CES Weekly Update 11.21.23

2nd Annual Turkey Trot

2nd annual turkey trot

Principal's Message 

Wishing everyone a truly wonderful Thanksgiving week! As we all take the week to spend with family, friends and reflect, I want to share my thanks for the commitment of our staff to meet the needs of our students and our partnership with parents to help them be their best. This work doesn't happen in a silo as teachers work with teachers, we lean on county supports and partner with parents to explore avenues to achievement and success. Thank you for joining us this week to support your children running Turkey Trot, make Chutney with our 2nd grade or volunteer for our kids. We appreciate you!

We have had an incredible month of November with our first pep rally, recognitions, news media coverage for Fitness Warriors, Turkey Trot and Chesterbrook was also recently listed as a top Virginia elementary school in US News and World Report.  While I don't always take stock in every report because data can lean based on the stats you view, I truly see the work on the ground to help our students flourish and know we are doing great things! Yes, Chesterbrook Elementary should be noticed for so many great things happening and the instructional growth our students are making. I'm so proud of our students.

If you missed our Fox 5 News segment, feel free to catch the segments here:
6AM Segment
7AM Segment
8AM Segment

Thank you for trusting us with your the education of your students. We know this is important work and the trust you put in us to care for and help them grow is deeply appreciated. Wishing each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Stacy Kirkpatrick

Positive Behavior Support Parent Meeting

Slide Deck 

We enjoyed talking with those that were able to attend our last parent coffee on the ways we positively support social emotional growth at Chesterbrook.  Behaviors happen, but being positive and proactive in the way we work with children with parents as collaborators is key!

Last spring WTOP reported a drastic rise in the behavior of students in the fall of 2022, whereas, we truly saw this rise in the fall of 2021 when we returned from the pandemic. Please check out our data over the years, it truly is eye opening to look post pandemic and how our strategies and positive approach in our Multi-tiered work has supported students.

No one wants to have the call that their child's behavior has impacted the classroom, but it happens to the majority of us at some point. It is the continuous work we do collaboratively during these instances to support our children that makes the impact. Please reach out to our counselors or admin should you have any follow up questions.

food drive


SAVE the DATE!  

We invite you to visit your child’s classroom to see how we start each day. Morning Meeting is an engaging way to build a strong sense of community and belonging and sets children up for success socially and academically. Each morning, students and teachers gather in a circle for twenty minutes and interact with one another during four purposeful components. Each grade has it's own designated date for you to join. Please save the following dates if you would like to join us. 

12/1- 3rd grade   
12/5 2nd grade   9:45-10:05
12/6- 1st grade 
12/11- 4th grade 
12/13 5th grade 
12/14- 6th grade 
12/15- Kindergarten 

Mrs. Remer will be printing all
outstanding Impact Aid forms on Monday, 11/27.

PLEASE help us!

IMPACT AID!!!  We need your help

We are well below where we need to be with parent response rates. We have only heard from about 180 and need responses from everyone. Please save our office staff additional work and complete our Impact Aid survey ONLINE today! If we don't get it done online, this will create more work for our office staff.

All parents will need access to ParentVue in order to activate and document. Complete the following steps:

  • Log into ParentVue
  • Select Online Packet (Upper Right Corner Tab)
  • Select Federal Impact Aid Survey from Dropdown Menu
  • The Survey will guide through completion of the form.  Note each child who attend FCPS must be completed individually