🌟 Principal's Message
🌟 Baroody Winter Registration
🌟 FCPS Family Math Week
🌟 ⛄ No Virtual Learning on Snow Days This Winter
🌟 Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities
🌟 The Positivity Project
🌟 Change in Transportation Protocol
🌟 Procedures when you come to join your children for lunch
🌟 🤒 When a Student Should Stay Home From School
🌟 Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
🌟 FCPS News
🌟 Save the Date
Dear Shrevewood Families,
Happy New Year! We've had a wonderful start to 2024. It's been a joy to have everyone back at school. From traveling overseas, to ice skating and watching movies with siblings, we have truly enjoyed hearing about all the fun things that you did during Winter Break.
As we jump into the new year, our teachers have done a great job of reviewing routines and procedures this week. A new year is a great time to reset and to start good habits. We look forward to seeing the growth of our students throughout the remainder of the school year.
Joshua DeSmyter, Principal
Katie Vandawalker, Assistant Principal
Baroody Winter registration is currently open and closes Sunday, 1/14, at 11:59 p.m. Programs will run from 1/22-3/15. Check out the schedule and register here.
 Come together as a community for students in K-8 for 5 nights the week of January 8, 2024, with delightful math games and stories - all on your own time and from the comfort of your own home. All content will be available for free directly to all families in English and Spanish.
Through rich story-based mathematics experiences, math week offers families an opportunity to experience math, literacy, history, and geography in a positive way. The games and stories feature several countries including Lesotho, Madagascar, Ghana, and China.
All content will be available completely free on the website starting January 8, 2024. To access the games, families will be able to simply click on the day of the week and find their child's grade and language. View the website at anytime for explanations and videos.
Families can play for as little as 15 minutes or replay over and over lasting more than an hour on any given night. For families that want to reduce screen time, we will have physical print options for access to the content and games as well.
Use the games and stories on our website or dust off your favorite math game and play it as a family.
Any and ALL math experiences outside of a normal week count. Our goal is for FCPS to experience 1,000,000 minutes of math outside of the school day. Join us!
FCPS will be returning to its previous procedure for snow days for the 2023-24 school year. There will be no virtual learning when school is closed due to bad weather.
During snow days, students may still access Tutor.com, complete any supplemental learning opportunities recommended by their teachers, and view educational programming (available online and on public access television channels):
Eleven snow days are built into FCPS’ existing calendar. Eliminating virtual learning days will enable us to maximize students’ in-person learning and provide equitable access to instruction and student services.
Per the weather reports, the cold winds of winter are blowing in this week. Throughout the winter weather, FCPS and Shrevewood monitor the weather for very low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. At this time, it is our intention to have outdoor recess opportunities this week.
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and/or other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.
If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, our Social Worker, Heather Colby (hcolby@fcps.edu), can assist you. You can also call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. The multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and healthcare.
This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Prudence. Prudence means you plan for the future and achieve your goals by making careful everyday choices.
Prudence is the ability to do the right thing for the right reason, at the right time. It’s a future-oriented way of thinking that helps a person set goals, make plans, and have the discipline to accomplish them. It is cognitive -- more a strength of the head than of the heart.
Prudence supports effective individual self-management. Whether aspiring for an athletic record, academic grade, or purchasing a car, foresight and planning are necessary. However, even with a plan, long-term goals can only be obtained by overcoming those impulses and desires that steer you away from your goals. Prudence provides the wisdom to know which character strength to leverage, at which time, to achieve your desired end state.
To practice and encourage the character strength of prudence with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.
If playdates are planned, the Shrevewood office team must receive notifications from the parents of all students involved. Playdate notifications may be made via the online Change in Transportation Form or via an email sent to SWESOffice@fcps.edu. For any changes in transportation, please make sure to contact the office no later 3:00 pm.
- Enter at Door 1 and report to the Main Office.
- Using a government issued photo ID, you must sign-in and receive a visitor sticker.
- Please ensure you are wearing the visitor sticker at all times.
- Report directly to the cafeteria.
- Enjoy lunch with your children.
- Return to the main office to check-out using your sticker.
- Lunch visitors should not go to the classroom or recess, so our daily schedule and routines can continue for our students.
- We ask that you not bring fast food for lunch.
- Please do NOT bring any food to share with other children, due to safety protocols and allergies.
Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss.
Help your student succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible, but do make sure your student stays home if they are sick. Visit FCPS’ website for information on when you should keep your child at home.
If your child has a chronic illness, please notify his/her teacher, so assistance can be provided if needed. Please contact us as soon as you know your child will be absent.
Read more about how families can help form good attendance habits.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast will be $1.75. Lunch will be $3.25, milk $0.60. Money can be added to your child(ren)’s accounts using www.myschoolbucks.com. You can also write a check to Shrevewood Food Services and deliver it to our Food Services Manager. During the school year, you can find the menu for breakfast and lunch at https://fcps.nutrislice.com/menu/shrevewood-elementary
Free and Reduced-Price Status
Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals will continue to receive these benefits through the end of September. A new application must be filled out each new school year. Forms are available online now: https://www.fcps.edu/resources/student-safety-and-wellness/food-and-nutrition-programs/free-and-reduced-price-meals. Applications are accepted at any time, but we encourage you to apply or renew your application before the end of September. Call (703) 813-4800 if you need help. This must be completed for eligible students to receive free meals.
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- Winter Resources for Families
- Academy Open Houses
- Virtual Math Week Coming Soon!
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
⭐PTA Meeting⭐
Tuesday, January 9
⭐Martin Luther King Jr. Day⭐
(No School)
Monday, January 15
⭐End of the 2nd Quarter⭐
Thursday, January 25 - 2 hour early release
⭐Teacher Workday⭐
Friday, January 26 - No school for students