Langley Calendar
Visit the “Langley Calendar” for events for the 2023 – 2024 school year. Click on the event for additional information. Check back frequently for newly added and updates on events. Bookmark page for future reference.
This Week at Langley
Tuesday, November 28
- Financial Aid Night @ McLean High School
Thursday, November 30 - Friday, December 1
Friday, December 1 - Saturday, December 2
Monday, December 4
- Jazz Band Concert, Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 5
- Class of 2024 Family Forum, 9:30 a.m.
- Orchestra Concert, Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 6
- PTSA General Membership Meeting, Auditorium, 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, December 9
- Homecoming Dance, 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 12
- Choir Concert, Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 13
- Book Talk "Raising a Kid Who Can", Lecture Hall, 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, December 14
- Band Concert, Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
December 18 – January 1
Financial Aid Night:
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 6:30 p.m.
Where: McLean HS Auditorium, 1633 Davidson Rd., McLean, VA Hear from NOVA’s Financial Aid Director on:
FAFSA Merit Scholarships
CSS Profile and more!
*Between 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM we will have people available in front of the auditorium to assist you with setting up your FSA ID which is needed to complete the FAFSA. A parent and the student must create an FSA ID. You can bring a laptop or do this on your phone. There is a 2-step authentication process so you need to either do it together or be able to reach each other quickly.
FCPS Outstanding Employee Awards Program
Each year, FCPS looks to honor several staff members for outstanding excellence in their roles:
- Outstanding Teacher (has at least 3 years of experience)
- Outstanding New Teacher (within their first three years)
- Outstanding Principal (has completed at least 3 years as a building Principal)
- Outstanding School Leader (has completed at least 1 year as an Assistant Principal, Director of Student Activities, or Director of Student Services)
- Outstanding Professional Employee (Counselor, Psychologist, Social Worker, College & Career Center Specialist, Systems of Support Advisor (SoSA), School Based Technology Specialist (SBTS), Technology Support Specialist (TSSpec), Instructional Coach, Assessment Coach, Special Education Department Chair, Safety & Security Specialist)
- Outstanding Operational Employee (Administrative and Office Assistants, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, Instructional Assistant, Family Liaison, Safety & Security Assistant)
Our Langley High School winners will be submitted for consideration at the pyramid, region and division levels. We believe that our staff is truly exceptional and that the work we do for our students deserves celebration beyond our school. You may submit this form more than once. You do not have to nominate for all categories.
You are asked to write at least a paragraph explaining how your nominee meets or exceeds the criteria for the award. If your nominee is chosen as the Langley HS winner, you will be asked to complete the nominator statement form that is included in the official packet for consideration in the next round of the competition. Thank you for celebrating the wonderful work done at Langley HS by highlighting some of our amazing staff members! All nominations must be submitted by 8:00 am on Monday, November 27, 2023. Eligibility and award criteria are listed on each nomination page of the nomination form. If you have any questions, please contact Wayne Biernesser at
To nominate a Langley HS staff member, click here.
Renaissance Feaste
Join the Langley High School Chorus for the annual Renaissance Feaste on December 1st or 2nd at 7:00 PM. This special holiday tradition is over 20 years strong and includes participation from over 80 student performers. Our evening includes a three-course dinner featuring either grilled chicken or vegetarian pasta for $35, or student stadium seating (no meal) for $10. Dinner tickets will close for purchase at the end of day on Monday November 27th. Stadium sales remain open and can be purchased at the door for $10 cash. Visit Feast Tickets to purchase your tickets today!
Wellness Screening- December 5, 2023 (11th Grade Parents Only)
Mental health problems can develop in adolescence which is full of emotions for teens. Some of these emotions are actually mental illnesses. Depression is among the most common mental illnesses. Depression is treatable; however, it is a leading risk factor for suicide. To proactively address mental illness, Langley High School is providing a mental wellness screening and suicide prevention training as part of the SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program. 11th grade parents received an email on November 4th with details regarding this screening and an opt-out link should they wish to do so. Please contact Tim Ready, school counselor, at with any questions.
Book Talk "Raising a Kid Who Can"
Come join Anna Brown, LHS school psychologist and Jordan Payne, LHS social worker for an engaging parenting conversation. They will review the book, Raising a Kid Who Can – Simple Strategies to Build a Lifetime of Adaptability and Emotional Strength, written by local clinical professionals. The book talk will be held in the Lecture Hall on December 13 at 9:30 am. Please RSVP to if you can attend.
Quick Links:
2023-2024 Standard School Year Calendar
December 7 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | Chanukah (begins sundown 12/7-sundown 12/15) |
December 8 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | Bodhi Day |
December 18-31 |
Holidays | Winter Break |
December 25 |
Christmas |
January 1, 2024 |
Holiday | New Year's Day |
January 6 |
Three Kings Day/Epiphany |
January 7 |
Orthodox Christmas |
January 15 |
Holiday | Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday |
January 19 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | Orthodox Epiphany |
January 25 |
End of Second Quarter - 2-hour Early Release |
January 26 |
Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day for Staff - Option to work at an alternate location) |
February 10 |
Lunar New Year |
February 14 |
Ash Wednesday |
February 19 |
Holiday | Washington’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day |
March 5 |
Presidential Primary (tentative) |
March 11 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | First Full Day of Ramadan (begins sundown 3/10 and continues with daily fast and nightly prayer until 4/9) |
March 20 |
Orthodox Ash Wednesday |
March 22 |
End of Third Quarter |
March 25-29 |
Holidays | Spring Break |
March 29 |
Good Friday |
March 31 |
Easter |
April 1 |
Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day for Staff) |
April 2 |
Student Holiday (Staff Development Day for Staff) |
April 9 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | Eid al Fitr (begins sundown 4/9 – sundown 4/10) |
April 10 |
Holiday | Eid al Fitr (begins sundown 4/9 – sundown 4/10) |
April 22 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | First evening of Passover (begins sundown 4/22 - sundown 4/30) |
April 23 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | Second evening of Passover |
April 24 |
Religious and Cultural Observance | Theravada New Year |
May 3 |
Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day for Staff ) |
May 5 |
Orthodox Easter |
May 27 |
Holiday | Memorial Day |
June 3 |
Class of 2024 Graduation Day |
June 12 |
Last Day of School / Early Release |