Holiday Assistance

Gift Card Donations for CVHS Families in Need

Dear Wildcat Community,

With the holiday season approaching it is important every student’s holiday is filled with family and fun! However, some of our students and their families at Centreville High School encounter financial difficulties that may make it challenging for the holidays.

With your help, Centreville High School will be able to provide students with support for this holiday season. The Student Services staff will discreetly help connect donations with those CVHS families in need.

We are asking for gift card donations to nearby grocery or department stores. We ask that gift cards remain generic (ex. Target, Walmart, Giant, Wegmans, etc.) so that they can be used for multiple needs. Gift card donations can be turned in to the main office or directly to Room 116. Please have your donations in no later than Wednesday, December 6th in an envelope marked with your name, email, and gift card amount.

Any amount is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Diaz at or Ms. Cable at

We thank you for your generosity.

Carolina Diaz, School Social Worker & Jocelyn Cable, SGA Sponsor