The Pine Spring Paw Print

Paw Print Topics:

PTA Bingo Night


AAP Nights

AAP 2024

FCPS Family Math Week starts on Monday, January 8!

Participate in games and stories online. FCPS is working toward a total of 1 million minutes logged by families. The event is free, with activities from ST Math geared toward students in grades K-6 and their families. 

Math Week offers families an opportunity to experience math, literacy, history, and geography in a fun and positive way. All content will be available for families in English and Spanish beginning Monday, January 8. Visit the Math Week website.

Lost Dog

Lost Dog

❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place where we will post an emergency weather closing. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and plan for childcare if appropriate.

Stay Connected and Informed: The Importance of Monitoring Your Child on Social Media

social media

Even though the age for apps like TikTok is 13, we know that some of our students have accounts. While social media offers numerous benefits, such as connecting with friends, sharing experiences, and learning new things, it also comes with its own set of challenges. We encourage you to enforce the expectation that children are at least 13 years old to have a social media account.  If your child is going to access social media, it is crucial that you remain vigilant and actively monitor our children's online activities to ensure their safety and well-being as a responsible caretaker. 

Here are some key reasons why monitoring your child on social media is essential:

  1. Online Safety: The internet can be full of cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and people with nefarious intent. Monitoring your child's online interactions allows you to protect them from these dangers and provide guidance on appropriate online behavior.

  2. Privacy and Personal Information: Children may not always understand the importance of safeguarding their personal information. Teaching them to be cautious and monitoring their sharing habits can prevent potential privacy breaches.

  3. Mental and Emotional Well-being: Social media can sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety among young users. By staying informed about your child's online experiences, you can address any issues that may be affecting their mental and emotional well-being.

  4. Time Management: Excessive screen time can have a negative impact on a child's physical and mental health. Monitoring their online usage can help strike a balance between screen time and other important activities such as homework, physical exercise, and face-to-face social interactions.

Here are a few tips to help you effectively monitor your child on social media:

  • Open Communication: Foster an open and trusting relationship with your child. Encourage them to talk to you about their online experiences, concerns, or anything that makes them uncomfortable.

  • Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with the social media platforms your child uses. Understand the features, privacy settings, and potential risks associated with each platform.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear rules and guidelines for social media usage, including when and where they can use it and for how long.

  • Use Parental Control Tools: Utilize parental control apps or settings on devices to limit access to inappropriate content and track your child's online activities.

  • Lead by Example: Be a positive role model by demonstrating responsible online behavior and showing respect for others on social media.

Remember, our goal is not to invade our children's privacy but to ensure their safety and well-being in the digital world. By actively monitoring and engaging in open conversations about social media, we can help our children navigate the online landscape responsibly and confidently.

Save The Date

save the date


January 9: AAP Strategies Night- Social Studies

January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday- Holiday

January 19: PTA Bingo

January 16-March 15: WIDA Testing

January 26: Teacher Workday/Student Holiday

January 30: Yearbook Clubs and Candid Pictures

February 1: AAP Parent Session (6:00 PM)

February 1: PTA Meeting (7:00 PM)

February 6-March 1: IOWA (IAAT) Testing (6th Advanced Math)

February 19: George Washington’s Birthday-Holiday

March 5: School Planning Day/Student Holiday

March 5: Kindergarten Orientation 

March 7: AAP Parent Session (5:00 PM)

March 7: PTA Meeting (7:00 PM)

March 12: 3rd Grade Field Trip- GMU Center for the Arts

March 14: Family Math Night

March 20: Falls Church Pyramid Art Show- (5:00 PM)

March 21: Spring Portraits and Class Pictures

March 25-March 29: Spring Break

April 1: Teacher Workday/Student Holiday

April 2: Staff Development Day/Student Holiday

April 2: Kindergarten Orientation (9:00 AM)

April 4: PTA Meeting (7:00 PM)

April 4: 6th Grade Field Trip (Graham/Lewis)

April 4-12: Naglieri (NNAT) Testing (1)

April 5: 6th Grade Field Trip (Monroe/Hamm)

April 10: Holiday- Eid al Fitr

April 12: 4th Grade Strings Rehearsal (9:00 AM-Cafeteria)

April 12: Combined 5th & 6th Grade Band Rehearsal- Gym (9:00 AM)

April 16: 6th Grade Band Rehearsal in the Band Trailer / 6th Grade Strings Rehearsal- Gym (9:00 AM)

April 16: 1st Grade Field Trip- National Zoo

April 16: 5th Grade Band Rehearsal in the Band Trailer / 5th Grade Strings Rehearsal- Gym (10:05AM)

April 17: 4th Grade Strings Concert (9:00AM)

April 18: 5th and 6th Grade Band and Strings Concert (9:00AM)

April 18: AAP Level IV orientation (6:00 PM)

April 19: ALVN Build a Child’s Library 

April 23: Family Science Night

April 26-27: All County Chorus Festival

April 27: Falls Church Jaguar 5k

April 29-May 3: Teacher Appreciation Week

April 29-May 24: Spring SOL Testing Window

May 2: PTA Meeting (7:00 PM)

May 3: Teacher Workday/Student Holiday

May 7: 6th Grade Panoramic Picture

May 10: K Field Trip- Hidden Oak Nature Center

May 27: Holiday- Memorial Day

June 6: PTA Meeting (7:00 PM)

June 11: K and 6th Grade Promotion

June 12: Last Day for Students

See the complete school year calendar