name and Enter "Quantity" as the number of volunteers in your party attending.  If for any reason you need to cancel, please cancel through the Sign-up Genius to make those slots available to other Langley pyramid families. Being a popular Langley pyramid event, please sign up as volunteer slots will fill up quickly.  Children ages 4-12 must be accompanied by an adult. On the day of the event, volunteers package meals based on the amount of money raised, so it is recommended that if you wish to volunteer for the event, please make a monetary donation.    

We package meals based on the amount of money raised and our Langley pyramid goal is $35,000 which provides 75,000 meals. With each meal feeding 5-6 people, this is a wonderful event that impacts over 400,000 individuals around the world and broadens the perspective of our students and families. 


Mr. Junge, Mr. Soderstrom, and Mrs. Friedman