McNair Elementary School Weekly Newsletter- January 5, 2024


The Mustang Weekly Newsletter

Greetings McNair Students and Families,

Happy New Year! It is great to have our building buzzing again. We found joy this week in reconnecting with our students and our classroom communities.  As we kickoff a new year together, our commitment and mission at McNair continues to be that we provide every student with a safe and positive learning environment, high quality instruction, and support all student's social and emotional development. At McNair, we are dedicated to maintaining a caring culture in which every student and family feels a sense of belonging. 

Together, we are looking forward to your partnership as we continue to support all of our Mustangs to thrive and meet their fullest potential this year and beyond.  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday, Mustangs!


All the best,

Mrs. Watson and Mrs. O'Bryant


Please contact us with any questions!

Principal: Elizabeth Watson,

Assistant Principal: Brandy O'Bryant, 


🗓️Attendance Matters



🙋‍♂️ Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

As we enter 2024, we look forward to your partnership in continuing to support our Mustangs in developing strong attendance habits! Students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform well in reading and math, develop strong social and emotional skills, and graduate from high school on time. Help prepare your child for future success. Visit FCPS’ Attendance web page for tips and strategies



Welcome To Team McNair, Ms. Feldhausen!!


Please join us in welcoming our new PE Teacher, Ms. Feldhausen!  We are so excited to have her join our school team! See below for a special message.

"Hi McNair community! I am so excited to have started my role as a Health and PE Teacher this week. I earned my degree in Health and Physical Education from George Mason University this December and have a passion for teaching students about the components of health and fitness. I’m looking forward to working with all of the students this school year!"

- Allison Feldhausen, PE Teacher





McNair ES Family Literacy Night

SNOW Better Time To Read!

Please join us for our Family Literacy Night, “Snow Better Time To Read!”  on Wednesday, January 31st from 4:30pm-6pm in our cafeteria, gymnasium and stage.  Students can wear pajamas or comfy clothing to school on the 31st and to the event. 

Children, along with their parents or guardians, are invited to participate in activities featuring both reading and writing, with a focus on Science of Reading techniques and strategies.  There will be a room where teachers are reading aloud to students, modeling the new read aloud structure that parents can use at home as they read to their child, as well as interactive activity stations and ideas for reinforcing reading, writing and phonics learning at home.  In  addition, please be on the lookout for an RSVP to this event next week.  This will support our school team with knowing how many participants plan on attending so we can adequately prepare with supplies for the event.  We hope that you will join us!


*All children must be accompanied by an adult to participate in this event.*





Conversation to Raise Awareness of Fentanyl and Other Drugs

Screenshot from Opioid Video

In this video, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid interviews the Fosters, a family who tragically lost their son Cayden to a half pill of fentanyl mistaken for Percocet. This heart-wrenching yet eye-opening video of their experience is essential to raise awareness among parents/caregivers and students about the dangers of fake painkillers.

Please join Dr. Reid on Wednesday, January 10, at 6:30 p.m., at Edison High School for a community conversation about opioid awareness. You may register to attend. However, registration is not required; it is simply for space considerations. 

The evening’s program is appropriate for parents/caregivers and students in grades 6-12. All attendees will receive free REVIVE! Narcan training during the event and learn about support services currently available within FCPS and Fairfax County.   

FCPS’ website also has resources to help you to start the conversation and additional support for families struggling with substance misuse.



🗺️ Dual Language Immersion Program Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs will open on Monday, January 22. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion programs for the 2024-25 school year. Programs are available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting. Meetings are held at the school site. Check the FCPS events calendar for the most current information. Meetings will begin on Tuesday, January 16

A virtual meeting hosted by the World Languages Office will include general program information. Access to this virtual meeting will be made available on the FCPS events calendar and the Dual Language Immersion registration site on the day of the meeting.

Get more information on the immersion program webpage and registration page.


Safe Students, Safe Schools

Fairfax County Public Schools believes that academic success is built on the foundation of a safe learning environment. This includes physical safety, and mental health and wellness. 

FCPS has a comprehensive approach to safety that involves physical security measures, online monitoring by security staff, and crisis intervention support. The division has created the Safe Students, Safe Schools Brochure (PDF) to enhance your awareness of potential hazards and to equip you with practical tips for how you can help. Visit the FCPS website for more information.



🔢 Help FCPS Reach 1 Million Minutes of Math

FCPS Family Math Week starts on Monday, January 8! Participate in games and stories online. FCPS is working toward a total of 1 million minutes logged by families. The event is free, with activities from ST Math geared toward students in grades K-6 and their families. 

