CES POSITIVE Press - 10/24/23

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The Principals' POSITIVE Press

Hello CES Community,

Last POSITIVE week was filled with learning, spirit, field trips, and fun! Thank you to all of the POSITIVE students that participated in the POSITIVE Digital Citizenship Spirit Week. Our POSITIVE 4th graders traveled to the Kennedy Center for a concert by the National Symphony Orchestra and our POSITIVE preschool students visited Buckland Farm. The POSITIVE PTA, will have their second meeting today, Tuesday, October 24th at 6:00pm. This meeting will be virtual, a link can be found HERE. We hope to see many of you online. 

We are thrilled to announce that CES has been designated a POSITIVE Purple Star School! This POSITIVE award recognizes schools that have demonstrated a significant commitment to serving POSITIVE military-connected students and families.

We are so proud of the hard work and POSITIVE dedication of Mrs. Forte, Ms. Henry, and Mrs. Thorne for making this POSITIVE achievement possible. Becoming a POSITIVE Purple Star School is a testament to our commitment to creating a school where all POSITIVE students feel supported and valued, regardless of their military affiliation.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the POSITIVE military-connected students and families in our community for your service and sacrifice. We are honored to have you as part of our POSITIVE school family.

CES has added a POSITIVE new mural to our building (pictured below). We hope this beautiful new addition encourages our POSITIVE students to choose and spread kindness. A POSITIVE thank you to our resident artists, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Burrows. 

CES welcomed back Mr. M this week. We are grateful for the POSITIVE support and leadership Mrs. Gibbs provided during his absence. 

Upcoming Events:  

Friday, October 27th

  • Book Character Day 

Monday, October 30th

  • 6:00pm: Watch D.O.G.S. Meeting - Library 

Friday, November 3rd

  • 2:00pm: 2 Hour Early Release 

Monday, November 6th

  • Student Holiday

Tuesday, November 7th

  • Student Holiday

Thursday, November 9th

  • 6:00pm: Family Noodle Night 

Friday, November 10th

  • Veteran's Day Event 
  • PTA Bingo Night 

Information contained in this newsletter:

  • Rabid Animals in Centreville
  • Federal Impact Aid Survey 
  • Book Character Day
  • Hall of Honor - Veteran's Day
  • Family Noodle Night
  • Family Spotlight Board
  • Halloween Party @ Liberty Middle School
  • Fall Festival
  • PTA Bingo Night
  • Drug Take Back Day

Have a POSITIVE Day!


Jen, Rachel, & Josh

Proud Principals




Federal Impact Aid Survey: Now Online

FCPS is asking all families to fill out the Federal Impact Aid Survey. To make it easier, the form is available online in SIS ParentVUE this year. This is important, because information from this survey results in an additional $3 million in grants each year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers. For more information, visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.




Hall of Honor - Veteran's Day  

Centreville Elementary would like to honor our communities’ military veterans by displaying a “Hall of Honor” leading up to Veterans Day on Friday, November 10th. We would love to fill our halls with those who have served in all branches of the military and throughout your families’ history. Show us your aunts and uncles, grandparents, great grandparents, cousins, and moms and dads who have served. If your family has a veteran you wish to share with the school, please send in their photo by November 1st. Please e-mail them to adthorne@fcps.edu.


Then, on Friday, November 10th, 2023 Centreville Elementary School would like to honor veterans with a special event at our school for Veterans Day.  We will have a luncheon prepared in your honor that you will be able to enjoy with your student(s) at CES.  Any relatives of our CES students who are veterans are welcome to join us in our event.  We also would like to invite you to read to students in classrooms around our building.  This is a great opportunity for our students to learn about how you have served and to show their appreciation for your service.  If interested, veterans may choose between two time slots to be a guest reader in several classrooms around the school.  Choice 1 will be 10:45am - 12:15pm reading in classrooms and Choice 2 will be 1:15pm – 2:45pm reading in classrooms.  Lunch for all guest readers and their children will be provided from 12:15pm - 1:15pm. Thank you so much for your service.  We hope many veterans will be able to attend this special event at CES.   If you are interested, please sign up using this form: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C45AEAE2AA1FC1-45059457-centreville









If your child has had a great personal/family moment lately, send your teacher a photo and it will be displayed on the Family Spotlight bulletin board in the main hallway! Examples: family celebrated a holiday, cultural traditions, child rode their bike without training wheels, great soccer game, got a new pet, and more!



Attention all guys and ghouls! Liberty Middle School is hosting a spook-tacular community event on Saturday, October 28th. Come see our fall production of 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse and stay for face painting, pumpkin decorating, snacks, and a family-friendly Halloween movie! Admission and activities are free, but snacks will be sold for a low, low price!  Saturday performances of our fall play will be at 3 and 7 pm with the community event taking place from 3:45-6:30 pm. See you all there!






