You may have heard in the news and noticed in a recent FCPS Newsletter seen here that updates have been made to the FCPS grading policy. The most notable change is that students may now receive zeroes on missing assignments. This is a change from the past couple of years when 50% was the lowest grade. CVHS has made adjustments to our grading policy to align with the FCPS expectations. You can read more about the CVHS grading information here on the school website.
We are now in week four of school and approaching the mid point of the first quarter. Students should have a few graded assignments in the gradebook. It is important for students to stay caught up and work with their teachers to complete missing assignments; otherwise, the zero will have a big impact on their overall grade. We encourage parents to have a SIS ParentVUE account where you can see student grades.
Our goal is for students to have a strong start with their grades!