August 2023- Welcome Back to School!

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Dear Dranesville Families:

I am thrilled to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! The excitement I am seeing out in the schools is heartwarming.  All of the back to school activities I went to were very well attended and ran efficiently and smoothly by our staff. Parents, students and staff all seem ready to kick off the year with enthusiasm. A huge thank you to our staff for getting our schools ready to open this week. Another  huge thank you too to our families across the district that have done a wonderful job in getting our students ready for another school year.  

I’ve been to over 10 schools in the past few days and have enjoyed every visit. The new quad and duplex at Kent Gardens is up and running. The new bathrooms at McLean HS have a ways to go but I have been assured that the contractor is busy and doing a thorough job and that only 2 sets of bathrooms will be closed at a time as they work to complete the renovations over the next few months. On a high note, the new librarian at McLean HS has completely rearranged the library and it looks fantastic. Thank you!!!

The Herndon Hornets Band wowed the Channel 9 news crew the first day of school as they showed up to play at 5:30 am just before the senior sunrise event. Thanks too to the Dance Team, the Field Hockey team, some football players and the cheerleaders. School spirit was at an all time high. 

Herndon HS visit photo collage

My First Day of School Visit to Herndon HS

The dates and times for back to school nights have been posted on the regional webpages, and those links are below. Schools are getting information out to parents about back to school nights and other events. Please be sure to check your school's website and watch for emails with more information. If you have specific questions, please contact the school directly. 

Our transportation staff is once again running buses all over the county. They are still short staffed although not as much as last year at this time. Please be patient as they fine-tune all the bus runs and work out any kinks we have. 

For our Dranesville District families who are receiving this newsletter for the first time, welcome! The distribution list has been updated by the FCPS Office of Communication and Community Relations (OCCR) to include all families with students within the Dranesville District. In my regular newsletters, I share important updates about policies and other School Board actions that impact Fairfax County Public Schools - especially Dranesville District. I hope you will find this information helpful, and I look forward to your feedback! 

You should already be receiving FCPS This Week, which has important information about Fairfax County Public Schools. Be sure to subscribe to your child’s school newsletter, as well. If you are not receiving those, make sure you go to the News You Choose site where you can manage all your subscription preferences including this one. 

May your 2023-24 school year be one of the best. I am optimistic that together we can work to make this an exceptional time for our students.  



Elaine Tholen Back to School Video photo. Click image to play

My 2023 Back to School video. Click the photo to play.

In this newsletter,


Calendar reminder graphic

Calendar Reminders

  • September 1 - Labor Day Holiday
  • September 4 - Labor Day Holiday

The Labor Day holidays are for all FCPS employees and students. Virginia legislation requires that schools opening prior to Labor Day must be closed the Friday immediately preceding Labor Day.

School Year Calendar

Be sure to bookmark the FCPS 2023-24 school year calendar to keep track of school holidays, breaks, and observances.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and the start of each month coincides with the birth of a new moon. The date of Eid a-Fitr is regionally decided, which can lead to unexpected date changes. Eid al-Fitr is currently slated to begin at sunset on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, and last through sundown Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Tuesday is designated a half-O day, and Wednesday is a holiday, with all schools and offices being closed. If the day for Eid changes after the school year begins, the calendar may be adjusted. 

Visit to Great Falls ES and Kent Gardens ES collage

My visits to Great Falls ES and Kent Gardens ES

Back-to-School Nights

The schedule for back-to-school nights is available online by region: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Region 6, and TJHSST. Don’t know your school’s region? Search for your school in the Schools and Centers Directory, then click on your school’s name.

strategic plan logo

The 2023-30 Strategic Plan Foundation of Four Pillars

The division’s new strategic plan is built on a foundation of four pillars — what FCPS must do well to reach its goals for all students.

The pillars are:

  • We design innovative learning experiences that meet the needs of each and every learner, and implement professional practices that engage, empower, include, and challenge the whole learner through varied opportunities.
  • We share responsibility to build trusting partnerships that sustain a safe, inclusive culture for learning and work, and we collaborate proactively with respect, honesty, and transparency.
  • We recruit and retain staff who reflect the diversity of students and families; provide meaningful continuous learning, exceptional compensation, and balanced workload; and create a safe and culturally responsive environment that values staff voice.
  • We nurture processes and structures that are grounded in intentional partnerships, shared responsibility for equitable resource allocation, and data-driven continuous improvement and innovation.

Stay tuned to learn more about our five goals of the new strategic plan, or visit our Strategic Plan webpage.

