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Message from Ms. Kearns
Hello Bruin Families!
What a fun week here at Bruin Nation celebrating Homecoming! We were honored to host our Superintendent, Dr. Reid; School Board Members Laura Jane Cohen, Megan McLaughlin, and Rachna Sizemore Heizer, numerous elected officials; and FCPS leadership at our 50th Anniversary Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Thursday afternoon. We value the relationship we have with our elected officials and appreciate their time coming to celebrate with us.
Today after school is our Homecoming Parade through the Lake Braddock neighborhood followed by Bite of Braddock on our blacktop. We love to see our community joining us to celebrate all things Bruin!
Go Bruins!
Lindsey Kearns
In this Issue
New Information
LBSS School Planning Council LBSS Choral Department Dessert on Broadway
Middle School Bruin News
MS Cross Country School Pictures Now Online MS Yearbook Information
High School Bruin News
Yearbook Information Message for 10th and 11th Grade Parents
Bruin Nation Kudos
Class of 2024 News
Important Dates Senior Ads PTSA Mulch Sale and All Night Grad Party
Family Liaison News
Quick Links
New Information
LBSS School Planning Council
We are excited to announce the 2023-2024 School Planning Council (SPC) and are looking for parents, guardians, and staff who want to be involved with helping provide feedback to Lake Braddock. The purpose of the SPC is to bring together our community to share progress and seek feedback on the direction of Lake Braddock. Providing an excellent education and safe learning environment for all our students is our primary goal and we recognize the role our community plays. Previous years of SPC focused on various topics and programs at LBSS. This year, the SPC will focus on our School Improvement and Innovation Plan (SIIP) goals. We will meet once in the Fall to share our goals and seek feedback about strategies for implementation. We will reconvene in the Spring to share our progress and review feedback. This is also a great space to make connections in the community and learn more about what LBSS has to offer. The council will meet in person twice during the school year (11/16 and 4/11) from 6:00PM-7:30PM. If you are interested in participating, please complete this form by November 10th. Returning SPC members should still complete the form to continue their service on the committee.
Volunteers Needed for LB Main Office
We are looking for one or two volunteers to help with photocopying in the Main Office. If you are interested, please email Julie Moore.
Never miss out and stay up-to-date with all things High School Athletics by subscribing to the LBSS Student Activities Weekly Newsletter!
Middle School Bruin News
Middle School Cross Country
We are already closing in on the end of the inaugural season of middle school cross country! Runners would need to be registered by the end of this week and begin next week to complete the required minimum practice expectations. This “closing” is for new general registrations, not the inactive/active for meets.
There will be no new runners added to the roster after Monday, October 16 (registration will be closed and registration is required prior to any level of participation, including practice).
Registration for Spring Track and Field will open in November, after the fall registration system is reset.
Click here to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0c-gM_Hr6gvZqtlRA_GoIG7fOY4VHggcalBZmPwBMcayazQ/viewform
Cross Country & Track Coaches Needed for 2023-24:
Some of you may already know that the FCPS School Board has budgeted for the first round of middle school sports for the 2023-24 school year. We are currently in our Fall Cross-Country season and will have a Spring Track season later in the year. Here is the new page on the FCPS website that shares information with families: https://www.fcps.edu/activities-enrichment/middle-school-athletics.
Here is what we need:
Typically, we have 4 meets per season and run about 2 practices a week after school on LBSS premises. Seasons last about a month. A small stipend will be available for all positions.
If you are interested in any of the positions, please email Jerald Minnis, jjminnis1@fcps.edu, or Brittany Nicolich, blnicolich@fcps.edu. Thank you!
Middle School Student Portraits are now online!
Great News! School Photos are now online! Families should have received an E-proof via email. Please remember to check your spam. If you did not receive an email proof, use the following link with your student's ID as the online code:
For any questions about your student's school pictures please contact: underclass@vosphoto.com.
The team at Victor O’Neill Studios would like to thank Lake Braddock Secondary School - MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMPUS for a great picture day!
High School Bruin News
Bruin Nation Kudos
Studio Art students Meena Lane and Olivia Ford, and Art teacher, Mrs. Minji Lee, attended the Arts in Embassies 2023 International Medal of Arts event at the White House and got to mingle with internationally renowned artists Tony Abeyta, Sheila Hicks, Robert Pruitt, Suling Wang, and Hank Willis Thomas.
First lady Jill Biden presented this year's International Medal of Arts awards to five artists. This year’s recipients included Tony Abeyta, a Diné contemporary artist who comes from a lineage of Navajo artists; Sheila Hicks, who has painted in Chile and documents archeological sites throughout South America; Robert Pruitt, whose work focuses on Black figures referencing hip-hop and draws inspirations from African artistic forms; abstract painter Suling Wang and pop culture artist Hank Willis Thomas.
