Welcome Back to School!

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I hope everyone has had a great first week of school. This is always an exciting time full of possibilities, so I want to wish everyone great joy and success in the coming year!

I would also like to provide you with the following information, which I hope will be a helpful resource to all families as they strive to support their children.

In addition, I invite you to watch my Welcome Back to School message. As stated in my recorded message, I will be retiring after 12 years of service to the School Board when my elected term officially ends on December 31st, 2023. I will have more thoughts to share when the time draws to a close. Until then, I remain very excited to represent and serve our community for these next 4 months!  

Please contact me or my staff aide Donna if we can be of assistance.

Here’s to a wonderful school year for our students, families, teachers and staff!

In service,



In this Newsletter

Welcome New Readers! & Ways to Keep in Touch

Megan's Welcome Back to School Message

FCPS Tools & Back to School To Do's for Families

  • Sign Up for SIS ParentVUE to Support Your Child’s Success
  • Update Your Contact Information & Complete Your Child’s Emergency Care Form
  • Provide Permission for Your Student to Use FCPS Digital Resources
  • Review 2023-24 Student Rights and Responsibilities & Complete Form by Friday, Sept 29th
  • Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights and Opt-Out Forms

Busses & Kiss and Ride: Transportation Resources

School Meals

  • Paying with MySchoolBucks
  • Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • New This Year: Salad Bars at All Schools

FCPS Technology Resources

  • Chromebooks for Secondary and High School Students
  • What Is Schoology?
  • Free Online Activity Reports for Parents

Back to School News & Resources

  • Helping Prepare Young Children for School
  • K-12 Curriculum: See What Your Student Will Be Learning This Year 
  • Updates on Grading Policies for Middle and High School Students
  • Updates to High School Transcripts
  • Middle School Sports
  • Tutor.com Is Still Free for All FCPS Students
  • Managing Back-to-School Anxiety
  • Parent Information Line Available in Eight Languages

FCPS’ Family Resource Center: Free Resources for Families

  • September Workshops for Families

New FCPS Leadership and Restructured Regions

Save the Date: Back to School Nights

2023-24 School Year Calendar

  • School Attendance

FCPS Tutors: Meeting Student Needs and Watching Students Grow

  • Are You Interested in Being a Tutor? 

School Board News

  • New Chair and Vice Chair Elected to School Board
  • Meet the School Board’s New Student Representative

School Bond Referendum on Ballot Tuesday, Nov 7th

  • What is the School Bond Referendum?
  • FCPS School Bond Referendum - Volunteers Needed!

Join FCPS’ Alumni Network!

FCPS Cares


Welcome New Readers! & Ways to Keep in Touch

For our FCPS families who are receiving this newsletter for the first time, welcome!

I strive to share valuable information about our schools for Braddock District families, staff, and community members. I hope you will find this information helpful, and I look forward to your feedback!

To stay informed, you should also be receiving FCPS This Week, which has important district-wide information, and newsletters from your school(s).

If you aren’t receiving them, go to the News You Choose webpage where you can find your child’s school and also manage your newsletter subscriptions, including this one. I invite you to also review the list of FCPS topics and groups available and sign up for those of interest to you and your family.

To keep in touch, you can also follow FCPS on Facebook and Instagram! And look to follow your student’s schools on those social media platforms as well. 


Welcome Back to School!

Megan - BTSN video

(Please click on my picture above to watch my Welcome Back to School message.)

Welcome again to this new school year!

I want to encourage our parents to be involved in your child’s educational needs. Parent involvement is a significant factor for student success.

I also want to convey my deep gratitude for our highly dedicated teachers and staff. Our students will continue to thrive because of your incredible commitment to them.

As your School Board member, one of my goals is to foster school-family partnerships, which are so important for the benefit of our students.

Please don't hesitate to be in touch.


FCPS Tools & Back to School To Do's for Families

Sign Up for SIS ParentVUE to Support Your Child’s Success

Access your student’s attendance records, grades, and assignments at any time with SIS ParentVUE. Caregivers should receive an activation code when they register their child. 

Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family is available through the same ParentVUE account.

SIS ParentVUE can be accessed on a computer and also by using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android devices. 

Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps.

Watch this video to learn more about how to navigate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.


Update Your Contact Information & Complete Your Child’s Emergency Care Form

Be among the first to know about weather closings, bus delays, and other critical communications from FCPS and your school by providing your cell phone number and email in SIS ParentVUE.

Make sure you also complete the Emergency Care Form for your child every year and update when necessary. 

To update your contact information in ParentVUE, click the “Online Packets” tab in the upper right of the screen, then select the “Online Verification/Update” form in the drop down menu. Click “Begin Packet.”

Parents who do not have a SIS ParentVUE account continue to have the option to communicate updates via the normal paper process. They can also print and complete a blank Emergency Care Information Form needed for updates and submit it to the front office.


Provide Permission for Your Student to Use FCPS Digital Resources

Some FCPS-approved digital resources require parent consent before they can be used by students.

Find the list of resources which require consent on the Parent Consent webpage. This page also includes directions for providing permission. 

Each digital resource used in FCPS has had an instructional and technical review. Information about the educational technology tools approved for use within FCPS can be found in the online Digital Ecosystem Library.

Parents can find more information about FCPS-approved digital resources on the Digital Resources in FCPS webpage.


Review 2023-24 Student Rights and Responsibilities & Complete Form by Friday, Sept 29th


FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document (SR&R) explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment.

In late June, the School Board approved changes to the SR&R for the 2023-24 school year.

Updates include a revision of dress code expectations, bystander expectations for students witnessing harmful or unsafe behaviors, bullying, and substance abuse responses.

Read Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s letter to families regarding the SR&R

Parents/caregivers should talk to their child(ren) about expectations for this school year. Also, please log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet to your child’s school by Friday, September 29.


Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights and Opt-Out Forms

Fairfax County Public Schools wants all parents to understand its policies regarding surveys, records, curriculum, privacy, and related rights.

In its Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights and Opt-Out Forms (Annual Notice), FCPS provides explanations of the rights listed above as well as forms that may be used to exercise opt-out choices.

Two versions of the Annual Notice are available — a grades K-8 version and a grades 9-12 version. Parents with children at different grade levels should read each applicable version of the Annual Notice because the notices and opt-out rights vary depending on the student’s grade level.

Get more information and view the 2023-24 Opt-Out Booklets.


Busses & Kiss and Ride

Transportation Resources

bus picking up students

Thank you for your patience as we all get used to new routines this school year. We appreciate our families following their school’s kiss and ride procedures and being patient as they wait for their children’s buses. 

If a student’s bus is delayed, parents may access the Bus Delay Notification System or use the Here Comes the Bus mobile app to receive the delayed bus report. Email messages will be sent to announce significant bus delays.

To make sure you receive email messages about bus delays, please check and update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE.

Visit the Transportation Services contact webpage to see who to contact with specific questions.


School Meals

Salad Bar

Parents/caregivers need to provide their students with money to purchase meals at school, send them with a packed lunch, or apply (and be approved) for free and reduced-price meals benefits.

School breakfast for students costs $1.75. Lunch is $3.25 for elementary students and $3.50 for middle, secondary, and high school students.

Visit this webpage to find your school’s menu.


Paying With MySchoolBucks

The best way to purchase meals is to use MySchoolBucks. MySchoolBucks accounts can be set up to add money to the account as needed automatically. Families with multiple children can use the same MySchoolBucks account.

Visit FCPS’ Food and Nutrition webpage for more information. Your school’s front office staff can also help with any questions.


Free and Reduced-Price Meals

The application for free and reduced-priced meals is available for the 2023-24 school year. Students who were approved for free and reduced-price lunch last year are eligible for the first 30 days of school this year (or until a new application is processed). Families should re-apply as soon as possible for the 2023-24 school year, so eligible students continue to receive meals at no cost.