Photo collage Langley HS

My First Day of School Visit to Langley HS

Updates to High School Transcripts

In order to increase transparency on high school transcripts, FCPS has made updates to high school course titles for courses that receive an additional 0.5 or 1.0 weighting. The course title changes will apply to all weighted courses across all high schools. Read more about transcript updates.

For all enrolled high school students in the 2023-24 school year and beyond, high school course titles will now reflect:

  • An HN (Honors) for any course that has a 0.5 additional weighting. 
  • An AV (Advanced), AP (Advanced Placement), DE (Dual Enrollment), or IB (International Baccalaureate) for any course that has a 1.0 additional weighting

The new AV label was created to address several college-level courses that previously had a 1.0 additional weighting without a designation. 

Seniors, who have already started to enter their senior year course lists through any college applications, should review their course list to ensure they included appropriate course titles.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

The SR&R for the 2023-24 school year has been approved, updated, and posted to the FCPS. You can review the materials and may also choose to watch a video detailing the SR&R.  When logging into ParenVUE, you will be prompted to provide an e-Signature to digitally sign the SR&R.

Students will have lessons reviewing the SR&R with their classroom teachers and administrators at school this fall.

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications Available

According to the Centers for Disease Control, eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores. Students who qualify for Free and Reduced-Price meals receive breakfast and lunch at school at no cost. 

Families in FCPS that are earning less than 185% of the poverty level can receive meals for their students at no cost. Families should complete the application before the start of each school year. Approved applications may also qualify students for additional benefits. Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage

Solicitudes para Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Reducido Están Disponibles

Según los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades, desayunar en la escuela se asocia con mejores índices de asistencia, menos días de ausencia escolar y mejores calificaciones en los exámenes. Los estudiantes que califican para Comidas Gratis o a Precio Reducido reciben desayuno y almuerzo en la escuela sin costo alguno. 

Las familias en FCPS que ganan menos del 185% del nivel de pobreza pueden recibir comidas para sus estudiantes sin costo alguno. Las familias deben completar la solicitud antes del comienzo de cada año escolar. Las solicitudes aprobadas también pueden calificar a los estudiantes para beneficios adicionales. Aplique en la página web de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Reducido.

bus picking up students

Transportation Patience and Safety

Thank you for your patience as we all get used to new routines this school year. We appreciate our families following Kiss and Ride procedures and being patient while waiting for your children’s buses. 

If a student’s bus is delayed, parents may access the Bus Delay Notification System or use the Here Comes the Bus mobile app to receive the delayed bus report. Email messages will be sent to announce significant bus delays. Contact the Transportation Office at 703-423-2000  with any additional questions. For any concerns after 5:30 p.m., contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000. 

To make sure you receive email messages about bus delays, update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE.

Traffic Safety Around Our Schools

We encourage everyone to ride the bus, especially the first few weeks of school. If you absolutely need to drive, plan to leave an extra 15-30 minutes earlier than your normal routine. The traffic volume, coupled with new parents and students unfamiliar with our drop-off and parking procedures, can create a very unpleasant start for the school year. Review safety advice from the Fairfax County Police Department on how to keep commuters — and students — safe on the roads. 

Note that all families should adhere to current guidelines regarding parking in our school neighborhoods- no parking within 10 feet of stop signs, driveways, and crosswalks.

Safety around Schools and School Buses

School Zones and Speed Cameras

Pay attention to school zones, especially where they start and end. Those slower school zone speed limits are there for a reason. Follow the speed limit when the lights are flashing. It’s important to add more time into your commuting schedule so you’re not in a rush and perhaps decide to pass a school bus or speed through a school zone.

This year, speed cameras were installed in eight school zones, including Chesterbrook ES, to improve pedestrian and road safety. Studies show that speed camera enforcement reduces traffic related injuries and accidents and ultimately save lives. Since implementing the pilot program, Fairfax County Police Department has reported:

  • 23,431 cars were caught going 10 or more mph above the speed limit in April, May, and June combined.
  • An estimated 24% drop in speeding through out school zones in the program

Driving Rules Near School Buses

Fairfax County Public Schools runs more than 1,600 buses daily.  If you encounter a school bus with flashing red lights, drivers must stop in both directions, unless separated from the bus by a median. Please remember, it is considered reckless driving - a criminal offense - if you pass a stopped school bus unloading children. It is not worth getting to your destination a few seconds faster when you are risking the safety and lives of others.

