Dear Haycock Families,
We had our School Improvement and Innovation (SIIP) plan for 2023-24 approved this past week. We are focusing on progress and growth for all our students in the areas of literacy especially incorporating the Science of Reading, math and Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Skills. Please see our SIIP at a glance on our webite located here Haycock School Improvement and Innovation Plan for 2023-24 .
We have heard from a few Haycock neighbors again. Make sure you are complying with the following:
- Come through the Kiss and Ride line if you are bringing your child or picking up your child by car to school.
- Do not park or block driveways on neighboring streets.
- Talk to your students if they ride their bike or scooter to school about keeping their speed down and using good safety habits especially when they are near walkers.
Finally, we have been notified that Cognitive Abilities testing has been delayed for all grade levels. The vendor's testing platform for the CogAt assessment is still experiencing nationwide technical issues. We will continue to share updated information with parents as we receive it.
We hope to see some of you at the Parent Coffees on Thursday evening and again on Friday morning.
With appreciation for your partnership,
Liz Beaty, Principal
Heather Boyd, AP
Jody Delaney, AP
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, October 16- Impact Aid forms open in SIS ParentVUE (see directions below)
Wednesday, October 18- An Evening with Dr. Reid and our Students- McLean Community Center at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 19 at 7:00 p.m. (virtual) and Friday, October 20 at 9:30 a.m. in person- October Parent Coffee (see information below)
Friday, October 20- Kindergarten field trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Tuesday, October 24- Parent Information Evening on Advanced Academics Program (AAP) Full Time/Level IV Referrals at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
Monday, October 30- PTA Meeting (virtual) at 7:00 p.m. link to be sent out closer to that date
Tuesday, October 31- Book Character Dress Up day
Thursday, November 2- PTA Reflections Contest submissions due
Friday, November 3- End of First Quarter (Two hour early release for students at 2:05)
Monday and Tuesday, November 6 and 7- Teacher Workdays (no school for students)
Wednesday, November 15- Parents can see first quarter progress reports in ParentVUE
Tuesday, November 28- Picture retake day (this has been changed from 11/8)
2023-24 School Year Calendar
October Parent Coffees
We look forward to sharing information on the following topics at the October Parent Coffees:
- SEL Screener
- Classroom Guidance Lessons
- Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning (POG POL)
- New Language Arts Progress Report Reporting Standards
Like we did in September, we will do one presentation on Thursday evening, 10/19 at 7:00 p.m. virtually, and the same presentation on Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. in person in our new Creativity Lab. We hope that providing these two opportunties to share information and answer your questions gives you the chance to join us. We'll send out the link for the virtual session on Thursday morning.
Impact Aid Form Information
Parents please note that the annual Impact Aid form will be completed electronically this year. It officially opens today, October 16th. All parents will need access to ParentVue in order to activate and document. It must be completed for each child. If you don't have access to ParentVue, please contact Ms. Yujn Choi at in the office to provide an activation code.
ParentVUE is important and this is the platform where your child(ren)s first quarter progress reports will be posted soon.
Beginning today, parents should access their ParentVUE account and complete the following steps:
- Log into ParentVUE
- Select Online Packet (Upper Right Corner Tab)
- Select Federal Impact Aid Survey from dropdown menu
- The survey will guide through completion of the form. Every student who attends an FCPS school must have a form completed for them.
Fall Assessment Reporting for Families
- iReady results for grades 1-6 will be posted in SIS ParentVUE in late October
- VGA results for grades 3-6 will be sent via U.S. Mail by the end of November
- VKRP results for Kindergarten will be sent via U.S. Mail in early December
🥗 New School Lunch Menu Options
FCPS' Food and Nutrition Services team will be rolling out improvements to the menu that better reflect the diversity of our student body and focus on fresh, healthy food. Learn about FCPS’ new menu options.
📚 Lexia Parent Night: Learn About Literacy Support
FCPS funds Lexia for all elementary and middle schools to use as part of their literacy instruction. Lexia is a computer-based program that supplements classroom instruction to help students develop literacy skills. It also provides teachers with the data to identify students who need additional support, and the ability to know which specific concepts and skills to prioritize. Attend an information night to learn more about Lexia and how FCPS is integrating it into the classroom. Parents/caregivers will also get tips for supporting their students at home.
Information nights will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on:
Wednesday, October 18, at Thoreau Middle School (Cafeteria).
Thursday, October 19, at Edison High School (Auditorium).
Register to attend or submit a question in advance.
Integrating Lexia into the literacy curriculum aligns with the Virginia Literacy Act, FCPS’ Equitable Access to Literacy, and Strategic Plan Goal 3.
⚠️ Know Our Security Terms
FCPS uses specific terminology to specify the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.
Watch this video to learn more about the definitions of the security terms: lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned. If students, staff, or community members have a safety concern at school (that is not an immediate emergency), they should submit a tip to the FCPS Safety Tipline. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
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