RAVENS' NEST 10/27/2023

Upcoming Events



Oct 30th – PTA Trunk or Treat, Ravensworth Parking Lot, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Oct 31st – Storybook Character Day

Nov 3rd – 2 Hour Early Release, Dismissal at 1:20 pm

Nov 6th & 7th – Student Holidays, Teacher Workdays

Nov 9th – Curriculum Night, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Nov 10th – Bravery Breakfast

Nov 13th – PTA Meeting, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Virtual

Nov 22nd, 23rd & 24th – Thanksgiving Holiday, No School

Link to 2023-2024 School Year Calendar 2023-24 FCPS School Year Calendar

Because of technical difficulties, if any link does not work, please copy, and paste it into your browser.


A Message from The Principal


Dear Ravensworth Families,


November is National Family Engagement Month! This month reminds us that families are children's first and most important teachers, advocates, and nurturers.  Over 35 years of research shows that the most effective way to increase student achievement is for families to be actively involved in their children's education. Family engagement is a shared responsibility between home, school, and the community. We appreciate you attending family/teacher conferences, volunteering in your child’s classroom, and/or attending field trips. 

On November 9th, we will be hosting a Family Curriculum Night from 6:00-7:00 pm. Our students and their families can attend and learn games or activities that can support the home-school connection.  We hope you can attend.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support of your child and their learning.


Erika Aspuria



Friendly Reminders

lost and found


Labeling Student Items

Now that the weather is getting colder, please make sure student names are in jackets, sweatshirts, coats, hats, mittens, etc. When they inevitably get lost or forgotten somewhere, if we can find a name, we will return the item to the student. Labeling these items helps to keep our Lost and Found collection to a minimum. Thanks for your help! 

Lost and Found

Speaking of the Lost and Found - All lost and found items will be outside the school from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm October 30th - November 7th. Please stop by and find your student’s missing items. Any items not picked up by the 7th will be collected and donated.


Tips to Help Keep Children Safe



The Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) reminds parents and caregivers that it’s important to talk to your children about safety topics including:

  • What parents should know about their children’s plans.
  • Having a meeting spot in case of getting separated.
  • Establishing safe areas. 
  • What to do if you are followed.

Visit the FCPD website for more details on how to discuss safety topics.

Consejos Para Ayudar a Mantener a los Niños Seguros

El Departamento de Policía del Condado de Fairfax (FCPD) recuerda a los padres y cuidadores que es importante hablar con sus hijos sobre temas de seguridad, incluyendo:

  • Lo que los padres deben saber sobre los planes de sus hijos.
  • Tener un punto de encuentro en caso de que se separen.
  • Establecer zonas seguras.
  • Qué hacer si te siguen.


Bravery Breakfast

breakfast for the brave


Veterans and Military Families,


We're throwing a special event to celebrate your bravery and dedication, and we'd love for you to be there:

Bravery Breakfast at Ravensworth Elementary

Date: November 10th,

Time: 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Location: Ravensworth Cafeteria

At Ravensworth, we believe in showing our gratitude in a fun and friendly way. Our Bravery Breakfast is all about coming together, sharing stories, and showing appreciation for our veterans and current service members.

In addition to the breakfast, we are looking for Veterans to come speak in our morning meetings after the breakfast. If you are interested, please fill out the following link: https://forms.gle/hE73ULtX8cjpiNtZ9

Thank you for your service and for inspiring our school community. We're excited to have you join us on November 10th. Let's celebrate your bravery and enjoy some good company.


Know Our Security Terms



FCPS uses specific terminology to specify the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.

Watch this video to learn more about the definitions of the security terms: lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Conozca Nuestros Términos de Seguridad

FCPS usa terminología específica para especificar las acciones que el personal escolar y los estudiantes deben tomar para garantizar la seguridad en una variedad de situaciones. Es importante que el personal, las familias y los estudiantes entiendan lo que significan los diferentes términos y cómo afectan las operaciones escolares.

Vea este vídeo para obtener más información sobre las definiciones de los términos de seguridad: encierro; asegurar el edificio; y no moverse. 

Si los estudiantes, personal, o miembros de la comunidad tienen una preocupación de seguridad en la escuela (que no es una emergencia inmediata), deben enviar un aviso a la Línea de Seguridad de FCPS. En caso de emergencia, por favor llame al 9-1-1.


Military-Connected Families

military families


Did you know that the Office of Family and School Partnerships publishes a monthly newsletter for military-connected families?  Take a moment to subscribe today.


Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid

impact aid


Each year, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is eligible to apply for Federal Impact Aid grant funds. Impact Aid is a federal formula grant program designed to assist local school districts that enroll Federally connected students. This year, FCPS is pleased to announce that the Federal Impact Aid Survey will be available electronically through your ParentVUE account.

Ravensworth need your assistance to complete the Federal forms by October 31st, 2023. Please see attached instructions Parentvue Impact Aid Instructions on how to complete the survey online in ParentVUE.

