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Mason District Community,
Happy Halloween! Fall is upon us and I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather. Friday, November 3rd, will mark the end of the first quarter of the 2023-24 school year which means students will be receiving their first set of formal grades for the year. Please be sure to set up ParentVue settings to receive a status of your child’s progress on a weekly basis or as often as you choose. Directions will be included below.
Please also be reminded that Friday, November 3rd, will be an early release day with dismissal two hours earlier than normal. Schools will be closed for students on Monday, November 6 (Staff Development Day) and November 7 (Teacher Workday/Election Day).
During the Board's Regular Business Meeting last week, the Board voted unanimously to offer a 2% mid-year pay increase effective January 1, 2024. This pay increase will apply to all employees - hourly and contracted and will include teachers, family liaisons, bus drivers, instructional assistants, monitors, substitute teachers, principals, central office staff and the Superintendent.
It’s important to be clear about how FCPS is able to manage this compensation increase. The total cost of the proposed 2% raise for all employees in FCPS is $30.5M. The state contributed $5.3M or approx. 17% of the required funds.
Because the state’s calculation metrics place a greater burden on divisions like Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), FCPS needed to secure $25.2M to actualize the 2% adjustment. This is not a state match, but rather the responsibility for funding depends largely on local funds. Addressing the disparity of state funding continues to be part of the Board’s legislative agenda.
In summary, FCPS reallocated $14.4M from a state reimbursement for support positions and $10.8M from the staffing reserve to secure this well-deserved pay increase for our staff, and to remain competitive with surrounding jurisdictions such as Arlington, Alexandria and Loudoun who will also provide similar compensation raises in January 2024.
Budgets are indicative of priorities and should address pressing needs. I will continue my advocacy for differentiation compensation in hard-to-fill positions such as special education, and in Title 1 schools. Efforts must also continue to bridge the gap for our employees such as family liaisons, bus drivers and instructional assistants to earn a wage that allows them to reside in Fairfax County.
This month, several groups and initiatives were recognized at the Board’s Regular Business Meetings. Please see the October proclamations below.
I value the input I receive from the Mason District Community and am happy to address questions or concerns via email or phone. You can reach me by email at If you are interested in scheduling a phone call, please reach out to my assistant, Cristy Coffey, at to arrange a time.
As we approach Veterans Day, I am filled with gratitude and pride in acknowledging the incredible sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the dedication and courage demonstrated by our veterans, both past and present.
In this issue:
Visits to Falls Church HS leadership class, Annandale Terrace ES kindergarten music class and visit from USDA Secretary, and Annandale HS Strengthening Families Program.
A Celebration of More Fresh, Global Food at FCPS
FCPS launched National School Lunch Week in mid-October with a lunch demonstration by Food and Nutrition Services Executive Director, Shaun Sawko. Mr. Sawko shared some of the new menu options in FCPS which will include meals made from scratch and more diverse offerings. Other food celebrations included:
Strengthening Families Program
Last week, I had the opportunity to observe a unique program at Annandale High School. The organization Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) has been organizing the Strengthening Families Program for five years under an MOU with FCPS. The program, a seven-week interactive series, allows parents and teens to work with facilitators to learn coping skills, build communication skills and strengthen bonds through games, projects, and discussions. The program is a collaboration that includes SCAN, administrators, family liaisons, the food pantry liaison, and non-profit organizations who work together to support families. Dinner and childcare are provided for participants. Annandale High School’s fall series is held entirely in Spanish and the English series will be held in spring of 2024. The organization also facilitates similar programs at other schools in FCPS.
Strengthening Families Program at Annandale High School
Mason District Roundtable
Join me for a virtual roundtable discussion on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Two guest speakers will be joining this session:
Dr. Geovanny Ponce, Chief of Schools, will speak about his vision for FCPS
Mr. Todd Franklin, Career Pathways Manager, will present an overview of the Career and Technical Education program
There will be an opportunity for Q&A with both speakers.
Join parents, principals, teachers, staff and students for this informative event. All members of the Mason District community are welcome to attend.
Pre-registration is required. Register today!
Falls Church HS Renovation Update
Last week, Superintendent Reid and members of the FCPS facilities team shared an update with the Falls Church High School community about the school’s ongoing renovation project.
