RAVENS' NEST 10/13/2023

Upcoming Events



Oct 13th – PTA Spirit Night, Panera, West Springfield, 4:00 – 8:00 pm

Oct 16th-20th – Digital Citizenship Week

Oct 17th – Family Science Night, Gym, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Oct 19th – Socktober - Crazy Sock Day

Oct 25th – Fall Picture Retakes, Lobby, 12:00 – 3:00 pm

Oct 30th – PTA Trunk or Treat, Ravensworth Parking Lot, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Oct 31st – Storybook Character Day

Nov 3rd – 2 Hour Early Release, Dismissal at 1:20 pm

Nov 6th & 7th – Student Holidays, Teacher Workdays

Nov 9th – Curriculum Night, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, More information to follow

Nov 10th – Bravery Breakfast

Nov 13th – PTA Meeting, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Virtual

Nov 22nd, 23rd & 24th – Thanksgiving Holiday, No School

Link to 2023-2024 School Year Calendar 2023-24 FCPS School Year Calendar

Because of technical difficulties, if any link does not work, please copy, and paste it into your browser.


Solar Eclipse Resources for Families

Sola Eclipse


Resources for families to learn more about the upcoming solar eclipses (October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024) have been compiled, including safe viewing practices. Please go to this FCPS website link to access these resources that are applicable to students of all ages. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to learn more about this extraordinary natural phenomenon.


Family Science Night, #ChildSci #FSN #FamilyFun

Family Science Night


The Children’s Science Center Lab is bringing its Family Science Night Program to Ravensworth Elementary School on Tuesday, October 17th!

Family Science Night offers a variety of engaging, hands-on science activities such as: Animal Adaptations: Science in Nature, Monster Math: Creating with Probability, Electric Piano: Making Music with Circuits, Ozobots: Colorful Coding, among many others. These experiments are specially designed to help encourage students to take interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects, as well as to encourage students to develop curiosity in everyday life situations.

Volunteers are needed to help the Science Center Team! No science experience necessary. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848AEAF2AAAFBC16-family


Lexia Parent Night:  Learn About Literacy Support



FCPS funds the use of Lexia for all elementary and middle schools to use as part of their literacy instruction.   Lexia is a computer-based program that supplements classroom instruction to help students develop literacy skills. At the same time, it provides teachers with the data to identify students who need further support and understand which specific concepts and skills to focus on. Parents and caregivers are invited to learn more about Lexia at information nights. Learn how FCPS is integrating Lexia into the classroom and supporting student growth in reading. Parents will also be offered tips for supporting their students at home. 

Information nights will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on:

  • Wednesday, October 18, at Thoreau Middle School Cafeteria.
  • Thursday, October 19, at Edison High School Auditorium.

Register to attend or submit a question in advance

Integrating Lexia into the literacy curriculum aligns with the Virginia Literacy Act, FCPS’ Equitable Access to Literacy, and Strategic Plan Goal 3, which aims to have all students reading on level by the end of 3rd grade. 


Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid

impact aid


The Impact Aid Program is a federal grant program designed to directly compensate local school districts that have been financially impacted by federal activities. The program's mission is to reimburse local school districts for local revenues lost due to the presence of federally owned and therefore tax-exempt property. Your support in identifying students with federal connections will ensure that FCPS can obtain its fair share of grant funds from this program.

The surveys will be available online this year. Please log into ParentVue from October 16 to October 30.  Once logged in, please select the “Online Packets” tab at the top, then select “Federal Impact Aid Survey” from the drop down menu. If you need assistance with creating a Parentvue account please contact Teresa Dunbar in the office.


AAP Reminder



  • For families in Grades 3-6 who are new to FCPS boundaries only: The deadline for full-time AAP Referrals with services starting in the second half of this school year is October 15th.
  • If you are not new to the county, the deadline for full-time AAP referrals for students in grades 2-6, with services starting next school year, is December 15th.
  • The form can be found here and can be submitted to Andrea Trumbull, AART at astrumbull@fcps.edu.


LBSS Socktober, October 13th – 31st



The Lake Braddock pyramid is participating in Socktober and will be collecting new socks October 13th -31st that will be donated to local homeless shelters.  Please consider donating new men’s, women’s, and/or youth socks!  We will be having a Ravensworth Crazy Sock Day on Thursday, October 19th.


Positivity Project

integrity 1


Next week our school community will be focusing on Integrity. This means you are honest and speak the truth.  You present yourself genuinely and sincerely.

Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. People with integrity practice what they preach and maintain a consistent pattern of behavior aligned with their values. They have the courage not to follow the crowd if it means going against their beliefs. Integrity is closely aligned with the terms of honesty and authenticity. People with integrity tell the truth and have alignment in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


When a Student Should Stay Home from School

Stay home when sick


Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss. Help your student succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible but do make sure your student stays home if they are sick. Visit FCPS’ website for information on when you should keep your child at home. If your child has a chronic illness, make sure to notify their teacher, so that assistance can be provided if needed. Please contact us as soon as you know your child will be absent. Read more about how families can help form good attendance habits.

Cuándo un Estudiante Debe Quedarse en Casa y No Ir a la Escuela

Tanto si los estudiantes faltan a clase por enfermedad como por cualquier otro motivo, faltar a clase conlleva una pérdida de aprendizaje. 

Ayude a su estudiante a tener éxito animándolo a asistir todos los días posibles, pero asegúrese de que su estudiante se quede en casa si está enfermo. Visite el sitio web de FCPS para obtener información sobre cuándo debe mantener a su hijo en casa. 

Si su hijo tiene una enfermedad crónica, asegúrese de notificar a su maestro, para que se le pueda proporcionar asistencia si es necesario. Por favor contáctenos tan pronto sepa que su hijo estará ausente. 

Lea más sobre cómo las familias pueden ayudar a formar buenos hábitos de asistencia.


Absences Add Up – Plan Ahead

absence add up2


Please plan travel around the school calendar. Every day of school is important to overall academic, social, and emotional progress.  

2023-24 FCPS School Year Calendar


Substitutes Needed at Ravensworth for 2023-24



We are always looking for kind and caring substitute teachers and substitute instructional assistants to ensure our students continue to thrive when teachers and instructional assistants need to be out of the classroom. Substitute teaching is a great opportunity for future teachers, stay-at-home family members, retirees, college students, part-time employees, and anyone who wants to make a difference! Substitute instructional assistant pay will be $17.08 per hour and substitute teacher pay will be $19.05 per hour for the 2023-24 school year.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Erika Aspuria, Principal and apply on-line. Also, you can sign up for a virtual, one hour substitute information session here.  


Library support needed! 

library volunteers


Our librarian, Mrs. Sloan, is looking for a couple of parents who can provide consistent weekly support in the library.  Days and times include Mondays from 9:00 -12:00 and Wednesdays from 9:00 -10:15. The highest priorities for support include checking out books to students as well as shelving books.  Additional needs include delivering holds to teacher mailboxes, book repair, processing new books, creating book displays, and cutting paper for student bookmarks. Library experience is preferred. 

If you’re interested or have questions, you can contact Mrs. Sloan at jasloan@fcps.edu

Thank you for your consideration!





PTA Spirit Night at Panera, Rolling Rd., September 13th, 4:00-8:00 pm



Join the PTA for Spirit Night on October 13th at Panera Bread in the West Springfield Shopping Center. Spirit Nights are an easy way to passively raise money for our PTA. Panera Bread will be donating 20% of your sales on October 13th to enrich our school. Show the flyer when you order-in or use the code FUND4U when ordering online. Don't be superstitious. It's as simple and delicious as that!


PTA is Seeking a New Treasurer

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The PTA is looking for someone willing to assume the role of Treasurer for the 2023-2024 school year. Unfortunately, our current Treasurer, Lane, is unable to continue in the position. While we will miss her in that role, it opens up a wonderful opportunity for someone looking to get involved. The position includes:

  • Tracking and inputing incomes and expenses to QuickBooks
  • Creating Monthly Budget Reports and presenting them at Meetings
  • Writing checks and depositing payments received
  • Attending monthly meetings

The position demands anywhere between 2-5 hours of work per month. While an accounting background and QuickBooks experience is helpful, it is not necessary.

Anyone interested in the role can send an email to president@ravensworthpta.org. Further questions about the role may be sent to selemefamilia@gmail.org


Chess Club

chess club 2


Chess Club will be held every Monday in the Cafeteria, starting September 18th from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, except for days where school is closed or there is early release. We are able to offer this program through partnership with the U.S. Chess Center. Chess club is $130 per semester and includes a club t-shirt and snacks during the meet-ups. Registration can be done through the following link:   https://chessctr.org/ravensworth/

For more information contact Ravensworth club parent coordinators Michael Alt, alt_michael@hotmail.com  or Alexandra Parresol, alexandraparresol@yahoo.com  or the U.S. Chess Center, admin@chessctr.org


Get Your School Spirit Wear Today!

spirit wear new


Show your school spirit and support the Ravensworth PTA—purchase your spirit wear in the MemberHub store anytime: https://ravensworth.memberhub.com/store; youth and adult sizes available. Contact spiritwear@ravensworthpta.org if you have any questions. Show your pride for the Ravensworth Ravens all year long!


Follow Ravensworth on Social Media

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Are you connected to Ravensworth Elementary School and the Ravensworth PTA on social media? The PTA’s Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/ravensworthelementarypta and the school’s accounts are https://www.facebook.com/RavensworthElementary and https://twitter.com/RavensworthES