Terra Centre Family Newsletter-12-8-23

Military Connected students

We had a great time at our Military Family Game Night and Cookie Swap!

Terra Centre Families,

For the current school year, FCPS will be returning to its previous procedure for snow days — there will be no virtual learning days when school is closed due to bad weather. 

During snow days, students may still access Tutor.com, complete any supplemental learning opportunities recommended by their teachers, and view educational programming (available virtually and on public access television channels):

Eleven snow days are built into the existing FCPS calendar. Eliminating virtual learning days will allow us to maximize students’ in-person learning and provide equitable access to instruction and student services.

As temperatures drop, please be sure to send your children with coats and outerwear to keep them warm for outdoor activities.  Bringing these additional items to and from school means that the Lost & Found is growing!  Please be sure to label your student's items and encourage your child to check the Lost & Found for any missing items. 

Rebecca Gidoni, Principal

Melanie Jewell, Acting Assistant Principal

Thank you

I want to send a HUGE thank you to our Terra Centre family who came out in full support of our Fall Scholastic Book Fair! We met all of our sales goals, and put so many great books in our kids' hands! Even better, we raised a lot of money for our library which will directly put HUNDREDS of new books on our shelves for EVERYONE to enjoy! Thanks so much to every staff member, student, family, and parent volunteer who played a part! We look forward to seeing you again for our Spring Fair, which will happen the week before Spring Break! Happy Reading! -Allison Petruzzellis, Librarian

Important Information

Winter Break STEM Kits

STEM kit


AAP Updates and Reminders

Full time (level IV) referrals are due to Melanie Jewell, MCJewell@fcps.edu by December 15. Additionally, you may submit a Parent/Guardian Questionnaire with your referral, both AAP forms can be found here

A new AAP Secondary Overview Recording has been added to the Advanced Academics Presentations and Newsletters folder. This presentation provides families with information about gifted services, known in FCPS as “Advanced Academic Programs, or “AAP” in secondary schools.  Additional information will be shared at Robinson’s Curriculum Night being held on January 16th at Robinson Secondary School.

For any questions, please contact  Melanie Jewell, MCJewell@fcps.edu or Julie Green, (Robinson Middle) JAGreen@fcps.edu  

Military-Connected Youth Process Action Team (MCY PAT) Family Member Application

The charge of the Fairfax County Public Schools Military-Connected Youth Process Action Team is to identify the unique academic, behavioral, and social/emotional needs of military-connected youth and families and ensure faculty and staff are informed and prepared to meet the identified needs; partnering with stakeholders as appropriate.

The MCY PAT would like to include military-connected family members on our team. We encourage you to apply to be a part of our team by completing the application by Friday, December 15, 2023. 

The MCY PAT meets virtually once a month.



SCA Spirit Week

December Spirit week

Mark Your Calendar

Monday, December 11 - Band Concert, 5:30 PM, gym

Monday, December 11 - Strings Concert, 6:15 PM, gym

Friday, December 15 - Full-time AAP Services (Level IV) Referral Deadline

Monday, December 18-Monday, January 1-No School, Winter Break


☎️ Parent Information Phone Lines Available in Eight Languages

Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS. View the list of phone numbers.

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