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اس نیوزلیٹر کو دوسری زبانوں میں پڑھنے کیلئے ، براہ مہربانی ہماری ویب سائیٹ ملاحظہ کیجیئے۔
Rose Hill Families,
As we get ready to embark on fall break, this is a reminder that there is no school Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of this week. We are encouraging our Rose Hill team to disconnect from school and spend time with their family and friends. If you send an email, please know that a team member will respond to it within 48 hours upon their return Monday.
Safety is paramount and below are a few reminders to help ensure students and adults are safe during arrival/dismissal.
- If you are parking at the library to pick-up/drop-off your student, please use the crosswalks and keep your child(ren) alongside you.
- Adults picking up Kindergarten students, as you exit the cafeteria, please walk close to the building and on the left side of the yellow line. Please remember to also use the crosswalks and keep your students with you rather than having them run ahead.
We appreciate everyone's help with this. Have a wonderful few days off!
Ms. Edwards, Mr. Staroscik, and Mrs. Miller
RHES Administrative Team
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