Weekly Update from Irving MS

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Upcoming Important Dates

September 27

Irving 101 - 6:30-8:00 pm - join us for helpful info for the school year! 

Sessions include

  • Schoology & SIS (7th & 8th grade)
  • Signs of Suicide Lesson Preview (7th grade only)
  • Standards Based Grading & Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning (7th & 8th grade)

So that we can properly prepare for parents/guardians who are planning to attend, please complete this form.

September 28 & 29

Picture Days in PE Class

September 28

PTA Spirit Night - Papa Johns (and every Thursday after!) Thank you, Papa Johns!


Greetings, Irving Families!

And we are off and running! Our Cross Country team of over 120 students had their first practice on Monday. It is awesome to see so many students interested in training to run the 2 mile course. We want to thank Coach Damani Sommers, Athletic Coordinator, Debi McGuire, and After School Activities Specialist, Natalie Duncan for getting things started. As with any brand new program, there have been bumps along the way, but we are continuing to work out how to successfully hold our practices with such a large team. I also want to thank the parents/guardians who are volunteering and assisting with coaching. 

We had our first Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA) this week in reading this week. Students did a nice job of following our testing protocols of ensuring all of their devices were off and away which ensured a smooth testing environment. Next week, students in Math 7, Math 7 Honors, and Pre-Algebra will take the Math VGA and students in Algebra and Geometry will be working on setting goals for math. To ensure students start with a strong foundation to perform at their best each day, please ensure students are going to bed so that they get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, eat breakfast, and drink plenty of water. We serve breakfast every day - students can purchase breakfast beginning at 7:00 am. 

Coming up next week is our Irving 101 on Wednesday, September 27 from 6:30-8:00 pm- please RSVP using the link in the calendar above! We will share information about Schoology/ParentVue, the Signs of Suicide lesson preview, and Standards Based Grading/Portrait of a Graduate. 

Also next week we will have our Picture Days. Please remind your child that they will have their school picture in their PE class on either Thursday, September 28 or Friday, September 29. Students will receive information about how to order pictures through their PE class. 

Please stay safe this weekend! 

Take Care!

Cindy Conley


Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology 

***The TJ application will become available on Monday, October 23 at 4:00 pm via the TJ website.

What is TJHSST?

A FCPS regional Governor’s high school (9-12th grades) for students interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). You can now find the new TJ Admissions Video for 2023 as well as the presentation schedule that is available to the public on their website, www.fcps.edu/tjadmissions. We strongly encourage you to view their YouTube admissions video prior to attending this meeting.

TJHSST Admissions: Contact Information

Admissions Office (general inquiries): Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Phone:571-423-3770         Email: tjadmissions@fcps.edu               Website:www.fcps.edu/tjadmissions

TJ Science Fair

Do you love science and research?  The TJ Investigative Science Outreach student-led organization at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology will be hosting the 11th annual science fair on March 16, 2024 at TJ and they are inviting all 5th-8th grade students from FCPS to participate (Admission to the science fair is completely free). Participants will complete a research project of their choice and present at this fair. This organization will help students prepare for this project-fair by holding multiple sessions to teach students important skills in STEM like brainstorming, collecting data, presenting, writing an experiment summary, using statistics, creating an experimental diagram, and so much more!. The first interest/brainstorming session is Friday October 6th, 2023 at 6:00 pm at TJHSST. All interested students sign up here: https://forms.gle/RMfQYuvACK3YajRw8

Yearbook pre-orders are open!

Pre-order your yearbook today!


Food for Neighbors

We had a great turn out for volunteers and donations for our Red Bag Collection on September 9! 

Food for Neighbors is an organization committed to helping local teens struggling with hunger. The food donated goes straight to students and families in Springfield and neighboring communities.

With your support, we can reach even more students in need. Participation is as simple as filling a Food For Neighbors Red Bag once every other month and putting it on your porch on our pick up days. We provide the bags, a desired food list, and pick-up date reminder texts. Our next collection day is November 11th. If you would like to donate food, please register as a Red Bag Donor here. If you would like to volunteer as a driver to pick up food or to help sort the food once it is delivered to Irving on our collection days, please sign up here.

