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Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
Table of Contents:
- Important Dates
- Principal’s Message
- Impact Aid
- 2024 Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s School (SRGS)
- AP School Honor Roll
- School News
- PTSA News
- School Fundraisers
- Class of 2024 Fundraisers
Important Dates
October 21: Virginia Williams High School Career Forum, 11-1 Lorton Community Center
October 23: WPHS Common Application Boot Camp, 3-4:15, College & Career Center
October 25: PTSA Restaurant Night, Five Guys, 4-8 p.m.
October 25: Crew in person sales begin (Hollin Hills Pool)
October 28: WP Dance Team Fundraiser, Clean Out Your Closets
October 29: End date for Crew online Wreath Sales
November 8, 9, and 13: The 2023 World Languages Credit Exam
November 9: Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair, 6:30-8:30, Annandale High School
Calendar Update for March 5 Presidential Primary
- The Fairfax Board of Elections has requested that schools be closed on Tuesday, March 5, to accommodate the administration of the 2024 presidential primary election.
March 5 will be a school holiday for students and a virtual School Planning Day. Central offices and school offices will remain open. SACC will remain open, as it does on other professional work days.
Principal’s Message
Wolverine Community,
It was another great week at West Potomac. Learning was seen both on and off campus. Below you’ll see a few pictures of that learning off campus by some of our Sports Marketing students at FedEx field and some of our AVID students visiting Virginia Commonwealth University! This week’s News You Choose includes information on the Impact Aid Survey Program - including a reminder that this year the form is available both as a printed form and in ParentVue. I also want to highlight the upcoming Governor School Interest sessions for 10th and 11th grade students.
This week’s attendance tip: As we work to reduce Chronic Absenteeism within our community, please remember that if your child has an appointment that cannot be scheduled outside of the school day, having them attend class before or after the appointment will help prevent their total number of full day absences from growing. Remember that students being checked in or out must do so through our attendance office in the main office with a parent/guardian.
Wishing you a wonderful Fall weekend!
Take care,
Kevin McMahon
Interim Principal
 On Wednesday our Choral program hosted their first concert of the year. The students sounded wonderful! Kudos to Ms. Solares on her first concert as WP Director! Prior to the concert we celebrated the dedication of the WP Choral Room to former director Mr. Ernest Johnson who retired in 2014 after serving as our Choral Director for 25 years! Above is a picture of our students performing and a picture of Mr. Johnson with both current and former students!
Impact Aid Program
- The Impact Aid Program is a federal program designed to directly compensate local school districts that have been financially impacted by federal activities. The program’s mission is to reimburse local school districts for local revenues lost due to the presence of federally owned, and therefore tax exempt, property.
- This year, FCPS is pleased to announce that the Federal Impact Aid Survey will be available electronically through a ParentVUE account. For families that do not have access to ParentVUE or prefer to complete a paper form, a printed form will be provided by the school.
- More information can be found here: https://www.fcps.edu/impact
- For questions regarding the Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid, please call 703-329-7750 or email ImpactAid@fcps.edu.
2024 Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s School (SRGS)
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) offers the opportunity for 10th and 11th grade students to apply to attend summer residential Governor’s schools in academics and Visual and Performing Arts (VPA). Students who are accepted into one of the programs will live in residence halls in one of the state colleges in VA for four weeks in the June - late July timeframe. To learn more about SRGS opportunities and the application process, visit the VDOE website and view the promotional video.
To be considered for an academic or VPA Governor’s school, students must complete the steps below.
Complete the interest form linked below for either Academics or VPA. The form is a required part of the application process and is due November 3rd. No late entries will be accepted. When completing the form, enter a personal email address and do NOT use an fcpsschools.net email address. VDOE cannot send communications to the fcpsschools.net domain.
Attend our school interest meeting which will take place during all lunch blocks on Thursday, 10/26/23 & Tuesday 10/31/23 in the College & Career Center. Attendance at the meeting is optional but strongly encouraged.
Complete the application for the specific program you wish to apply to and return to Mr. Shapiro or Ms. Bluestein in Student Services (students may only apply to one program).
- Completed Academic applications and recommendations are due to the school on December 8, 2023
- VPA applications and recommendations are due to the school on January 31, 2024
Any questions related to Governor’s school please contact:
Michael Shapiro (mrshapiro@fcps.edu) or Stephanie Bluestein (smbluestein@fcps.edu)
17 FCPS Schools Named to Advanced Placement School Honor Roll
- Did you know that West Potomac was one of 17 FCPS high schools recognized by College Board as an Advanced Placement (AP) School Honor Roll. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. Congratulations to our students for helping West Potomac to be named to the Silver AP School Honor Roll!
 Above are photos of our Sports Marketing and Sports Management classes visiting FedEx field home of the Commanders to get a closer picture as to current jobs in the Sports Market. Students heard from Panelists regarding their career paths to their current positions. Students were able to hear about the unique positions in the sports industry and see how a professional organization works!
 Our AVID Program visiting Virginia Commonwealth University this week. Learn more about our AVID program here: https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/academics/advancement-individual-determination-avid
School News
AVID Tutors
- Looking for a flexible and part-time position at West Potomac High School? FCPS is hiring AVID tutors for the 2023-2024 school year. AVID tutors work with small groups of approximately 5-7 students during the school day in an academic elective class called Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID). These groups use questioning strategies to help students develop a variety of college preparatory skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Tutors earn $18.97 per hour and should either be a college graduate or currently enrolled in college. If interested, please email your resume to Lisa Shields at lbshields@fcps.edu or AVID@fcps.edu
College & Career Center
Virginia Williams High School Career Forum:
- A high school career forum for grades 9-12 will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023, from 11 am – 1 pm at the Lorton Community Center, 9520 Richmond Highway, Lorton VA. Panelists will share information about careers available after high school graduation. Projected panelists include U.S. Coast Guard, College Speakers, Fairfax City Government, STEM, Study Abroad, Medical Field, FBI, Renewable Energy, and Trade. Space is limited. Register at www.vwhsca.org
WPHS Common Application Bootcamp:
Senior Wolverines who need help with their college applications can attend the next Common Application Bootcamp. It will be held in the WPHS College & Career Center on Monday, 10/23 after school from 3 pm - 4:15 pm. Registration is not required. Seniors need to bring their computer & questions.
Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair:
- Join Career and Transition Services (CTS) for the annual Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair!
- This event is designed for students with developmental and intellectual disabilities who will need continuing support after they exit FCPS. It will be held on Thursday, November 9th, 2023, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at Annandale High School (Cafeteria), 4700 Medford Dr., Annandale, VA 22003. Students and families can learn about supported employment options, day support programs, recreation/leisure activities, residential living options, travel training supports, advocacy, funding, and more! Register online: https://tinyurl.com/ycx4bwec
- For more information from the College & Career Center, please see the WPHS October Newsletter!
ASBC 21st Annual HBCU Festival:
- The ASBC 21st Annual Historically Black College & University (HBCU) Festival is a hybrid event being held November 17-18, 2023. This event is open to all high school students and will be held at The St. James Sports Complex in Springfield, VA. The festival is dedicated to connecting high school students and their families to HBCUs, and scholarship opportunities. Approximately 80 colleges and universities will be represented during the two-day event. Students and their families are encouraged to register here.
SENIORS ONLY: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA usually opens on October 1st for college bound seniors to complete. The federal government is still working on revising the FAFSA & it will not open until December. DO NOT complete the current FAFSA application. Seniors & parents, check your email for a financial aid newsletter from Mrs. Young.
Get into the Holiday Spirit with West Potomac High School Ornaments
- The PTSA is thrilled to announce that this holiday season, we are bringing you a special way to show your school spirit and add a festive touch to your decorations. Introducing the West Potomac HS Ornaments!
- Ornament Details:
- Price: $15 per ornament
- Ornament Style: 3-inch full-color round ceramic
- Comes with a silver cord for easy hanging.
- Ornaments will be available for pick up in mid-November, just in time to kick off the holiday season with a touch of WP spirit.
- Don't miss this opportunity to adorn your home with West Potomac pride. These ornaments are in limited supply, so be sure to order yours soon!
- To place your order, please click here. Pick-up details will be sent after purchase.
Thank you for your continued support of our school community.
It's Five Guys time again!
It's Five Guys time again! Thank you to everyone who supported our first Five Guys Night of the year in September, your participation helps the PTSA raise money to directly support our mission at West Potomac. Come out and join us for our next Five Guys night on October 25th from 4:00-8:00 PM at either the Quander Road or Hybla Valley location. Five Guys will donate 20% of the proceeds back to the PTSA. Thank you for your support!
- Your membership dues are used to directly benefit our Wolverine teachers and students.
- At the site, you can purchase memberships, make tax-deductible donations, and purchase WPHS car magnets (new design). If you want to learn more or join our PTSA this year, please visit this link
School Fundraisers
- Why not get a jump on the season ... AND help West Po Crew with critical fundraising to support our coaches, equipment, and regatta fees!
- We are selling fresh holiday evergreens handcrafted from the boughs of trees grown high in the Cascade Mountains. They’re full, fragrant, and rich in color—perfect for your front door or above the mantel. They also make great gifts! Your support makes a big difference. Click the link below to place your order! https://sherwoodfundraiser.com/wpcrew
- Remember the ONLINE sale closes October 29! Why so early? This gives our vendor, Sherwood Forest, enough time to send the items by Thanksgiving.
- For LOCALS: You've got options!
- You can shop our BOOTH SALES, which will run on Saturdays and Sundays from November 25th through December 17th (earlier if we sell out) at Hollin Hills Pool. We'll sell two sizes of wreaths, plus garland.
- Want even more products to choose from? Order ONLINE!
- Note: If you order online AND the items you want are available for “Local Delivery”, please choose this option! This means your order comes to the team, and we'll bring it to you. Why does it matter? For some reason, we make more money this way!
Class of 2024 Fundraisers
 Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
We appreciate your interest in attending this event. The game will be held on January 7th, 2023. The cost of the ticket for seniors is $69.00. Please keep in mind the following items when deciding to attend the game:
- Tickets are only for students in the Class of 2024
- West Potomac High School is not providing any transportation to and from the game. You must get to the game on your own.
- Tickets are on a first come, first serve basis.
- Seniors can only purchase one ticket.
- Tickets will be sold through myschoolbucks and in room 718.
- Cash, check, and credit card are acceptable forms of payment.
- Tickets are final sale.
- The time of the game has not been determined. Therefore, the game can be at 1pm, 4pm, or 8pm.
- Seniors must pay for their tickets by Friday, November 1st, 2023. After November 1st, tickets will be made available to parents and teachers.
If you decide to return your ticket, you must return it to Ms. Simpson or Ms. Hackshaw. You cannot sell the ticket to anyone else. This is a senior event and can only be transferred to a West Potomac senior.
Cost of the tickets : $69.00
End Zone Sections: 411, 412, 413, 416 & 417
Email:chackshaw@fcps.edu & jsimpson1@fcps.edu
Drop Off: UBER AREA near the red zone lot
Meeting Time: TBD
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Hacksaw and Ms. Simpson. We are located in room 718( Hackshaw) & Simpson ( 605)
Thank you for your time.
Carinne Hackshaw