Gift Card Donation Deadline is Today
Today is the deadline to donate gift cards to support 230 MHS Students-in-Need, which is 10% of the student body. We still need 87 gift cards for $25 and $50. All gift cards go directly to the families for their grocery needs. This year has been a struggle for many, but elimination of pandemic-era food assistance, and other federal programs, has adversely impacted families who are already at, or below, the poverty line.
Your donation makes an immediate impact on MHS families in need, so please consider donating gift cards for $25, $50. You can donate one, two, or many gift cards, here’s how:
STEP 1: Click HERE to Sign-Up to donate a gift card, then
STEP 2: There are three ways you can purchase gift cards:
1. Go to a Safeway, Target, or Walmart store and purchase gift card(s) for $25 or $50
2. Go online to Safeway Gift Cards, Target Gift Cards, or Walmart Gift Cards and purchase “plastic gift card(s)” to mail/drop off to Jennifer Hill.
3. Go online to Safeway eGift Cards, Target eGift Cards, or Walmart eGift Cards and purchase “electronic gift card(s)”, print out the paper copy, and mail/drop off to Jennifer Hill.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please indicate the $ amount of the gift card(s) on the envelope when you mail/drop them off.
Please use the following address for all mailed gift cards:
c/o Jennifer Hill
McLean High School
1633 Davidson Road
McLean VA 22101
Gift cards are needed today, December 6th, so we can organize and distribute them for winter break.
Let's show our fellow Highlanders some love this holiday season because McLean Matters!
If you have any questions, please contact McLean Matters at
A Note of Thanks To Our Generous Community:
Thank you to the many generous parents that contacted us asking how they can support the Family-in-Need mentioned in the story below. The great news is we were able to raise enough funds, and they were not evicted on Friday! We collected enough money that they can stay in their home through June. The Senior student can focus on graduating from McLean High School, and will not have to work two jobs to carry the financial responsibility for his entire family. The family’s health complications and needs are numerous, including her younger son’s epilepsy and left ventricular dystrophy. Any additional funds that we have left after paying rent and utilities will go toward the Senior student’s college fund. If you would like to contribute to the direct support for this family, please contact Emma Blankenbaker at
Click the link below to check out the inspiring story NBC4 aired yesterday during the evening news hour “MCLEAN HIGH COMMUNITY SAVES FAMILY FROM EVICTION”:
Please Read One Family’s Story:
One of McLean’s Seniors lives with his mother and two younger siblings in a rented room, within a shared apartment. His family is in the process of being evicted because his mother lost her job due to illness, and is unable to cover their expenses. The student is employed 40 hours per week to supplement his mother’s income. Now he is the only wage-earner in the family, and his income is insufficient to cover rent, and other expenses. In addition to caring for his mother, the student also cares for his younger brother, a freshman at McLean, who has significant health issues, including epilepsy, and a heart disorder. The family will be evicted on December 1st.
The Senior is a conscientious student, and hopes to graduate in June. Despite his work schedule and responsibilities, he maintains good grades. Given the family's financial needs, he will remain employed full-time after graduation, while attending a vocational school, or community college. Referrals to community-based agencies, such as the local foodbank, have lowered their expenses. Unfortunately, the student indicates that their family’s food and other resources are scarce. The social worker and counselor consistently support the student, and offer positive affirmations to reinforce his ultimate goal: to graduate in June 2024!
Official White House Ornaments
The McLean PTSA is once again offering the Official 2023 White House Ornaments as a fundraiser. This year's ornament is a festive holiday wreath, adorned on the front with decorations inspired by the handcrafted Christmas ornaments used in the White House during the Gerald R. Ford Jr. administration. Dozens of dolls, cherubs, stars, flowers, gingerbread men, candles, and pentagon balls, in bright, cheery colors are featured with red ribbons at the bottom bearing the words "Christmas 2023" and "The White House." Perfect gift for your family, friends, staff, and clients!
Plus, your purchase supports the Graduation Party for the Class of 2024.
Price: $27. Ornaments can be ordered HERE. Today, December 6, is the LAST DAY to place your order. After your purchase, you will be able to pick up the ornament from the school during the Holiday Bazaar on December 9 between 10am and 3pm.
Questions - Email Pam Williams, VP Programs, at
Teacher & Staff Appreciation
Friday Breakfast Station Donations Needed
The PTSA organizes a weekly Friday Breakfast Station during the year stocked with contributions by fellow McLean HS families. The Friday Breakfast Station is set up in the front office and teachers & staff are grateful each week for your donations. Please click on the link to donate a breakfast item from the sign up list. Thank you in advance!
Friday's December Dates are: 12/08, 12/15.
December Link:
MHS Highlander Holiday Bazaar
Come out for the McLean High School Highlander Holiday Bazaar on Saturday Dec. 9th 10am-3pm. Let the MHS Orchestra serenade your shopping experience with more than 100 vendors - there will be something for everyone on your list!! Be sure to grab something to eat with special bites from the Bayou Bakery, baked goods and beverages to keep you fueled while you visit all of the craftspeople in the gym and cafeteria.
Health & Wellness
“Therapy Dogs Thursday” 12/14
Our therapy dog friends return Thursday, December 14 from 11:00am-1:30pm. We are expecting five pups: a couple of new dogs, Holly and Lucy, and some familiar furry faces, Daisy, Sydney, and Raven. Our thanks to the PTSA Health & Wellness Committee for organizing! Please contact for more information.
Student Achievement
Quiz Bowl Success!
Our amazing Quiz Bowl team had great success with a first place win last weekend in a tournament held at Virginia Commenwealth University. Go Highlanders!
Student Resources
How to Ace Digital SAT/PSAT Tests?
🔗Free Registration:
⏰Event time: Sunday 12/10 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT
🌐 Wondering if digital tests are tougher with the new modular adaptive testing format?
🚀 Learn from two Test Prep Experts, Heather and Alex, who will share the proven formula to unlock the secrets behind maximizing performance!
Your generosity empowers our students, teachers, staff and the community! Thank you! |
PTSA Volunteer Opportunities
PTSA Checklist
Important Upcoming Dates
December 9 - MHS Highlander Holiday Bazaar
December 18 through January 1 - Winter Break - Schools and offices closed
January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Helpful Links
Attendance Bell Schedule Red/Silver Calendar Office and Support Staff
Student Services Student Activities Special Education Resources
Teacher Office Hours Substance Abuse Prevention