New This Year: Salad Bars at All Schools

Starting with the first day of school, every school has a salad bar available with fresh vegetable and fruit choices.


FCPS Technology Resources

FCPS issues all students a laptop or device for free, giving them the chance to use technology to further their education.

Each school has a Technology Support Specialist (TSSpec: pronounced T-speck) that provides support to the staff and students for FCPS devices at that school.

Need tech support or help retrieving a password? Want to know more about what your child views online?

Learn more about student technology resources.


💻 Chromebooks for Secondary and High School Students

High school and secondary school students are receiving a new Chromebook this year. This device will continue to enable students to use web-based tools like Schoology, Google, and online textbooks. These devices feature larger screens than previously issued devices and battery life that easily lasts the school day. 

Encourage your student to visit the following helpful links to:

If your child prefers to use their personal laptop, make sure it meets our minimum requirements.

Students may also access our student Chromebook FAQs (FCPS Google login required) for more information.  

If your student runs into any issues while using their Chromebook, please have them reach out to their school’s tech team for support.


What Is Schoology?

Schoology Video

Schoology is FCPS' online learning management system.

Teachers use Schoology to post their classroom materials online; to provide a secure forum for students to discuss their ideas and collaborate on projects; and to assign and collect homework electronically. It helps students stay organized, and it keeps the class connected.

A Schoology Parent Account gives you access to:

  • Your child’s classes.
  • Your child’s upcoming assignments.
  • School, class, and group announcements.

To access Schoology, parents will need to have an active SIS/ParentVUE account.

More information on how to login and use Schoology.


💻 Free Online Activity Reports for Parents

FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports.


Back to School News & Resources

Kindergarten Registration

Helping Prepare Young Children for School

Families play an important role in helping children prepare for kindergarten and having a successful school year.

Visit these pages to learn how to actively support your kindergartener:


K-12 Curriculum: See What Your Student Will Be Learning This Year 

Families of K-12 students can visit the FCPS Curriculum webpages for an overview of what their child is learning and when they are learning it.


Updates on Grading Policies for Middle and High School Students

FCPS’ Grading Policy was updated for the 2023-24 school year. The following changes were based on input from students, teachers, parents/caregivers, principals, and staff:

  • FCPS will maintain the current late work policy. Teachers must accept major assignments up to two weeks late. The maximum deduction for that time period is 10%. The current policy, when applied correctly, balances accountability and flexibility.
  • A rolling gradebook gives students more chances to show they understand material. Teachers must use the rolling gradebook along with reassessment policies. These policies let students improve grades on major assessments across quarters. Replacement policies allow later assessments to replace the scores of earlier assessments.
  • Teachers may now give zeroes for assignments that are not turned in. Students who make a reasonable effort to finish an assignment will get a minimum grade of 50.
  • For teachers using a traditional gradebook, the minimum quarter grade that can be issued is 50%. Teachers on a rolling gradebook must use reassessment practices.

In the 2024-25 school year, all grades will be on a 100-point scale, with 50% as the lowest passing grade for submitted assignments. All high school credit-bearing classes will use the new scale next school year.

For more information, visit the Grading Scale webpage.


Updates to High School Transcripts

In order to increase transparency on high school transcripts, FCPS has made updates to high school course titles for courses that receive an additional 0.5 or 1.0 weighting. 

For all enrolled high school students in the 2023-24 school year and beyond, high school course titles will now reflect:

  • An HN (Honors) for any course that has a 0.5 additional weighting. 
  • An AV (Advanced), AP (Advanced Placement), DE (Dual Enrollment), or IB (International Baccalaureate) for any course that has a 1.0 additional weighting

The new AV label was created to address several college-level courses that previously had a 1.0 additional weighting without a designation. 

The course title changes will apply to all weighted courses across all high schools. 

Seniors who have already started to enter their senior year course lists through any college applications, should review their course list to ensure they included appropriate course titles.