Traffic Safety near stopped School Bus

Stop-Arm Camera Update

As part of its road safety commitment to students and local communities,  FCPS will implement 50 video-monitoring “Bus Camera Systems” to enforce the law against motorists passing stopped school buses while their stop arms are extended. This initiative is part of a wider collaboration between FCPS, Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD), and the Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs to improve road safety. This collaboration also includes the ongoing school zone speed camera pilot program, slated to expand in FY 2024. The Bus Camera Systems will identify drivers who pass school buses in the process of loading and unloading children (“Stop Arm Violations”) in either direction.

Upper Salad Bar

Salad Bars at All Schools

Starting the first day of school, every school will have a salad bar available with fresh vegetable and fruit choices.

Back-to-School Immunization Clinics

Back-to-School Immunization Clinics are now open to all Fairfax County students who need immunizations regardless of if they have had vaccines in the past, new to the country, or those that just need a follow up  to be up to date. By appointment only

  • Today, August 22 | 2-6:30pm All Health Dept. Clinics
  • August 25 | 1-4:00pm Springfield District Office

Las clínicas de inmunización ahora están abiertas para todos los estudiantes del Condado de Fairfax que necesitan vacunas, apesar de si han recibido vacunas en el pasado, si son nuevos al país o si solo necesitan un seguimiento para estar al día. Solo con cita.

  • Agosto 22 | 2-6:30pm Todas las Clínicas 
  • Agosto 25 | 1-4:00pm Oficina del distrito de Springfield

Low-Cost Internet for Eligible Students

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program to lower internet costs for families with children who have been eligible for free or reduced-price meals within the last 12 months. A qualifying household will receive $30 per month toward internet services and a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet. Check your eligibility and register at or or by calling 877-384-2575.

9/11 National Day of Service

The 9/11 National Day of Service is one of only two federal days of service on the U.S. calendar, along with Martin Luther King, Jr., Day in January.  To honor those lost and the heroes who helped us persevere, join AmeriCorps and in service on 9/11.  Americans, of all ages and backgrounds, are invited to join and inspire a new generation of civic-minded leaders. See Volunteer Fairfax for ways to volunteer on 9/11 and any day for all ages, families, and groups.

Old Firehouse Center Afterschool Program

Now - June 12, 2024- M - F, 2:30-6 p.m., when FCPS in session

The Old Firehouse Center (OFC) provides an incredible experience and safe atmosphere for 5th-9th graders. Participants will enjoy exposure to new recreational activities and develop social skills under the supervision of professional, experienced staff members who facilitate organized activities, daily clubs and trips. Teens can enjoy their time at the Old Firehouse after school, during school breaks and at our Friday night activities and trips. Learn more and register here.

Graphic with September FRC Webinars

Family Resource Center 

Did you know that caregivers can access free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities? Learn more about the Family Resource Center (FRC).

September Workshops for Families

The FRC is already scheduling a helpful series of webinars for the 2023-24 school year. Save the date for the following discussions in September. Click on the title to register for each event. 

See the full list of workshops. Be the first to learn about new workshops by signing up for the FRC newsletter.

Upcoming School Board Meetings

  • Tuesday, August 29, 10:30 a.m. - Retreat
  • Thursday, August 31, 7:30 p.m. - Regular Meeting

Please note, times and topics are subject to change.

How to watch meetings and sign up to speak

FCPS en Espanol

Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español

Para ver las reuniones de Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las Reuniones Ordinarias en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.

Fairfax County Updates

Supervisor Foust's Newsletter

To keep up-to-date on Dranesville news on Fridays, please sign up for Supervisor Foust's informative newsletter here for Dranesville and Fairfax County news and events.

Graphic return to normal hours libraries

Public Libraries to Normal Hours- August 28

Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) will resume normal operating hours effective Monday, August 28. With this change, the library will be open longer, offering library visitors more time to check out books, attend programs and utilize the many resources available at each of their 23 branches.

Traffic Updates

Route 7

Crews will be performing excavation and fill operations, clearing, storm pipe work, paving and other construction-related activities on August 20 - 26 along eastbound and westbound Route 7 and on other neighborhood streets. Utility relocation work and other construction activities are ongoing in the Colvin Run and Difficult Run area.  Please see the Upcoming Lane Closures for August 20 - 26, 2023 and related traffic alerts

495 NEXT

Read the Lane Closures & Traffic Changes Report for August 21 - 25 for construction-related lane closures and traffic changes planned to occur in the I-495 Express Lanes Northern Extension (495 NEXT) project corridor: daytime and nighttime single lane closures on Georgetown Pike; daytime and nighttime single lane closures on I-495 North and South; daytime flagging operations on Balls Hill Road and Live Oak Drive; and daytime single lane closures on westbound Dulles Toll Road and westbound Dulles Access Road.

