Willow Springs School News, 10/27/23

For a translated version of this newsletter, please visit the

Willow Springs website.


We enjoyed performances by 1 2 3 Andres.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

On Tuesday, October 24, Willow Springs hosted Latin Grammy award-winning musical duo, 123 Andres. Students enjoyed singing and dancing to the bilingual songs during a morning and an afternoon performance. Many thanks to our Willow Springs PTA for sponsoring this wonderful event and to our fabulous FLES teachers, Ms. Mellott and Mrs. Keener for organizing this special event.

We enjoyed performances by 1 2 3 Andres.

A Note from the Principal's Desk

Dear Willow Springs families,

Both fall and this school year are in full swing. It's hard to believe that next week is the final week in Quarter 1! This is the time of year when teachers at all grade levels hold parent conferences. We have seen many of you already and look forward to seeing many more of you over the coming days. Your partnership is critical to the success of our students and our school and we encourage you to stay in communication with your child's teacher throughout the school year. 

November is Family Engagement Month and we look forward to welcoming you into our school for the Book Fair and Math and Literacy Night.

Thank you for sending us your best everyday! Together, we make a great team. #GoTeamWillow #Willow Pride


Dylan Taylor, Principal

Ipsa Stringer, Assistant Principal

Laura Tapper, Assistant Principal

Willow the Fox looks forward to seeing you at these upcoming events. Mark your calendars now.


A Peek at Willow's Planner

  • October 31 Dress as your favorite book character
  • November 1 Vision and hearing screenings for grades K and 3
  • November 3 Two hour early release for students at 2 p.m.
  • November 5  End of Daylight Saving Time - Fall Back 1 hour
  • November 6 - 7 - Teacher Workdays, No School for Students
  • November 13 - 17 - WSES Book Fair Week & American Education Week
  • November 16 - Math and Literacy Night - Book Fair - Food Trucks
  • November 22 - 24 - Thanksgiving Holiday, Schools Closed

Farmer's Market

Willow Springs Farmer's Market 

Keeping it Fresh: The Office of Communications recently highlighted Willow Springs Farmer's Market and Garden Club on the FCPS Website, it's a great article and an even greater video, be sure to read all about our Market and watch the video! 

You have one more opportunity to shop at our Farmer's Market--TODAY is the last day of the market for this season. Stop by after school to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies for your weekend meals.

Book Character Dress Up Day is on October 31st.

Book Character Dress Up Day

It will soon be time to get into character to celebrate the season and our love of reading. Who will you choose to be?

End of the First Quarter

As a reminder, Friday, November 3, is the last day of the first quarter, and a two-hour early release for students. Dismissal time is 2 p.m. Schools are closed for students on Monday, November 6, for a school planning day, and on Tuesday, November 7, for a teacher workday. 

Early Release and Student Holidays

Watch D.O.G.S

Watch Dogs

Watch D.O.G.S

Have you heard about our Watch D.O.G.S? The Watch D.O.G.S group is a group of men who volunteer at school and help the school as needed during the day. You can be a dad, stepdad, grandpa, or uncle. Sign up for a time that fits your schedule as many or as few times as your schedule allows. Sign up with SignUpGenius.

Visit our Willow Springs Elementary Watch D.O.G.S Facebook Page.

Please sign up at least one week before the date you would like to volunteer to allow teachers time to plan  and prepare. Volunteering is limited to one time per quarter (per child) to allow opportunities for other volunteers. 

Contact Jason Fullen at jfullen@gmail.com

Book Fair

Book Fair

Volunteer Sign-Up

Our Willow Springs book fair is coming soon. We are in need of volunteers to help set up, run registers, help with classes, and take down the book fair throughout the week of November 13-17.  Interested? Sign up to volunteer using the link above.

FCPS is asking all families to fill out the Federal Impact Aid Survey.


Online: Federal Impact Aid Survey

FCPS is asking all families to fill out the Federal Impact Aid Survey. To make it easier, the form is available online in SIS ParentVUE this year. Once logged in, please select the “Online Packets” tab at the top, then select “Federal Impact Aid Survey” from the drop-down menu.This is important, because information from this survey results in an additional $3 million in grants each year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers. For more information, visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

A completed survey is required for each school-age child in every household.

 🗓️Calendar Reminders: Dia de los Muertos and All Saints Day

All Saints Day

Día de los Muertos is an opportunity to remember and celebrate the lives of departed loved ones. Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, are observance days this year. Watch this video to learn more about Día de los Muertos.

The school calendar recognizes many religious and cultural observances during the school year. There is school on these days, however, the School Board has directed that tests, quizzes, field trips, graduation, homecoming, or FCPS-scheduled athletic events will not be held on these observance days. See the complete school year calendar.

students will have vision and hearing screenings in the health room on Nov. 1

News from the Health Room

Kindergarten and third grade students will receive a Vison and Hearing screening on Wednesday, November 1 in accordance with the Code of Virginia 22.1-2731 and FCPS Regulation 21072. FCPS provides vision and screening hearings for:

  • All students in kindergarten, third, seventh and tenth grades.
  • All students new to Fairfax County Public Schools in any grade.

If your child wears glasses, please make sure they bring them to school.  If your student does not pass either the vision or hearing screening, you will receive a follow up letter instructing you to get a further evaluation with your private doctor. If you have any questions regarding the screening, please call the Health Room at 703-679-6010.

We need volunteers to help us at this event. If you are available to help for 1 hour or more, please email Susan Waldeck, our Health Room Aide, at siwaldeck@fcps.edu.

Elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by a parent to attend the FHS football game.

 Fairfax HS Football Game

Friday, November 3rd is the last HOME football game for the 2023 Fairfax Football season. Any student that is in MIDDLE or ELEMENTARY School must be accompanied by an adult. Students in MIDDLE and ELEMENTARY school will not be permitted entry without an adult. Gates open to the public at 6 pm for a 7 pm KICKOFF. The cost is $5 for students and adults. We hope to see many future LIONS at this game. It’s our SENIOR Night and we will be recognizing our Football, Cheer, Golf, Cross Country, and Marching Band seniors starting at 6:35 pm, so get there early!

Activities and Clubs 

Visit the Activities/Clubs page on the WSES Website for more information.

All Foxes Need a Den and a Friend

The Willow Springs PTA cordially invites ALL families to join the PTA and become active members of our amazing school community! We are stronger together and strong schools and communities support healthy lives and high achievement for our children.

  • Join the PTA
  • PTA Page on the Willow Springs Website
  • PTA Facebook Page
  • Spirit Wear Online Store-We are excited to see our fellow foxes showing their Willow Pride in snazzy spirit wear!  Open 24/7 all year long!
  •  Our online spirit wear shop is open year round, 24 hours a day for your shopping convenience.

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