Read more about transcript updates.


Middle School Sports

Middle School Sports

Is your middle schooler interested in running? FCPS will offer middle school students a chance to participate in cross country this fall and track in the spring of 2024.

Learn more about middle school athletics and sports physicals.


Pre-Participation Exams (Sports Physicals) for Athletes

Any students who would like to participate in athletics will need to have a Virginia High School League (VHSL) pre-participation examination (PPE).

The physical exam form must be completed and signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant.


Tutor.com Is Still Free for All FCPS Students

Online tutoring through Tutor.com is still available to ALL FCPS students as a resource for both support and enrichment.

Last school year, more than 12,000 students participated in approximately 70,000 tutoring sessions.

Tutor.com will remain available to all FCPS students at no cost this school year.


Managing Back-to-School Anxiety

The start of any new school year tends to bring about a mix of emotions for students. Many students will feel excited about the return to school. Some may also feel increased worry about the year that lies ahead. 

Read the latest Healthy Minds Blog for ideas to help ease children's anxiety as they transition back to school.


Parent Information Line Available in Eight Languages

phone icons

FCPS language lines are available in eight different languages to assist parents who do not speak English as their first language.

A school system employee will respond to your call in your preferred language within 24 hours, Monday through Friday. The caller will provide you with the requested information, arrange for you to speak with the appropriate school employee, or connect you with the resource that you are looking to find.

To use the parent information phone lines, please call:

  • አማርኛ (Amharic): 571-423-4957
  • العربية (Arabic): 571-423-4952
  • 中文 (Chinese): 571-423-4953
  • فارسی (Farsi): 571-423-4954
  • 한국어 (Korean): 571-423-4951
  • español (Spanish): 571-423-4950
  • اردو (Urdu): 571-423-4955
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): 571-423-4956


FCPS’ Family Resource Center

Free Resources for Families

Did you know that caregivers can access free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities? 

Learn more about FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC).


September Workshops for Families

The Family Resource Center is already scheduling a helpful series of webinars for the 2023-24 school year.

Save the date for the following discussions in September. Click on the title to register for each event: 

Be the first to learn about new workshops by signing up for the FRC newsletter.


New FCPS Leadership and Restructured Regions

FCPS leaders have spent the summer aligning resources to ensure that every student receives the premier educational experience FCPS is known for.

There have been some changes in staff assignments across the regions, and the addition of a new Region 6, which includes the Annandale Pyramid.

Learn more about the Leadership Team, school regions, and central offices and region leadership


Save the Date: Back to School Nights

Look for information from your child's school about Back to School Night.

The schedule for Back-to-School nights is also available online by region: Region 1Region 2Region 3Region 4Region 5, and Region 6.

Braddock District schools are in Region 4 (Lake Braddock, Robinson, and West Springfield pyramids), Region 5 (Woodson pyramid), and the new Region 6 (Annandale pyramid).

Don’t know your school’s region? Search for your school in the Schools and Centers Directory, then click on your school’s name.


2023-24 School Year Calendar

Calendar Reminder

Be sure to check out and bookmark the FCPS school year calendar to keep track of school holidays, breaks, and observances.

  • Days marked with blue Hs are student holidays. 
  • Days marked with orange Os are religious and cultural observance days (or evenings if only half marked). 
  • Days marked in pink are holidays for students, but working days for teachers and staff.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and the start of each month coincides with the birth of a new moon. The date of Eid a-Fitr is regionally decided, which can lead to unexpected date changes.

Eid al-Fitr is currently slated to begin at sunset on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, and last through sundown Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Tuesday is designated a half-O day, and Wednesday is a holiday, with all schools and offices being closed. If the day for Eid changes after the school year begins, the calendar may be adjusted.

Want to know more about school holidays? Have questions about observance days? Learn more about what can happen on O days. Visit the Religious and Cultural Observance webpage.

To have the information added to your electronic calendar, subscribe to the calendar.


School Attendance


The beginning of the school year is the best time to develop strong attendance habits!