Math Week offers families an opportunity to experience math, literacy, history, and geography in a fun and positive way. All content will be available for families in English and Spanish beginning Monday, January 8. Visit the Math Week website.



Advanced Academic Programming

Click to view Ms. Burg's & Ms. Mallory's AAP January Newsletter


In addition, check out the video created by Mrs. Burg, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, as she shares with you a few of the tools she hopes to use with your students in Thinking Lab! Please be sure to sign the Digital Resource Parent Consent so that your Mustang has access to these wonderful resources.


If you have any questions about Advanced Academics Programming at McNair, please email Ms. Burg at 




❄️ Snow Days

For the current school year, FCPS will be returning to its previous procedure for snow days — there will be no virtual learning days when school is closed due to bad weather. 

During snow days, students may still access, complete any supplemental learning opportunities recommended by their teachers, and view educational programming (available virtually and on public access television channels):

Eleven snow days are built into the existing FCPS calendar. Eliminating virtual learning days will allow us to maximize students’ in-person learning and provide equitable access to instruction and student services.




Donations Welcome!

Please see below for opportunities to make donations to support McNair Elementary School!  We greatly appreciate any contributions!


❤️Snacks for McNair Staff❤️


Please help us keep our staff lounges and teacher planning spaces stocked with individually wrapped healthy snack foods, beverages, and a few sweet treats for our awesome staff as a way to keep them energized as they educate and support our Mustangs! 

Please sign-up for any of the items listed below and drop off any donations to the main office.  The main office is open daily, Monday-Friday from 8:00am-4:00pm.  Thank you for your partnership and supporting our AMAZING McNair Staff!   Please click here to make a donation.



Digital Resource Parent Consent

We are eager to begin some exciting learning opportunities with your students here at school and we need you help before we can start! We need you to complete the digital resource consent form to use FCPS approved online tools. All the tools and applications have been vetted and are approved for students to use. Check out the video created by Mrs. Burg, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, as she shares with you a few of the tools she hopes to use with your students in Thinking Lab!


PTA Updates



Get Involved with the PTA!

The PTA supports our schools through help from our community. One way we do that is through the help of our wonderful volunteers! Whether you're available for an hour a year or an hour a week to pitch in - we have opportunities that meet everyone's busy schedule!


Support PTA: Become a Member or Volunteer


Please contact Miranda Butzlaff, our PTA President at if you want to know more information about our PTA and opportunities to get involved within our school community!



National Mentoring Month



Imagine a world where young people feel empowered, encouraged, and understood. Mentors can make that world a reality by helping young people find and follow their passions, excel in school, and thrive wherever they are.Learn more about Mentoring Month.

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet one in three children lack a mentor.

All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life.

FCPS’ MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Please contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at



Three Kings Day/Epiphany

Three Kings Day


Three Kings Day (January 6), also known as the Epiphany, is a Christian celebration that commemorates the Biblical story of the three kings who followed the star of Bethlehem to bring gifts to the Christ child. This marks the official 12th day of Christmas. Learn more at National Geographic Kids

FCPS has designated Three Kings Day/Epiphany as a religious and cultural observance day (O day). There is school on these days, however, the School Board has directed that specific events that cannot be made up will not be held on these observance days. See the complete 2023-2024 FCPS School Year  Calendar.


Orthodox Christmas



Many Orthodox Christians in the United States celebrate Christmas Day on January 7 in the Gregorian calendar. It is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe to be the son of God. Learn more facts about Christmas from National Geographic Kids.




In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:

  • Dual Language Immersion Program Registration
  • Conversation to Raise Awareness of Fentanyl and Other Drugs
  • School Safety and Security

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, please sign up today


Follow McNair on Social Media!

👍❤️ Follow Our School on Social Media!

Want to see more photos and videos of what’s going on at McNair Elementary School? Follow us on social media!


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Be Sure To Stay in Touch, McNair!

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Friendly Reminders


Mark your calendars!

As we navigate through our school year together, please mark the upcoming important dates on your calendar. 

January 15: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (Schools Closed)

January 17: PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30 PM at McNair Upper ES

January 25: PTA Movie Night at 6:00 PM at McNair ES

January 31: "Snow Better Time to Read" Family Literacy Night 4:30-6:00pm at McNair Elementary School (More information coming soon!)



2023-2024 Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival begins at 8:35am. The school day begins at 8:45am.

Dismissal begins at 3:30 pm. 



Thank you for your partnership and galloping together with us this school year!
