Weekly Wave: September 8

Principal's Message

Hello Lake Anne Family, 

WOW! What a great turn out at our first Walk and Roll this morning. Thank you to the PTA for putting together this event. Remember, there will be a Walk and Roll every month this school year! This is a great opportunity to connect and we look forward to seeing even more Lake Anne Families at the next opportunity. 

As a reminder, next week students in grades 3-6 will take their reading VGA. All testing will start promptly at 9:30. Please ensure your child arrives to school on time. Cell phones and electronic devices are not permitted during testing. Families might consider having students leave their cell phones or smart at home on our testing day, September 12. If students bring their phones to school, please remind them they should be silent or off and in their backpacks.

Finally, we are excited to welcome families into the building for Back to School Night on September 14. Our teachers are looking forward to connecting with families and sharing more about their classroom and instruction for this school year. We will will begin letting families in at 6:15 so that our first session can start promptly at 6:30. See you there!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. Jill Stewart, Principal

Dr. Brittany Rogers, Assistant Principal




Cell Phone & Smartwatch Usage at School

In accordance with the FCPS SR&R, elementary students are not allowed to use the call/text function on smartwatches during the school day.  This policy does include non-instructional times including lunch and recess.  If your child is not feeling well, please remind them that they need to tell their teacher, so we can support them in the clinic; they can call you from there. Please do not call, message, or reply to your child on their cell phone or smartwatch during the school day. Below is the language from the SR&R for students in elementary school:

Phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. Watches that serve a dual purpose (e.g., smart watch) may be worn; however, phone features (e.g., texting, Internet, calls, etc.) are to be off when phone use is prohibited. Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is a medical necessity or emergency. Teachers may allow usage of cell phones for instructional activities where they are the most appropriate tool, however one-to-one FCPS devices should meet most needs. Cell phones may be used on campus only before and after school.  The full SR&R document is linked here.

Update Contact Information to Receive Messages from FCPS

Be among the first to know about weather closings, bus delays, and other critical communications from FCPS and our school by providing your cell phone number and email in SIS ParentVUE. Make sure you complete the Emergency Care Form for your child every year and update when necessary. 

To update your contact information in ParentVUE, click the “Online Packets” tab in the upper right of the screen. Then select the “Online Verification/Update” form in the drop down menu. Click “Begin Packet.”

Parents who do not have a SIS ParentVUE account continue to have the option to communicate updates via the normal paper process. They can also print and complete a blank Emergency Care Information Form needed for updates and submit it to the front office.

Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights

Fairfax County Public Schools wants all parents to understand its policies regarding surveys, records, curriculum, privacy, and related rights.

In its Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights, and Opt-Out Forms (Annual Notice), FCPS provides explanations of the rights listed above as well as forms that may be used to exercise opt-out choices. Two versions of the Annual Notice are available — a grades K-8 version and a grades 9-12 version. Parents with children at different grade levels should read each applicable version of the Annual Notice, because the notices and opt-out rights vary depending on the student’s grade level.

Get more information and view the 2023-24 Opt-Out Booklets.

2023-2024 Student Rights & Responsibilities

FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document (SR&R) explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment. In late June, the School Board approved changes to the SR&R for the 2023-24 school year. Updates include a revision of dress code expectations, bystander expectations for students witnessing harmful or unsafe behaviors, bullying, and substance abuse responses. Read Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s letter to families regarding the SR&R

Parents/caregivers should talk to their child(ren) about expectations for this school year. Also, please log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet to your child’s school by Friday, September 29.

Parental Permission to Use Digital Resources

Our teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. Additionally, you can find more information about approved digital resources in FCPS here.

Included on this page is also a link to where the enrolling parent or guardian will need to indicate whether or not their student is allowed to use the list of digital resources this year. This page also provides more information about how FCPS carefully reviews digital resources for approval and why we must request your consent before using certain tools. We encourage you to complete the parental consent for digital resources form as soon as possible, as your child will not be able to use the digital resources until we have received your permission. Please reach out to Kima Austrie (staustrie@fcps.edu) if you have questions or concerns about the digital resources we’ve chosen to use this year.

Power Packs

Power Pack Program:

Greetings Lake Anne Families!  Our Power Pack (Friday food) program is starting up again.  If you would like to be included in this supplemental meal program, please let us know as soon as possible.  This is a confidential program which provides your student(s) a bag of food in their backpacks on Fridays.  To be included in this program, please email Leann Parente, our school social worker, at lbparente@fcps.edu or call her at 703-326-3587.  Thank you

Programa de Power Pack:

¡Saludos familias de Lake Anne! Nuestro programa Power Pack (comida de los viernes) está comenzando de nuevo. Si desea ser incluido en este programa de comidas suplementarias, háganoslo saber lo antes posible. Este es un programa confidencial que proporciona a sus estudiantes una bolsa de comida en sus mochilas los viernes. Para ser incluido en este programa, envíe un correo electrónico a Leann Parente, nuestra trabajadora social de la escuela, a lbparente@fcps.edu o al 703-326-3587. Habla español. Gracias

VGA Testing Schedule

State assessments measure the extent to which students have learned the content and skills reflected in state standards and may also be used to measure growth in learning state standards.

The format and timing of state assessments vary by grade level and content area, as noted in the table below. These include: • Fall and winter Virginia Growth Assessments (VGA) standardized tests in reading and mathematics. More information is available on the VGA webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/43932)


Back to School Night--September 14


SIBSHOPS: An Exciting, In-person Workshop for Brothers and Sisters of Children with Special Needs!

The Sibshop workshops are for children in grades 2-6 enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools who have siblings with special needs to:

  • Meet other siblings in a relaxed setting.
  • Celebrate the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of children with special needs.
  • Share sibling experiences and receive peer support.
  • Play games and have fun!

Monday, October 9, 2023, 9 a.m.- noon at Providence Community Center

Presented by FCPS School Social Work Services

For more information click here:



To register click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5mhgFq5dal3-H60sXycnebh3GfeVK_YhYLcsNLvvF1HtkyA/viewform?utm_campaign+=

Calendar Reminders

September 1, 2023 - No School, Student Holiday

September 4, 2023 - No School, Student Holiday

September 14, 2023 6:30PM - 7:30PM - Back to School Night

September 25, 2023 - No School, Yom Kippur Holiday