Students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform well in reading and math, develop strong social and emotional skills, and graduate from high school on time. Help prepare your child for future success.

Learn more about attendance policies and how to communicate with your child’s teacher or school about absences.


FCPS Tutors: Meeting Student Needs and Watching Students Grow

Tutor for FCPS

Last spring, FCPS started advertising for a new kind of tutoring position. As part of a response to pandemic-related learning loss, the Office of School Support and Tutoring Services analyzed the needs of students across the division and pinpointed the schools where there were the largest gaps between what students were achieving and the goals they should be reaching.

Starting with the schools with the greatest needs, they began to match tutors to small groups of students. 


Are You Interested in Being a Tutor? 

FCPS needs qualified tutors to provide in-person academic support to small groups of students.

These tutors will be paid hourly at a rate of $48.58. The position is flexible, and the amount you work and where you work will be based on your availability, qualifications, and the needs presented throughout FCPS.

However, tutors must work at least three days a week for a total of 12 hours a week on a consistent basis.

Email tutor@fcps.edu for more information.

Note: Current FCPS staff can only apply to tutor outside of their contracted hours.


School Board News

2023 School Board Photo

New Chair and Vice Chair Elected to School Board

The Fairfax County School Board elected Elaine Tholen (Dranesville District representative) as chair and Karl Frisch (Providence District representative) as vice chair for a one-year term during the Board’s annual organizational meeting on July 13. Read more.


Meet the School Board’s New Student Representative

Rida Karim - School Board Student Rep

Rida Karim, a junior at Braddock District’s Woodson High School, was elected by the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council to serve a one-year term as student representative to the Fairfax County School Board.

Rida has three main focuses as student representative: ensuring equity in education, empowering students to recognize their self-worth, and making learning enjoyable for students so they can understand the significance of their education.

Read more about Rida.


School Bond Referendum on Ballot Tuesday, Nov 7th

What is the School Bond Referendum?

students with ribbon

Fairfax County Public Schools will have a bond referendum on the ballot this election day, Tuesday, November 7

To finance large-scale construction and renovation work, the county sells bonds, which allows the county to pay for these projects over time — like a home mortgage. By maintaining its triple-A bond rating, Fairfax County bonds are purchased by institutional investors at very low rates, saving the county considerable amounts of money that might otherwise be paid in interest. The county estimates that the triple-A rating has saved Fairfax County taxpayers at least $1 billion in financing costs! 

Read more about the FCPS 2023 Bond Referendum.

Learn more about registering to vote.


FCPS School Bond Referendum - Volunteers Needed!

We are currently looking for community members to assist with the 2023 School Bond Referendum.

A citizens committee supporting the 2023 school construction bond referendum is being formed, and we are looking for citizens to participate who are passionate about education.

The committee’s general duties will be sharing information that supports passage of the bond to HOA boards, chambers of commerce, and other organizations; and distributing information electronically and in print. 

This is an organized, positive, and short-term way to support Fairfax County Public Schools. Along with the distribution of information, the volunteers will be invited to strategize on approaches and execution at 6 to 9 meetings between now and Election Day, November 7, 2023.  The meetings take place in the Tyson’s Corner area.

If you are interested in helping, please contact my staff aide Donna at dmnelson1@fcps.edu as soon as possible. For more information, contact Jay Garant at jpgarant@fcps.edu.


Join FCPS’ Alumni Network!

Fairfax County Public Schools is inviting all graduates to join the school division’s new alumni network.

Whether you are in the Class of 2023, the Class of 1972, or even earlier, your participation is crucial, as FCPS lays the groundwork for an inclusive network that will serve as a valuable resource for all alumni. You are an essential part of the effort to build a strong and interconnected community!

Please fill out this form with your contact details to help FCPS create a directory of our graduates, facilitating connections and providing opportunities for collaboration and engagement with FCPS.


FCPS Cares

Do you know a FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

FCPS Cares

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© 2023 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia