LRES Community News 8.26.23

First Week Celebrations


The first week was an absolutely wonderful start to the school year!  Thank you all for helping your children be ready for their first day.  The energy, smiles, and excitement radiated throughout the school.

Thank you PTA for the welcome back goodie bags, Tears & Cheers breakfast for the parents, and the gorgeous tea party in the staff lounge on Friday! 

Every class needs at least one room parent and one volunteer to come and organize Wednesday folders for the class.  Please reach out to to your classroom teacher if you can support with one or more of these opportunities!  Even better if two parents can share room parent responsibilities and support their class.  

Did someone at Lemon Road go above and beyond to support you or your child this week?  Consider submitting FCPS CARES entry!  

Have a great weekend ~ Mrs. Castillo

LRES Parent Reminders

  • Access your student’s attendance records, grades, and assignments at any time with SIS ParentVUE
  • Talk with your children about behavior expectations at school. Log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet by Friday, September 29

Freaky Friday Dates

Freaky Friday

Lemon Road celebrates birthdays with food treats one day per month - Freaky Friday (typically the last Friday of each month - see below).  We encourage room parents to coordinate treats with the classroom teacher to ensure all students are celebrated and can participate.  Please do not send in food or treats on other days as we will not be able to distribute them.  We also do not distribute soda or any caffeinated beverages.  Finally, the whole school joins in the Freaky Friday fun with an SCA-selected spirit day theme, so keep an eye out each month for the theme!  Here are the Freaky Friday dates for this school year:

Friday, September 29

Friday, October 27

Friday, November 17

Friday, December 15

Friday, January 19

Friday, February 23

Friday, March 22

Friday, April 26

Friday, May 31 (May & June Birthdays)

From Your PTA


We hope everyone had a great First week back! It was lovely to see so many familiar and new faces at the Tears and Cheers breakfast on Monday!

  • It's time to renew your membership or join the PTA! Big thanks to all 156 community members who have already joined, we are well on our way to our 250 target! Being a PTA member gives you a vote on important issues like our annual Budget, Board member elections and more. It also gives you access to our PTA emails and PTA google calendar. Most importantly it shows your support of the work the PTA does throughout the year for the school, and your commitment to this wonderful community. Being a member is NOT a commitment to volunteering your time, though we welcome and are grateful for all those who are able to volunteer throughout the year! To join the PTA click here 
  • We began our "Armchair Donation" -  the easiest way to support the PTA. Field trips are important for every student and we made them our first fundraising priority of the year. We want to raise $7000 in the first 3 weeks of the school year to help fund field trip buses and reduce the costs for every student for the school year as well as funding field trip scholarships for those students in need. To donate please click here 
  • We have vacancies on our PTA extended board for anyone interested in getting involved! We have roles available in the following teams:  Student Enrichment, Communications, Events, Fundraising, Service Projects and Legislative & Advocacy liaison. Please get in touch to discuss how you can get involved in a way that works for you and fits your time constraints. Email us at

Parent Permission Needed

Digital Resources

Some FCPS-approved digital resources require parent consent before they can be used by students. Find the list of resources which require consent on the Parent Consent webpage. This page also includes directions for providing permission. 

Each digital resource used in FCPS has had an instructional and technical review. Information about the educational technology tools approved for use within FCPS can be found in the online Digital Ecosystem Library.

Parents can find more information about FCPS-approved digital resources on the Digital Resources in FCPS webpage.

Required School Safety Drills

The first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students are exempt from practicing the first lockdown drill. 

Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your students before and after school lockdown drills.

Positivity Project: Curiosity


This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Curiosity during Morning Meeting. Curiosity means you like exploration and discovery. You ask lots of questions, because you want to learn more about anything and everything.  Individuals with the character strength of curiosity are more likely to ask questions and try new things. Curiosity, then, is a form of courage. Asking questions exposes the fact that we don’t know, and trying a new activity means we might fail. However, it’s only through asking questions and exploring new opportunities that we learn and grow. 

To practice and encourage the character strength of curiosity with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.

Mark Your Calendars

  • Monday, August 28: Patrol Interest Meeting
  • Friday, September 1: School Holiday - Labor Day
  • Monday, September 4:  School Holiday - Labor Day
  • Wednesday, September 6: Lockdown Drill
  • Friday, September 8: LRES Spirit wear Day; Quarter 1 Principals' Coffee (8:30 AM); PTA Ice Cream Social (6 PM)
  • Thursday, September 14:  Back to School Night