KGES News 12.31.2023


A Note from Administration

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope all enjoyed the winter break! We all return to school on January 2nd and we look forward to seeing the students again! 

Our January is full of activities as noted below. We will have the Virginia Growth Assessments for grades 3 - 6 for the students.  Your homeroom teachers will let you know the exact dates. That said, parents please charge your child's laptop prior to returning to school. The students will be restarting them to capture the latest updates.  Charging the laptop prior is essential!  Also students should return with plug in headphones.  Thanks for your support!

We do have an upcoming Band Concert as well as the Dual Language Immersion Information session. There is additional information shared in the detailed blocks below. 

Yearbook cover entries are due as well on January 4th. Students from all grade levels are supported!  We look forward to the creativity! 


Holly McGuigan         Sarah Talley                        Tia Hawkins

Principal                     Assistant Principal               Assistant Principal

Dates, Attendance and Office Reminders

December 18 - Jan 1 - Holiday Break - School Closed! 

January 2 - First Day Back from Winter Break

January 4 - Yearbook Cover Entries Due (see below)

January 10 - Longfellow Curriculum Info Night - Rising 7 Graders (see below)

January 11 - KG Beginners and Advanced Band Concert

January 15 - MLK Jr. Birthday Holiday - School Closed

January 18 - McLean Pyramid Chorus Concert - McLean HS

January 18 - Immersion Information Session - 5:30 p.m. KG Cafeteria

January 19 - Parent Coffee 8:15 a.m. followed by PTA Meeting

January 25 - End of Quarter and 2 Hour Early Release

January 26 - Teacher Workday (No School for Students)

February 6 - Fourth Grade Strings Concert

February 15 - Math/STEAM Night 

February 19 - President's Day - No School

FCPS annual calendar is hereAttendance link is here.  Please do use our links at the Kent Gardens website to notify of tardy, early pick up, absence or change in dismissal (temporary transportation change). Office Reminders are here for your review. 

Early Check Out: If you must check out your student early, submit online request preferably before 9:30 am. Your notification helps your teachers and office to coordinate, prepare and locate your child. Sign out on the Office Sign out clipboard and wait in the lobby/office. We will call the student upon your arrival. Students will only be released to parents, guardians, and authorized emergency contacts. Please be prepared and have your drivers license or other identification ready. The latest checkout is 2:45pm.

Kent Gardens also posts pictures weekly on Facebook. Many new pictures are uploaded this week!  Like our site to see pictures of our daily work and activities! 

Upcoming Band Concert Information

Our beginner's band and advanced band will be rehearsing for the band concert as shown below.  Note that students should bring their instruments on specified days below.

  • Beginner's Band Rehearsals - January 3 and January 9
  • Advanced Band Rehearsals - January 4 and January 10

The concert is on January 11th at 5:30 p.m.  (Students report at 5:00 p.m.) We look forward to seeing you all at Kent Gardens! 

Dual Language Immersion Registration

All rising kindergarten and first grade students who live in Fairfax County may enter a lottery to participate in Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs. In DLI programs, students are learning elementary content in two languages with students spending half of the day learning in either language. English Language Arts and Social Studies are taught in English. Math, Science, Health, and Target Language Arts are taught in another language. FCPS offers DLI programs in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. Online lottery application begins on January 22nd at 9 a.m. A SIS account is required to complete the application. If a student is not currently enrolled in FCPS, registration at the base school is required. FCPS does not provide transportation for students who live outside the attendance area of the DLI school. A one-time fee of $100 must be paid upon acceptance of an out-of-boundary placement (see Notice 5922). 

Kent Gardens will host an information session led by Beatrix Preusse from the World Languages Department on January 18th at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. 

For more information including program sites and information sessions, please visit:

Staff Enjoyed Festivities !


Kent Gardens Boundary Update

As previously communicated, FCPS made its recommendation for a boundary adjustment to address the overcrowding issue at Kent Gardens and  recommended "Scenario B".  Scenario B reassigns an estimated 380 students among five elementary schools. A map of affected homes can be found here (scroll to Scenario B).