Mr. Karl Frisch (Providence District) and I appreciate the close collaboration with the PTSA and Athletic Booster leadership as we worked to ensure the scope of this critical project remains complete and delivers a final product just as impressive as recent renovations at other FCPS high schools.
The completed project will add approximately 122,000 square feet to the building, bringing the total future building area to 429,000 square feet. The renovation and additions will completely transform the school, and will include new state-of-the-art science and academy classrooms, an enhanced library, new music rooms, a dual-entrance security vestibule, upgraded athletic facilities, and increased parking spaces.
FCPS is seeking construction feedback from the FCHS community. The feedback form will be open through November 6, 2023 at 10 pm.
Click here to share feedback.
Please also visit the Falls Church HS Capital Project webpage for more information.
Strategic Plan Update
The Superintendent presented a Strategic Plan Update to the Board on October 26th related to Goal 3 – Academic Growth and Excellence. One of the measures for this goal is the successful completion of Algebra I by 8th grade.
Division-wide alignment to achieve completion of Algebra I by 8th grade includes:
- Every middle School Improvement and Innovation Plan (SIIP) will have a goal specifically aligned with this measure.
- Every elementary School SIIP will have a goal with a math focus allowing the Division to begin targeting the leading indicators for this measure.
- A focus on aligning Directors of Student Services and school counselors in best-practices for academic advising and communication about open enrollment options for rigorous math opportunities.
- Increased rigor in Math 7 Honors and Algebra 1 curriculum with scaffolds to support students who enrolled in those courses.
- The creation of the Algebra Access Network Improvement Community (AANIC), a collaboration of middle school educators and Instructional Services Department staff. The first cohort includes four middle schools and the second cohort includes 11 middle schools.
The 15 middle schools currently involved in the AANIC consortium are:
Cohort 1: Hayfield, Key, Kilmer, Jackson
Cohort 2: Cooper, Frost, Glasgow, Herndon, Hughes, Lake Braddock, Liberty, Longfellow, Poe, South County, Stone
Data and additional information regarding efforts around this goal will be presented to the Board at the November 14 Work Session.
Read more about the FCPS Strategic Plan 2023-2030.
TJHSST Freshman Application Process is Open
Current 8th grade students with an aptitude and passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) are encouraged to apply for admission to the Class of 2028 at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST).
Applications must be started by 4 pm on Wednesday, November 15, and the deadline to submit the application is Friday, November 17, at 4 pm.
Application requirements:
• Resident of Fairfax County, Fairfax City, Falls Church City, Arlington County, Loudoun County, or Prince William County;
• Completion of a full-year course of Algebra 1 or currently enrolled in a full-year course of honors-level Algebra 1;
• Enrollment in honors science;
• Enrollment in honors social studies or English/language arts or identified as a "Young Scholar;"
• 3.5 or higher unweighted GPA in all core academic courses.
Application Components include the Student Portrait Sheet, Problem-Solving Essay, GPA (Core), and Experience Factors.
Visit the TJHSST registration page for more information.
Community Review of Elementary Language Arts Basal Instructional Resources
Fairfax County Public Schools will adopt new Elementary School Language Arts Basal Instructional Resources for the 2024-2025 school year. A review committee composed of community members, administrators, and teachers met in August to review the initial list of state-approved materials for grades K-3. The committee will reconvene in January to review a second list of state-approved materials for K-5.
Public review of the recommended materials is an important part of the resource selection process. The Elementary English Language Arts basal instructional resources may be accessed in person and online from November 15, 2023, until noon on December 15, 2023.
Materials may be viewed at the Pimmit Hills Center - Room 207 at 7510 Lisle Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22043. Materials will be available to review Mon-Thur, 9 am to 9 pm.
Digital Materials can be accessed via the Elementary Language Arts Basal Resource Review website during the public review period.
All community feedback will be shared with the review committee and with the School Board before the vote at a School Board Regular meeting.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Opening in December
The FAFSA is required to determine a student's eligibility for financial aid. Families of current seniors should be thinking about completing a financial aid applications in order for students to be eligible to receive financial help to cover the costs of post-secondary education. Despite the late opening of the FAFSA, there are many things families can do now to prepare.
The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) program is available for students unable to complete the FAFSA . Find out which aid option is right for your family on the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.
School Bond
FCPS Buildings Benefit All Community Members
In addition to the normal school day activities,it is estimated that millions of visits by students and community members occur in Fairfax County public schools. Most of the public meeting and recreational facilities available in the county are FCPS facilities. FCPS works with the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services and with the Fairfax County Park Authority to ensure that school facilities and athletic fields are available to the public after school hours and on weekends.
The 2023 Bond Referendum will be on the ballot in November. Vote on Tuesday, November 7. Learn more about registering to vote.
Federal Impact Aid Survey
FCPS is asking all families to complete the Federal Impact Aid Survey which is now available online in SIS ParentVUE.
Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important because information from this survey results in an additional $3 million in grants each year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.
To locate the document, once logged in to SIS ParentVUE, click “Online Packets” in the top right corner. Then, select “Federal Impact Aid Survey.” Get more information.
Need to Register for ParentVUE?
Learn how to activate your SISParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey.
Hispanic Leadership Alliance Scholarship Recipients
 The Hispanic Leadership Alliance—a certified employee group of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) employees—presented scholarships to 32 graduating seniors earlier this year.
Scholarship recipients were recognized for leadership and mentoring skills in their educational and social activities. Candidates are committed to furthering their education while improving their communities. Each of the applicants will be the first in their families to attend a postsecondary institution.
Congratulations to the scholarship recipients from the Mason District:
Justice High School
• Robert Berrios-Giron, Sonia Migdalia Rosa-Velez Future Educator Scholarship • Helen Centeno, Scholarship for Perseverance • Lizbeth Lopez-Marroquin, St. John Family Legacy Scholarship • Aileen Mendieta, Scholarship for Peace and Justice • Maya Perez, Scholarship for Business • Jhadira Perez-Jordan, STEAM Scholarship • Osman Quintanilla-Martinez, Scholarship for Engineering • Dan Alexander Rios Zeballos, Scholarship for Engineering • Adriana Vidal, STEAM Scholarship
Falls Church High School
• Keily Castillo, Minerva Gorena Memorial Language Acquisition Scholarship • Anderson Hernandez, Keith Buchanan Memorial Scholarship
Edison High School
• Erasmo Barrios Lazo, Scholarship for Business
Fairfax County Adult High School
• Jessika Lizeth Mareno Medina, Keith Buchanan Memorial Scholarship
National District Champions
 Congratulations to the Falls Church Girls Volleyball Team -
National District Champions!
 Congratulations to TJHSST’s Boys and Girls Cross Country -
Dual National District Champs!
Winter Athletics - Schedules & More
Winter athletics are underway! Find information, schedules, and scores for Mason District high school teams linked below. Winter athletics include basketball, dance, gymnastics, indoor track, rifle, swim & dive, sideline cheer, and wrestling.
Annandale Boys & Girls Club
Winter Rec League Basketball - Come Join the Fun!
Boys and Girls Grades K - 12
Season starts in December and runs through March.
Sign up today!
End of First Quarter
As a reminder, Friday, November 3, is the last day of the first quarter, and a two-hour early release for students. Check your school’s website or newsletters for dismissal times. Schools are closed for students on Monday, November 6, for a school planning day, and on Tuesday, November 7, for a teacher workday.
⏰ Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time will end Sunday, November 5, at 2 a.m. Don’t forget to move your clocks back one hour!
Update for March 5 Presidential Primary
The Fairfax Board of Elections has requested that schools be closed on Tuesday, March 5, to accommodate the administration of the 2024 presidential primary election.
March 5 will be a school holiday for students and a virtual School Planning Day. Central offices and school offices will remain open. SACC will remain open, as it does on other professional work days.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Regular School Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)
- November 9, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
- November 20, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)
- November 14, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.
- November 28, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.
All meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. The meetings are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting or public hearing.
Meeting dates and times are subject to change.
Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español
Para ver las reuniones de la Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las reuniones regulares en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.
We are cognizant of the significant language needs of the Mason District and I will continue to advocate for their availability and inclusion.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia