January 8, 2024

January 8, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Ms. Mirnaly Vega

Dear Sleepy Hollow Families, 

Happy New Year! The first week back was exciting, rejoiceful and cheerful from all staff and students. We ended the week with a thrilling assembly that Mr. Scesney likes to call the AttenDANCE Pep Rally. Each day we stopped by classrooms that had perfect attendance. By the end of the week, we handed out over 11 certificates to various classrooms and I'm proud to share that the first grade classrooms ALL had perfect attendance for the entire week! The competition is in the air and students were reminded at the pep rally the importance of good attendance and ways to stay healthy and safe. As the title suggests, there was plenty of dancing and celebrating as all grades wiggled, smiled, and performed the macarena. We ended the pep rally with a reminder to students of Sleepy Hollow behavior expectations focusing on the 3 daily intentions; Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. 

In other news, we will be celebrating our superb results of the Read-A-Thon on Wednesday January 10th at 6:30 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing many families come out to engage with your children with a full range of fun literacy activities at Sleepy Hollow. More details below.

Warmest regards, 

Mirnaly Vega and Tim Scesney

Principal and Assistant Principal


Read A Thon Celeb

Read - A - Thon Celebration

Bus Stops beginning at 5:30 p.m. 

Patrick Henry Drive & Willston Drive

6134 Willston Drive

2937 John Marshall Drive

3056 Patrick Henry Drive 

We will need parent volunteers for this event, please consider signing up here: https://bit.ly/shescelebratereading

Winners by grade:

Kindergarten: Ms Vu's class read a total of 21,982 minutes

First grade: Ms. Abogado's class read a total of 8,430 minutes

Second grade: Ms. Cay's class read a total of 22,980 minutes

Third grade: Ms. Harris' class read a total of 10,803 minutes

Fourth grade: Ms. Sroufe's class read a total of 30,539 minutes 

Fifth grade: Ms. Revere's class read a total of 16,733 minutes 

Multi-Age: Ms. Butt's class read a total of 5,100 minutes

On behalf of the PTA, the winning class for each grade will choose either a pizza or donut party. 

🗺️Dual Language Immersion Program

Registration - Registration for the countywide lottery for Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs will open on Monday, January 22. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion programs for the 2024-25 school year. Programs are available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting. Meetings are held at the school site. Check the FCPS events calendar for the most current information. Meetings will begin on Tuesday, January 16

A virtual meeting hosted by the World Languages Office will include general program information. Access to this virtual meeting will be made available on the FCPS events calendar and the Dual Language Immersion registration site on the day of the meeting.

Get more information on the immersion program webpage and registration page. 

🔢 Help FCPS Reach 1 Million Minutes of Math

FCPS Family Math Week starts on Monday, January 8! Participate in games and stories online. FCPS is working toward a total of 1 million minutes logged by families. The event is free, with activities from ST Math geared toward students in grades K-6 and their families. 

Math Week offers families an opportunity to experience math, literacy, history, and geography in a fun and positive way. All content will be available for families in English and Spanish beginning Monday, January 8. Visit the Math Week website


Library News

Did you know that the Fairfax County Public Library loans out more than just books?  They also have specialized tools available to borrow for free from their “Library of Things.”  Laser thermometers, battery testers, and air quality monitors are just a few examples.  Dozens of other helpful items are also available to check out at no cost with your library card such as artwork, binoculars, games, Connect Chromebook Kits, Conserve Energy Kits, early literacy Launchpad tablets, nature backpacks, and thermal cameras.  Our local library system is an AMAZING resource for everyone in our community.  Visit your local Fairfax County Public Library branch or their Library of Things webpage:  https://research.fairfaxcounty.gov/lot?utm_campaign+=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery


Barbara Oswalt

Librarian, Sleepy Hollow Elementary School (106)


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