  • Rising Kindergarten and 1st-grade students will be reassigned to attend the newly assigned school for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Rising 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students have the option to attend the newly assigned school or remain at their prior assigned school for the 2024-25 school year and until they matriculate to middle school.

The adopted phasing plan allows students/caregivers the option to remain at their current school or change schools now, addressing the different perspectives voiced in public feedback. It also considers the needs of older elementary school students who were in school during COVID, and another change may be stressful. The phasing plan allows continuity for students enrolled in the French Immersion program at Kent Garden, which starts at first grade. 

Students that are involved in phasing over the next several years will be provided bus transportation to their elementary school.  Please understand that with a current shortage of bus drivers in our area and the requirement of additional bus runs to accommodate phasing, your patience will be required as all of these new runs are established.  We need those that are involved in the affected neighborhoods to fill out the form indicating which school your child will attend by the February deadline so our transportation staff has maximum planning time.

The McLean Elementary Boundary Webpage will continue to be updated with important news going forward. 

Second Grade Field Trip! 

Second graders enjoyed their field trip!


Order your KG Yearbook Now! 

Use the QR code and order today! The code is 21772 accessible at 



Yearbook Cover Contest!

Covers must:

  • Include the words “Kent Gardens Elementary Yearbook 2023-2024”
  • Fit within the theme of “Puzzles: We all fit together” to be considered. You can interpret this theme however you’d like!
  • Use 8.5x11 or 9x12 paper

Due Date: January 4, 2024

There will be a box in the main office to drop off your finished work OR you can also give your work to your art teacher.

Make sure your name and Homeroom teacher are written on the back in pencil.

Virginia Growth Assessment Testing Update

Grades 3-6 in reading and math will be given during the month of January 2024. Your child’s classroom teacher will share with you specific dates for each assessment.  For more information, please reference the parent notification link here:  Elementary and Middle School State Assessments - Parent Notification.

Snow Days This Winter

For the current school year, FCPS will be returning to its previous procedure for snow days — there will be no virtual learning days when school is closed due to bad weather. During snow days, students may still access, complete any supplemental learning opportunities recommended by their teachers, and view educational programming (available virtually and on public access television channels):

Eleven snow days are built into the existing FCPS calendar. Eliminating virtual learning days will allow us to maximize students’ in-person learning and provide equitable access to instruction and student services.


Note to All Rising 7th Graders!

Longfellow Middle School is excited to invite you to the Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. This night will be full of information about Longfellow and the transition to middle school. Our core and elective teachers will highlight their exciting classes. There will be students and staff members to answer any questions you might have. The inclement weather date is Wednesday, January 17, 2024, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.

PTA News

Come volunteer this year! Fill out the PTA's volunteer interest form and let us know if you'd like to be matched with an opportunity to give back to this amazing community!  Find the form here!

Ways to Get Involved at Kent Gardens

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

KGES Food Bus Food Rescue Program Volunteers Needed on FRIDAYS

Do you have a half-hour to spare on Friday afternoons to deliver food to SHARE of McLean Food Pantry at McLean Baptist Church? Interested in getting involved in this program? Please sign up here and/or email or with questions.

Service hours available for middle/high school students!

Thank you for your ongoing support. We could not do this amazing program without you.


Teacher Love Days on Wednesdays

Sign-up to provide treats for our KG staff on Wednesday! Are you a blue-ribbon award winning baker? No. That's okay. Our teachers appreciate ALL treats that we deliver to the teacher's lounge every Wednesday. You can create little bags of candy, stop by your favorite bakery, or whip up great-grandma's kugel or simply bring some coffee to share. The only limit is your imagination. Sign-up to provide treats here!

KG Supports Healthy Rewards!

Beginning January 10th, order smoothies and KG reaps some proceeds and supports this family owned business! 
