Mount Eagle Title 1 Information 2023-24

As a Title 1 school, Mount Eagle uses its additional funding to support both reading and math instruction. We've hired specialists in these areas to meet with students, provide interventions and provide professional learning for teachers. Below is information about what the Title 1 program is and what parents' rights are. 

Mount Eagle Title 1 Information


Title I is the nation’s largest assistance program for schools. It provides funding to supplement educational opportunities for children who are most at risk and increasing student achievement in schools selected on the basis of the economic level of families. The primary focus is to ensure student access to o provide all children significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps 

The Purpose of Title I is to improve student achievement through: 

  • Effective Instruction 
  • Professional Development 
  • Family Involvement 

How are schools selected for Title I? 

  • FCPS leadership ranks schools in accordance with federal program guidelines 
  • Schools are identified for Title I funds based on the percentage (55% or higher) of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals (or Schools are identified for Title I funds annually based on their percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals). 
  • There are 42 FCPS Title I schools (FCPS Title I Schools)

What are the requirements of Title I schools? 

  • Conduct an Annual Comprehensive Needs Assessment 
  • Develop a schoolwide plan to address their community’s unique needs
  • Conduct a Title I Annual Parent Meeting 
  • Develop a Family Engagement School Policy and Compact 
  • Provide Right to Know notification to Parents of their rights 
  • Provide information regarding the district’s hiring of Highly Qualified Staff 
  • Communicate Student Progress and Achievement 
  • Implement effective Parent and Family Engagement Strategies 
  • Distribute Title Parent Survey yearly to solicit feedback on parenting programs and initiatives. 

How can Title I money be used? 

FCPS and Title I schools use funds to implement a program that meets the needs of ALL students. Title I money can be used to: 

  • Provide after school or summer school programs 
  • Hiring of staff and Resource teachers
  • Professional Development of teachers or other staff 
  • Buy equipment and learning materials 
  • Strategies to implement effective parent and family engagement 
  • Pay for transportation and child care to offer parental meetings at various times 

What are my rights as a Title I parent? 

  • Parents have the right to be involved in the development and implementation of the family engagement plan 
  • Parents have the right to ask about credentials of teachers and instructional assistants in their child’s classroom. 
  • Parents have the right to ask about Title I services with information on the following: 1) Title I programs; 2) the school’s curriculum; 3) assessment measures; and 4) their children’s proficiency level. 

How can parents be involved at schools? 

  • Attend Open House/Annual Title Meeting 
  • Attend Parent/Teacher Conferences 
  • Participate in workshops/informational meetings 
  • Participate in the review process for required documentation by giving feedback regarding, Family Engagement School Policy and Compact 
  • Join any school-wide committee, such as PTA, TPAC, etc. 
  • Participate in field trips, class activities/projects, or volunteer programs
  • Complete Title I Parent Surveys 
  • Volunteer in child’s classroom 
  • Provide feedback to administration 

What can parents do to support their child ? 

  • Review upcoming assignments and test dates with your student. 
  • Ask your student questions and maintain open lines of communication with their teachers. 
  • Provide a place and time at home for homework 
  • Talk each day with your child about his/her activities 
  • Promote literacy by reading to your child 
  • Provide activities that enrich and relate mathematics to daily life 
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences, Open House and Back-To-School events 
  • Participate in decisions that affect your child’s education

How can I learn more about Title 1 in FCPS?

You can visit the FCPS website here. 

Parents' Rights at a Title 1 School

Mount Eagle is a school receiving federal Title I grant funds under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of  2015. As part of the federal guidelines for Title I, your child’s school has specific expectations for student performance and teacher qualifications. You can find information on how your child’s school is meeting these  expectations by viewing the access your school’s profile, type Mount Eagle  in the search field. If you would like a paper copy of this profile, please call the school at 703-721-2100.

ESSA allows parents in schools receiving Title I grant funds to ask for information about state and local policies  regarding student participation in required tests and about parents’ rights to refuse testing for their children. Information about required tests at each grade level can be located at Information about parents’ rights related to testing can be located at

Additionally, ESSA allows parents in schools receiving Title I grant funds to ask for certain information about their  children’s teachers. Parents may ask for the teacher’s: 

  • College and graduate school preparation, including degrees and major fields of study for each degree
  •  Licensure status, including subject and grade level endorsements, and whether those licenses meet the  requirements for teachers of their child’s subject or grade level. 

Parents may also ask for information about the qualifications of any instructional assistants who provide services to  their children. 

If you would like to receive any of this information about your child’s teacher or instructional assistant, please write  to the FCPS Human Resources Licensure Office at the address below. In order for your request to be fulfilled,  you must include: your child’s full name, the name of your child’s school, and the name of the teacher or  instructional assistant about whom you would like information. Here is the address:

Fairfax County Public Schools   

Human Resources Licensure Office  

8115 Gatehouse Road 

Falls Church, VA 22042 

More information about the Title I grant in FCPS can be found at , including details about teacher quality in schools receiving Title I grant funds (found under the  “High Quality Staff in Title I Schools” link). If you have questions about how the Title I grant supports Mount Eagle, please contact Ms. Consolla.

Parent/Guardian Handbook

Do you have questions about attendance or food/drink at school or what students can wear?  If so, please check out our Parent/Guardian Handbook on our Mount Eagle website. It's available with translations. Click here to access it. Of course, if you have a question about a situation that is not listed, reach out to your child's teacher or an administrator. Their contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.


Your Partners In Education

We are honored to work with your family this year and will work everyday to ensure a safe and positive learning environment for your child. We can't do it alone. Please contact us when there is a question or concern, especially related to bullying. As a parent, you will often hear about something before staff might. Thank you for all your support.   

Jean Consolla, Principal  

Kate Kirkland, Assistant Principal