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November 22- 24 - No School (Office Closed) - Thanksgiving Holiday
November 15 - December 1 - Care Package Donations at HES (Collection boxes will be located in the front lobby near the main office.)
See the complete school year calendar
Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.
November 16th was National Family Engagement Day but it’s never too late to be involved in your student’s education to improve their overall achievement. You may access eBooks from the FCPS Family Resource Center, watch previous workshops available on YouTube through the FCPS website, or ask your child what they discussed in Morning Meeting.
**Translated copies of the November Family Engagement Calendar were delayed but will be sent home this week. The calendar is also available to view at home. Go to the Hayfield Elementary website and scroll down to the school calendar.**
Upcoming events from The Family Resource Center: Register for these free workshops and watch previous workshops and webinars here!
- Coping Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, and Stress: A Two-Part Series. Join Dr. Erin Berman, a Clinical Psychologist at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland for these important sessions to help children cope with anxiety, depression, and stress. Friday, December 12, 10-11:30 a.m
Stay tuned for upcoming Parent Coffees. If you have ideas for what you would like presented please contact me.
Marily Grotz
Family Liaison
Hayfield Elementary School
Phone: 703-924-4553 Cell: 571-296-6011
Email: mgrotz@fcps.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm
Sign up for News You Choose Emails
School Website: hayfieldes.fcps.edu
Care Package Donations at H.E.S.
Nov. 15th -December 1st
H.E.S is collecting donated items to include in Care Packages for our Troops. Sending care packages is a tangible way to let service members know that their friends, family, and the American people are thinking of them, even from thousands of miles away. Items will be given to the Fort Belvoir USO.
Requested Donation Items:
Healthy snacks: Jerky, trail mixes, granola bars and fruit snacks
Drink mix packets: Gatorade, lemonade, iced tea and crystal light packets
Microwavable food: Easy Mac, popcorn, Cup O’Noodles, Chef Boyardee, oatmeal and other snacks that come in their own bowl (dining ware is scarce in Afghanistan)
Non-perishable food: Tuna cans or packets, fruit cups, peanut butter, Nutella, soups and other canned foods
Chocolate: Wait until the winter months to send chocolate, as it will melt in the mail if sent now
Toiletries: Travel-size shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, body wash, wet wipes and hand sanitizer (Please send these in separate boxes from food — no one likes shampoo-flavored oatmeal!)
A collection box is located in the front lobby of the school next to the office.
H.E.S. Military Families Facebook page – Military Families Connect
HES Parent Laura Blewett (purplestar@hespta.com), the PTA's Purple Star Military Liaison, has created a Facebook Group for the Hayfield Elementary military family community! If you are part of this community, we invite you to join the group!
Parent Webinars for Veterans:
Supporting Young Children of Veterans
Military Child Education Coalition
Supporting Middle and High School Youth of Veterans
Military Child Education Coalition
November is designated as National Military Family Appreciation Month
Throughout November, military families are honored and recognized for their sacrifices, commitment, and contributions in support of our military and nation.
The Office of Family and School Partnerships provides resources and support for military families transitioning to or exiting FCPS. Contact Meredith Ayala, family partnerships specialist and military liaison, for more information. Sign up for the military-connected families newsletter.
Shelly Oberst, LCSW
Military & Family Life Counselor
Hayfield Elementary School
Cell: 571-386-7884
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