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WFES Weekly News & Notes...


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Body Safety Session for Parents, Thursday, Dec. 7th from 7-8pm

WFES is partnering with the Fairfax County Department of Family Services to present the CHILDHELP Speak Up Be Safe curriculum for all K-6 students the week of January 2, 2024. This curriculum teaches children about personal safety. A trained facilitator will present research-based, age-appropriate lessons to help children learn the skills to prevent or interrupt cycles of neglect, bullying, and child abuse - physical, emotional and sexual. 

A virtual family information session on this topic will be held this Thursday, December 7, 2023. 


Sharyn Prindle is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sharyn Prindle's Zoom Meeting - Community
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Meeting ID: 945 3245 3169
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Meeting ID: 945 3245 3169


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USA 602 333 0032 USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll Free) Conference code: 606264

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Attendance: 703-503-2323 or

Health Room: 703-503-2310

Parent Information Phone Lines/Support for parents who do not speak English as their first language: Parent Information Phone Lines

Technology support: IT Support Portal

Principal: Sharyn Prindle

Assistant Principal: Amy Williams

WFES PTA homepage