Woodson Weekly - September 8th |
Woodson Weekly is published every Friday to provide the community with important information about school life at Woodson High School.
Mission Statement
Woodson High School’s mission is to empower our community to reach their individual potential by creating a healthy environment of mutual respect, responsibility, equity, and inclusion.
To read this newsletter in other languages, please visit our website.
Para leer este mensaje en otros idiomas, podrán ver las traducciones automáticas en nuestro sitio web.
 Leadership students are ready for the first home football game and Cav Kickoff Dance tonight!
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 8th, 9:15-11pm - Cav Kickoff Dance, Outdoor Basketball Courts (#3)
Saturday, September 9th, 9am-12pm - Senior Parking Lot Painting (#10)
Tuesday, September 11th, 7pm - PTSO Meeting, Virtual
Thursday, September 14th, 6-8:30pm - Back to School Night (#4)
Monday, September 18th, 6:30pm - Parents for Safe Teen Driving Seminar, Auditorium (#11)
Saturday, September 23rd, 9am-12pm - Senior Parking Lot Painting (#10)
Monday, September 25th - Yom Kippur Holiday
Monday, October 9th - Student Holiday, Staff Development Day
Woodson's Events & Activities Calendar
The complete FCPS 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
In this Issue
NEW News
1. Message from Dr. Floyd 2. Woodson Football Gate and Game Expectations 3. Cav Kickoff Dance 4. Back to School Night 5. World Languages Credit Exam 6. Free Tutoring from Tutor.com 7. Social Emotional Learning Screener Opt-Out Information 8. College and Career Center
PAST News but Still Important
9. Attendance 10. Senior Parking Lot Painting 11. Partners for Safe Teen Driving Seminars 12. Schedule Change Request Process 13. Family Life Education (FLE) Instructional Program Information 14. A Great School Year Starts With Mental Wellness 15. Class of 2024 Yard Signs 16. Forgotten Items & Lost and Found 17. Woodson Career Day - Looking for Speakers 18. Order Your Woodson Yearbook 19. Optional Beginning of School Forms 20. Woodson's PTSO
NEW News
1. Message from Dr. Floyd
Dear Woodson Community:
My 8+ years at Woodson have been a wonderful ride full of fun, excitement, challenges, joy, and accomplishments. Being a principal is by far the best job in the world, but it has also been the most stressful, exhausting, and at times, painful job in the world.
A wise person once said, you have to know when it is time to go. For my mental and physical health, now is that time. Some may ask why now? Why at the beginning of the school year? The answer is I have laid the foundation and framework for a successful year. Woodson is fully staffed, and students are in classes learning. Passing the torch with a plan already in place will allow for a smooth transition to the new principal.
Thankfully, I can leave FCPS and move to a new job in a neighboring county where I will continue to impact students and staff, but in a very different way. I will be filling a central office role that supports student discipline, rights, and responsibilities. As sad as I am to leave the people, I will not miss the heaviness that comes with shouldering the responsibility of over 2,400 students and 300 staff. I am excited to begin this next adventure.
I am confident FCPS Leadership will identify a new principal who can take Woodson HS to the next level. I trust that they will find someone who will love Woodson’s unique culture and amazing activities as much as I do, but also be willing to work to shore up areas that need improvement.
In the meantime, I ask our community to bring back the grace extended to staff during the pandemic when they learned new technology and tried to reach our students in new ways. Our staff are doing the best that they can. They truly care for each and every one of our students. We want the best for our young Cavaliers. Through my experience at Woodson, I can confidently say no one is out to “get” anyone and we hold our students accountable to high expectations of academic and social behavior. When we reach out, please know it comes from a place of care and concern from one human to another. This is a difficult time in which we live, and I encourage all to support one another as we all help our students grow to be positive, productive members of society.
My last day will be Wednesday, September 13th at which point Mr. Kevin Greata, assistant principal at Fairfax HS, will serve as the interim principal. He did an excellent job last school year when he served as acting principal in my absence.
Woodson will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Go Cavs, Dr. Floyd WoodsonConnect@fcps.edu
2. Woodson Football Gate and Game Expectations
Tonight is our First Home Varsity Football game versus Oakton HS. We want to remind you that the following guidelines are in effect to ensure that all of our patrons, students, and parents enjoy the true spirit of the event:
The game will start at 7:00pm Cost of tickets are $5, and can be purchased at the gate or ahead of time through this E-tix link.
- Patrons will not be allowed to enter the stadium with athletic equipment such as bats, balls, sticks, etc.
- Backpacks are not allowed. Everyone entering the stadium is subject to search.