For those parents/guardians that do not have a Parentvue account, an activation Key is being sent home next week.

If you should need assistance please contact the Impact Aid Coordinator, Teresa Dunbar in the office at 703-426-3600


LBSS Socktober, October 13th – 31st



The Lake Braddock pyramid is participating in Socktober and will be collecting new socks October 13th -31st that will be donated to local homeless shelters.  Please consider donating new men’s, women’s, and/or youth socks!  There is a box in the Ravensworth ES lobby for socks. 


Positivity Project

other people mindset 1


This week our school community will be focusing on the Other People Mindset of Knowing That My Words and Actions Affect Others. Everything that you say and do can affect others -- and your relationships with them.

Everything we do, say, text, tweet, snap, or post can positively or negatively impact other people. Our words and our actions are our choices to make, but they can have ripple effects long after we make them. Words and actions have the power to lift others up or tear them down, but, our words and actions also impact ourselves. When a group is comprised of individuals who are thoughtful about their words and actions -- individuals who show respect and consideration for the people around them -- we’re likely to have a happier and healthier culture.


When a Student Should Stay Home from School

Stay home when sick


Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss. Help your student succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible but do make sure your student stays home if they are sick. Visit FCPS’ website for information on when you should keep your child at home. If your child has a chronic illness, make sure to notify their teacher, so that assistance can be provided if needed. Please contact us as soon as you know your child will be absent. Read more about how families can help form good attendance habits.

Cuándo un Estudiante Debe Quedarse en Casa y No Ir a la Escuela

Tanto si los estudiantes faltan a clase por enfermedad como por cualquier otro motivo, faltar a clase conlleva una pérdida de aprendizaje. 

Ayude a su estudiante a tener éxito animándolo a asistir todos los días posibles, pero asegúrese de que su estudiante se quede en casa si está enfermo. Visite el sitio web de FCPS para obtener información sobre cuándo debe mantener a su hijo en casa. 

Si su hijo tiene una enfermedad crónica, asegúrese de notificar a su maestro, para que se le pueda proporcionar asistencia si es necesario. Por favor contáctenos tan pronto sepa que su hijo estará ausente. 

Lea más sobre cómo las familias pueden ayudar a formar buenos hábitos de asistencia.


Substitutes Needed at Ravensworth for 2023-24



We are always looking for kind and caring substitute teachers and substitute instructional assistants to ensure our students continue to thrive when teachers and instructional assistants need to be out of the classroom. Substitute teaching is a great opportunity for future teachers, stay-at-home family members, retirees, college students, part-time employees, and anyone who wants to make a difference! Substitute instructional assistant pay will be $17.08 per hour and substitute teacher pay will be $19.05 per hour for the 2023-24 school year.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Erika Aspuria, Principal and apply on-line. Also, you can sign up for a virtual, one hour substitute information session here.  


Library support needed! 

library volunteers


Our librarian, Mrs. Sloan, is looking for a couple of parents who can provide consistent weekly support in the library.  Days and times include Mondays from 9:00 -12:00 and Wednesdays from 9:00 -10:15. The highest priorities for support include checking out books to students as well as shelving books.  Additional needs include delivering holds to teacher mailboxes, book repair, processing new books, creating book displays, and cutting paper for student bookmarks. Library experience is preferred. 

If you’re interested or have questions, you can contact Mrs. Sloan at jasloan@fcps.edu

Thank you for your consideration!





Teacher Work Day Hospitality

Teacher Workday


Show your support! Donate treats and snacks to power our teachers during the teacher work days. Sign Up Here.

Please deliver all treats and snacks to the office by the early dismissal on Friday, November 3rd.  (Exception -fresh fruit and vegetables should be delivered on Monday 11/6 at 8am.)


Chess Club

chess club 2


Chess Club will be held every Monday in the Cafeteria, starting September 18th from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, except for days where school is closed or there is early release. We are able to offer this program through partnership with the U.S. Chess Center. Chess club is $130 per semester and includes a club t-shirt and snacks during the meet-ups. Registration can be done through the following link:   https://chessctr.org/ravensworth/

For more information contact Ravensworth club parent coordinators Michael Alt, alt_michael@hotmail.com  or Alexandra Parresol, alexandraparresol@yahoo.com  or the U.S. Chess Center, admin@chessctr.org


Get Your School Spirit Wear Today!

spirit wear new


Show your school spirit and support the Ravensworth PTA—purchase your spirit wear in the MemberHub store anytime: https://ravensworth.memberhub.com/store; youth and adult sizes available. Contact spiritwear@ravensworthpta.org if you have any questions. Show your pride for the Ravensworth Ravens all year long!


Follow Ravensworth on Social Media

follow us on social media 2


Are you connected to Ravensworth Elementary School and the Ravensworth PTA on social media? The PTA’s Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/ravensworthelementarypta and the school’s accounts are https://www.facebook.com/RavensworthElementary and https://twitter.com/RavensworthES