If your student needs extra food for the weekend (soup/pasta, crackers, granola bars, oatmeal, fruit snack or milk/juice), please email Meg Gollinger at magollinger@fcps.edu

World Language Credit Exam

Can your child read and write proficiently in another language? If the answer is YES than you may want to register them for the World Language Credit Exam

What is the World Language Credit Exam?

A free, optional test offered by FCPS to provide students the opportunity to EARN HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT for their ability to read and write in another language. This is a rigorous test that assesses language experience (example, student can read entire newspaper in another language and write an essay using complete sentences).

Why take the World Language Credit Exam?

If students pass the exam, they can earn up to three (3) high school credits towards the advanced diploma language graduation requirements.

When is the World Language Credit Exam?

The 2023 World Languages Credit Exam will be administered on November 8, 9, and 13, 2023. You will only be registered for one date. Registration opens on September 5 and closes on October 5, at 4 p.m. Late registrations will not be accepted.

If you are interested in registering your child for this test, please email your child’s assigned school counselor:

8th Grade: Mrs. Pareja – cspareja@fcps.edu, Mr. Frenck – djfrenck@fcps.edu

7th Grade: Ms. Nelson – anelson@fcps.edu, Ms. Kiefaber – smkiefaber@fcps.edu

Irving Stays After - After School Program Registration

The After School program at Irving Middle School provides students access to high-quality activities in a safe environment for all students. The Program strives to improve academic performance, foster social, emotional, and physical well-being, all while reducing the potential for risk-taking behaviors. 


Information about Cross Country will be shared by Coach Sommers. Please remember students cannot leave school and return for the after school program and/or practice. 

Volleyball Assessments will be held on September 26 - September 28, during the 2nd block of after school. This process is competitive and skill based, for safety reasons (because a lot of students are interested, however, capacity and ratios limit us) a good portion of students will be referred/redirected to participate in Volleyball Clinic to polish skills. Volleyball Clinic will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays, starting first block Monday, October 2nd.

Clubs starting next week:

MakerSpace/Robotics - Tuesday, September 26

Volleyball Assessments - Tuesday, September 26 - Thursday, September 28

Appian Board Game Club - Wednesday, September 27

College Partnership (CPP) - Thursday, September 28

Minecraft Club - Thursday, September 28

*The After School Schedule, shows what is coming soon for October (only on All Students)*

Library News

Irving Says…

A new interactive display in the library this school year is that of a weekly poll.  Last week’s question revealed that 76% of students would rather “never eat their favorite food again,” than “only eat their favorite food always.”  560 students voted for the first option, while 173 cast a vote for sticking to eating only their favorite food.

This was a busy week in the library, as all of the English 8 classes came in for book talks and shared readings, as an introduction to the books that they will choose from for their first quarter novel study.    

Ask your student if they can remember what books they heard about, and what they hope to read.

PTA News

Welcome to the weekend and the official start of Fall!

We'd love for you to join the PTA! $10 Parents/Guardians; $9 additional family members; $5 Staff/Faculty

https://irvingms.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true (COPY & PASTE SINCE THE LINKS ARE NOT LIVE)

From this link you can also donate to our Headless Heroes Fund. It is a direct donation and our largest fundraiser. You will also see remaining pieces of Spirit Wear in that section. Grab it while it's there. We'll do an online sale with more items in October. 

Our FIRST SPIRIT NIGHT will be at Papa John's on September 28...and then every Thursday after that! Get pizza - Support the PTA. What's a spirit night you ask? A local restaurant provides the PTA with a percentage of the sales from a given night or day. Our local Papa John's has offered to do it EVERY THURSDAY! It's a WIN-WIN-WIN: your kids eat, you get a break from cooking, and Irving PTA makes money. Oh - AND - you're supporting a local business or franchise! You can't afford NOT to do it. 

Upcoming: Our next PTA Meeting will be in November. TBD - "Kids in Today's Society" presentation (formerly Hidden in Plain Sight) from our local Fairfax County Police in West Springfield. This presentation provides insight into a range of teen behavior, from risky to illegal, that the local police are currently dealing with. It is an adult only presentation. More details to follow. 

Feel free to reach out to learn more about the PTA, or with any questions you might have.

Website: https://irvingms.memberhub.com

Email: irvingmspta@gmail.com