- Patrons will not be allowed to enter the stadium with outside food or containers such as water bottles, cups, cans, etc.
- We welcome all members of the community to attend our games, but parents are needed to attend and monitor middle and elementary aged students. All attendees, regardless of age, are expected to behave responsibly.
- Woodson High School (including the parking lots) is a drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free zone. Adults and students who are determined to be in violation of regulations restricting the possession or being under the influence of drugs, alcohol and/or tobacco will be dealt with accordingly, including being subject to arrest by police.
- Representatives from the Fairfax County Police Department, the Woodson Administration, and the Woodson Security Staff will continue to monitor the activities of our patrons in the parking lot, at the ticket gate, and inside the stadium to promote a safe and secure environment for both Woodson fans, our visitors, and guests.
- For varsity football games, once you pay and enter the stadium you may not leave and reenter. Please plan accordingly.
- Woodson HS students and parents are asked to demonstrate good citizenship and spirited sportsmanship to our opponents and their fans. Any clothing that includes negative references to opposing teams/schools will not be tolerated. The Woodson Cavalry is considered the best fans in Virginia! Let’s show everyone that we are #Cavstrong.
Thank you in advance for making this a great event for all! We are #oneWoodson!
3. Cav Kickoff Dance
 The Cav Kickoff dance will happen tonight, Friday, September 8th, immediately following the first home football game.
The cost of the dance is $1 and it will take place in the outdoor basketball courts near door 9. This annual tradition celebrates the opening of school and is a great way to finish off a Friday night of cheering.
The dance begins at 9:15pm or at the end of the football game (whichever comes first) and ends promptly at 11:00pm.
Admission is collected at the door.
4. Back to School Night
Back to School Night (BTSN) is in-person this year on Thursday, September 14th from 6-8:30pm.
Look for an eNotify next week for specific details around BTSN. 1st period kicks off at 6PM with 10 minute classes and 10 minute passing times. Be sure to find your child’s schedule on SIS ParentVUE before this event. If assistance is needed with a student schedule please come to door 1.
All entrances to the building will be open. Please arrive early to get a parking spot and remember there is parking behind the school and near the stadium.
4:45-5:45pm – Military Family meet & greet in Café B (optional for families of military students).
5:15-5:45pm – Signs of Suicide (SOS) video screening in Library (optional for parents for 9th/11th graders).
5:30-6:00pm – ESOL Family session in C114 (optional for ESOL Families).
5:30-6:00pm – School Board welcome back messages will stream in a loop in the Auditorium.
6:00-8:30pm – Parents rotate through student schedules periods 1-8.
We all look forward to seeing you at BTSN!
 Genetics and Biotech students engage in hands-on learning about the prevalence of lactose intolerance around the world.
5. World Languages Credit Exam
The 2023 World Languages Credit Exam will be administered on Wednesday-Thursday, November 8, 9, and Monday, November 13, 2023.
Thirty languages will be included: American Sign Language (ASL), Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin), Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Pashto, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, Turkish, Twi, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Registration is open and will close on Thursday, October 5th at 4:00 p.m. Late registrations will not be accepted. Contact your counselor to register.
6. Free Tutoring from Tutor.com
 All FCPS students continue to have unlimited access to live, 24/7, one-on-one online tutoring services through Tutor.com at no cost to families. Student participation is optional and parents/caregivers can opt their student(s) out of accessing the services. Get more information on the Tutor.com Online Tutoring Services webpage.
Students can access Tutor.com via a link in Schoology. Additional information about how to log in and access a tutor is provided to families via the following: Middle & High - How It Works. Questions not answered in the posted resources may be sent to onlinetutoring@fcps.edu.
7. Social Emotional Learning Screener Opt-Out Information
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) commits to supporting all students’ mental wellness and social and emotional learning (SEL). The School Board has approved a screener to review students’ skills and experiences in these areas. FCPS staff will use the screener to identify strengths and needs for students in grades K-12. The screener provides information regarding students’ experiences and how staff can support their needs.
SEL skills include self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. The screener will review these skills, as well as students’ relationships, feelings of belonging, feelings about their school environment, and mood. These factors are critical to positive academic, social, and emotional success.
If you do not want your student to take part in the SEL screener, please return the opt-out form found on the FCPS site to Student Services no later than Friday, September 29th.
 Students exploring the properties of water.
8. College & Career Center Information
IMPORTANT DATES – for more information, registration links & additional events, please visit the live Calendar below.