Congratulations to the following students who successfully auditioned into the Northern Region Senior Regional Orchestra. There was a highly competitive, multi-step, blind audition process that they successfully completed in order to be selected. The event will be held on November 9th-11th at Wakefield High School under the direction of Maestro Daniel Myssyk, the orchestra director at VCU, and will feature Prokofiev’s music to Romeo and Juliet and other selections. The concert is open to the public and will be in the early afternoon on November the 11th. Bravo!”
Kara Kweon- Violin Jonah Ascoli- Viola Edwin Chung- Cello Hailey Hackbarth- Cello Eunice Park- Harp Caleb McCree- Percussion
Class of 2024 News
We are excited for the start of the school year and are looking forward to celebrating the success of our Class of 2024 Seniors all year.
While the year may have just started, we are already looking forward to our End of Year celebrations for our senior class. Below are important dates for you to have and some upcoming meetings to help keep everyone up to date with important information for our graduating class.
October 23rd, 2023 - Senior Class Panoramic Picture
- Seniors will take their class panoramic picture in the stadium during Advisory
March 7th, 2024 - 100 Days Meeting @ 6:30
- Little Theatre
- Informational session for parents leading up to graduation, prom, and All Night Grad Party
May 17th, 2024 - Prom - Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
June 4th, 2024 - Graduation - Eagle Bank Arena @ 2:00 pm
June 5th, 2024 - All Night Grad Party @ Saint James 11:00 pm
PTSA Mulch Sale and All Night Grad Party
Please see 2 important save the dates below. Please know that we are currently actively searching for adult volunteers to LEAD some events at the Mulch Sale as well as the ANGP. If you are interested in being a part of the magic that happens at Lake Braddock, please fill in the attached google form. Again, we are searching for adult volunteers across ALL grades to help us out!
The Mulch Sale Lake Braddock's Senior Class LARGEST fundraiser for the All Night Grad Party March 15-17, 2024 Mulch will go on sale after Jan 1, 2024.
All Night Grad Party Wednesday June 5, 2024 11pm-5am
Any questions please direct them to patterson_eileen@yahoo.com.
Throughout the school year, we often hear the same questions asked regarding technical assistance. We hope to help everyone by sharing various information. Today's tip is regarding joining the school WiFi.
Q: Difference between ParentVue and SIS?
A: SIS is an acronym for the student information system that Fairfax County uses to house student information such as parent/guardian information, attendance, discipline history, grades and more. ParentVUE is the platform that parent’s access their students’ SIS information.
Q: How to navigate SIS?
- To learn how to navigate your SIS ParentVue account, click on the resource below.
Q: What if I need to change the email address associated with my ParentVue?
A: Please contact our Student Information Assistants, Sandy Coleman (High School) - SMColeman@fcps.edu and Angela Santizo (Middle School) - assantizo@fcps.edu.
Q: ParentVUE is telling me I need an activation code, how do I find that?
A: Please contact our Student Information Assistants, Sandy Coleman (High School) - SMColeman@fcps.edu and Angela Santizo (Middle School) - assantizo@fcps.edu
Family Liaison News
Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site:
There you will find our weekly newsletters full of important information for our families.
Additional Resources
Family and School Partnerships
Family Resource Center
Parenting Education Programs through Fairfax County
English Empowerment Center: USA Learns
English Empowerment Center: Free Conversation Class and Continued Learning Between Semesters
College Fair and Postsecondary Virtual Events
High school students and their families are invited to attend the annual FCPS College Fair and virtual postsecondary events. The College Fair will feature admissions representatives from more than 250 colleges and universities from across the United States and abroad. The fair will be held at George Mason University’s Eagle Bank Arena on Sunday, October 15, 4-7 p.m.
Postsecondary Virtual Nights will be held on Monday, October 16, and Tuesday, October 17, 5-8 p.m. The virtual event will feature workshops related to the college admissions process, financial aid, and other postsecondary educational opportunities.
Students are highly encouraged to register in advance for these events.
New School Lunch Menu Options
FCPS' Food and Nutrition Services team will be rolling out improvements to the menu that better reflect the diversity of our student body and focus on fresh, healthy food. Learn about FCPS’ new menu options.
Know Our Security Terms
FCPS uses specific terminology to specify the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.
Watch this video to learn more about the definitions of the security terms: lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Our Schools, Our Future: Community Conversations Kick Off
Join Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid for Our Schools, Our Future: A Community Conversation. Share your thoughts about FCPS and bring your questions to:
Pre-registration for a Community Conversation is not required but will help us plan. Childcare and interpretation services will be provided for all events based on staff availability.
Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid. Your voice matters!
District News/In Case You Missed It
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- Important Forms for Caregivers to Complete
- Immunization Reminder
- Free Tutoring Resources
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, sign up today.
Quick Links