September 13 Senior Support every Wednesday morning
October 4 Military Recruiter Lunch Visits Wednesdays through May
October 6 Senior College Application Workshop All Lunches
October 11 PSAT/SAT Day
October 15 FCPS College Fair @ GMU
October 16&17 FCPS Virtual Postsecondary Nights
October 24 Senior College Application Workshop All Lunches
November 3 Woodson Career Day
November 20 Senior College Application Workshop All Lunches
November 28 ASVAB Test
November 29 Junior Information Night
January 30 FCPS Gap Year Fair @ Marshall HS
February 13 U.S. Service Academy & ROTC Program Info Night @ Madison HS
March 13 Sophomore College Night
April 3 Junior Focus Day
Please visit the live Calendar below for more information & events, registration links, and our College Rep Visit Schedule for next week.
Students must go to Naviance to sign up for the College Rep Visits and then create their own E-HallPass to the Career Center. Visit Notes and Rep Contact Info can be accessed on our College Rep Visits Padlet.
Woodson College & Career Center Newsletters, Resume Building, Military, Apprenticeships/Trade Schools resources and more can be found on the Woodson College & Career Padlets. Questions? Please email cliebmosley@fcps.edu.
PAST News but Still Important
9. Attendance
Attendance is critical to student success in the classroom.
Parents/guardians must contact the attendance office (703-503-4800) to report attendance; emails and online forms will no longer be accepted to notify our school of your student’s absence. Woodson is not monitoring or accepting any absences submitted via email. Due to an excessive number of forgeries, the online attendance form is currently disabled.
Below is a quick guide for reporting all-day absences, late arrivals, and early check-outs from school.
10. Senior Parking Lot Painting
 Come paint the senior parking lot spaces on Saturday, September 9th or Saturday, September 23th from 9AM-12PM! Showcase your style and personality while supporting your school and the Class of 2024!
The cost to paint each parking space is $10.
These are the guidelines that must be followed in order to participate. Please see the Class of 2024 Schoology site for full details.
Please send an email to dlholsinger@fcps.edu & bcwilliams@fcps.edu. to let us know which painting day you plan to attend.
11. Partners for Safe Teen Driving Seminars
Attention all 10th grade students and their parents. All new drivers and parents must attend a state mandated traffic safety seminar, Partners for Safe Teen Driving. Please mark your calendar for the Woodson seminars for 2023-2024. Seminars will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will take place in the Woodson Auditorium.
Monday, September 18th Wednesday, November 15th Monday, February 12th Monday, April 15th
Questions? Please contact David O'Hara at DGOHara@fcps.edu.
12. Schedule Change Request Process
The schedule change request window for this year is now through Friday, September 22nd.
During this time, students may complete the schedule change request form, which is available for pickup in Student Services, to request a change to one of their classes. This form requires the student to document the reason for the request and what they have done to get extra help in the class, if needed. Teacher feedback on the request and signature, as well as parent signature, is also required. Once the form is completed, students should return the form to their counselor in Student Services. Students should see their counselor in Student Services to discuss potential schedule change requests, or contact them if they have any questions or need any assistance.
13. Family Life Education (FLE) Instructional Program Information
FCPS provides a comprehensive, sequential Family Life Education (FLE) program for students in grades kindergarten through grade twelve. Instruction is seen as a partnership among parents and guardians, the school, and the community in supporting the learning essential to the development of strong families, positive relationships, and a healthy community.
Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child out of all or part of the Family Life Education program. Students who are opted out are provided with age-appropriate, nonpunitive alternative health instruction, and every effort is made to foster respect for family choices. If you wish to opt your child out of all or part of FLE for this school year, opt out forms are available online for High School (9-12). Please fill in the opt-out form and return it to Student Services prior to Family Life Education instruction.
Detailed grade-level program descriptions are available online for High School (9-12). FLE grade level-specific lessons and media that FCPS has streaming rights for are available for parents online in Schoology. Parents/guardians login to Schoology using the same username and password as their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account. Grade level-specific lessons are also available at the City of Fairfax Regional Library (this location does not have media). Grade level-specific lessons and media that is not streamed online are available for review in our school library. Due to copyright permissions, we are unable to stream all media online.
Program questions may be addressed by our Director of Student Activities, Blair Smith or by contacting Instructional Services at 571-423-4550 or fle@fcps.edu.
- Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights and Opt-Out Forms.
14. A Great School Year Starts With Mental Wellness
All FCPS high school students can access virtual therapy sessions with licensed counselors from Hazel Health at no cost.
Hazel’s therapists — who specialize in working with teens — can help students address mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss, anxiety, peer and family relationships, and academic stress.
For high schoolers to participate in teletherapy services, caregivers must:
Students must be referred to therapy by a caregiver or designated school staff member.
Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.
15. Class of 2024 Yard Signs
The 2024 yard signs are here! Please email woodsonangp@gmail to order. You will receive an email confirming your purchase, and where and how to pick up your order.
Attention Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Parents!
Do you have fun planning and organizing fun events? Ready to volunteer for a spectacular Woodson HS event? Your mad skills are needed for the Woodson All Night Grad Party at The St. James!! Underclass parents are needed to help senior parents focus on this big year. Then one day, underclass parents will do the same for your soon-to-be senior. Everyone wins! Questions? Send an email to Katie Clinton at woodsonANGP@gmail.com.
16. Forgotten Items & Lost and Found
Q - My son/daughter forgot their lunch/homework assignment/laptop. Where can I drop off items?
A– Forgotten items may be dropped off at the main office on a designated bookshelf. Please make sure your child's name is written on the item.
Q - My son/daughter lost their wallet (or any item). Where should I go to see if it has been turned in?
A – You may come to the main office and a Safety and Security assistant will escort you to the Lost and Found room to search for your item.
17. Woodson Career Day - Looking for Speakers
Passionate about your work? Interested in sharing your career path with students? Please consider speaking at our 2nd annual Portrait of a Graduate Career Day on Friday, November 3rd from 8:30am-12:10pm!
On this day we are looking for guest speakers to share what they do, how they got started, successes, challenges, and what they learned in high school that they are still using on a daily basis.
If you are available November 3rd and would like to know more about the day please email Katherine Stransky at kbstransky@fcps.edu. If you have already decided to speak that day please complete the speaker form linked here.
18. Order Your Woodson Yearbook NOW
Purchase your yearbook at the lowest price of the year!
Yearbooks for the 23-24 school year are available to order starting TODAY, Friday, August 18th.
Last year, our yearbooks sold out!!! Reserve your copy now at the early-bird price of $70. Go to www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter Woodson’s code, 5278.
Don’t miss out!
19. Optional Back to School Forms
There are additional forms that are available for Parents/Guardians to complete. Please fill out any that apply to your student and email to Darlene Sheppard at dmsheppard@fcps.edu.
FCPS Privacy and Opt Out Forms
The 2023-2024 Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights and Opt-Out Forms booklet details parents’ rights regarding FCPS policies. These forms should be printed out and turned in ONLY IF YOU WISH YOUR CHILD TO BE OPTED-OUT.
Military Connected Student Form
In accordance with the Code of Virginia (§22.1-287.04), local school divisions are required to identify students who have a parent in the United States uniformed services. Completing this form allows Virginia localities to maintain reliable and accurate data for potential grant funding and to receive services to meet the needs of uniformed services-connected students.
FCPS Free and Reduced Lunch Forms and Consent to Share Information
Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced price meals for the 2023-24 school year.
Eligible families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application before the first day of the 2023-24 school year. More information is on the FCPS website, including forms to apply for Free or Reduced Lunch.
If your children are eligible for free and reduced lunch, they may also be eligible to participate in several fee-based programs (class fees, senior dues, parking fees, etc.) at either no cost or a reduced cost if you provide a consent to share information form. You can scroll to the bottom of the FCPS page to access “Consent to Share Information."
20. Woodson's PTSO
Our mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
PTSO meetings take place the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm online. The link to join will be sent out in the PTSO WeMail on Tuesday afternoons.
Whether you are a new or returning WTW parent, please get involved in any way that works for you. Here are some quick links to get you started:
Join our PTSO Make a Donation Sign up for one of our Volunteer Opportunities Ask a local business to become a Business or Community Sponsor Find WT Woodson on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Go shopping! Amazon, Office Depot, groceries, etc. Link your accounts and a portion of your sales will go to our school!
Mental Health Resources | 24/7 Emergency Numbers
If you are in crisis, text NEEDHELP to 85511, call 1-800-273-TALK, or dial 911; TTY dial 711
CrisisLink Regional Hotline: 703-527-4077 (CrisisLink is a hotline for individuals in crisis or family/friends seeking guidance for how to help a loved one)
Dominion Hospital Assessment and Referral Line: 703-536-2000
Inova Emergency Services: 703-289-7560
Mobile Crisis Unit: 1-844-627-4747
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
Merrifield Center Emergency Services: 703-573-5679; TTY dial 711 (The Merrifield Center of the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, offers a range of clinical programming. Emergency Services, staffed 24 hours per day, seven days per week, works with people in psychiatric crisis who need immediate attention.)
Plan D Nova https://www.plandnova.org/ (a website for Northern Virginia teens who suffer from depression: #breakthestigma)