New Fairfax County Park Amenity Locator

The Park Amenity Locator is a web-based application allowing park-goers to locate all parks 'near you'. The tool enables a search for multiple amenity filters such as dog parks, playgrounds, mini golf, boating, amusements, parking, skate parks, campgrounds, athletic fields, pickleball courts and more.

McLean HS visit photo collage

My visit to McLean HS

School and Student News

Celebrate McLean- September 8

Graphic Celebrate McLean

Come Celebrate McLean with us on Friday, September 8, 4- 6:30 pm. This year along with having MHS clubs and sports teams participating, we will have an inflatable obstacle course, carnival games, a DJ, and food trucks! Please join us for the varsity football game vs Chantilly High School!

Eight Longfellow Students on Virginia Little League Softball State Championship Team! 

On July 11th, the McLean Little League Majors Softball All-Star team won the Virginia Little League Softball State Tournament in Culpeper, Virginia! The team advanced to play in the Southeast Region Tournament.

McLean HS Volleyball Team

The McLean High School girls volleyball team, led by Coach Samatha Stewart, is a recipient of the 2023 USMC/AVCA Team Academic Award. In addition, the team earned the Honor Roll distinction, representing the top 20% of team GPAs in their division. Go Highlanders!

Celebrating Our Spring 2023 Sports Champions

Photo McLean HS Varsity Softball State Champoins

Congratulations to all the FCPS student-athletes, including McLean Softball (pictured above), who participated in the 2023 spring sports season. This year seven teams and 16 individuals won the Virginia High School League (VHSL) Class 6 championship in their respective sports. Four teams and 15 individuals were the state runners-up. Read about our top teams and athletes.

Opportunities and Events

Fall Program Registration

Herndon Parks & Recreation

The Parks & Recreation Fall 2023 brochure is now available! Check out the new classes, programs, and special events happening from September to December. As of today, registration is open to residents and non-residents.

Fairfax County Parks & Recreation

Registration is now open for all FCPA classes and events. Outdoor, indoor and virtual class options are available in a wide range of interest areas. Register here.

McLean Community Center Registration 

Registration is now open for MCC’s fall session classes and activities. MCC provides a convenient and affordable continuing education resource for area residents, from infants through senior adults. Learn more here.

Open auditions for (the) Unruly Theatre Project 

(the) Unruly Theatre Project (UTP), McLean’s professional teen improv company, is holding members auditions. The company members are for one season and paid for each performance or workshop that they do. Open Auditions for UTP’s 2023-24 Season are being held at the McLean Community Center (MCC) from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 26 and Wednesday,  Sept. 27. High school students enrolled in 9th through 12th grades are welcome to audition. For more information or to register for an audition online, visit

Student Opportunities

Fairfax Food Council Youth Representative

The Fairfax Food Council is seeking two youth representatives to serve on the Fairfax Food Council Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is charged with overseeing the work of the Council, setting priorities, and raising resources, among other duties. The time commitment is approximately 6 hours of service each month. Applicants should both live and attend school in Fairfax County, Fairfax City, or Falls Church, and be a rising high school junior for the 2023-2024 school year. Representatives will serve a one-year term, with the ability to extend to a two-year term. Applications are due by September 15, 2023. Contact or visit the Fairfax Food Council website for more information.

Girls in Aviation Programs

Learn about their youth programs, including Aviation for Girls app, AFG Engage E-Learning, AFG Connect News, Aviation for Girls magazine, and Girls in Aviation Day. There are age-appropriate individual tracks, fun activities, hands-on demonstrations, peer group work, and role models to encourage and inspire our participants. Save the date for Women in Aviation International’s 9th Annual Girls in Aviation Day on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Fairfax County Teen Advocates Program- Deadline 9/29

The Fairfax County Teen Advocates Program is for youth ages 12-19 who want to be community leaders against dating violence. Teen Advocates participate in campaigns to raise awareness about dating and sexual violence and other issues that impact youth. They also work with their peers and Fairfax County agencies to design fun events, such as the annual Art Contest and Talent Showcase, which engage community members in conversations about tough topics like abuse. Click here to apply by September 29 and to learn more about the program.

Youth Well-Being Prize

Are you a young person between the ages of 10 and 29 with an idea of how digital tools can be used to help improve other young people’s well-being? Do you have ideas about how we could creatively use technology to increase young people’s knowledge around issues that impact them? The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is looking for creative innovators with solutions to pressing issues around well-being. Is this you? If so, apply today for the Youth Well-Being Prize Competition! Applications are open now and close on September 29, 2023. To apply, please fill out the application form and submit here.

VSWCD Poster Contest

Calling all student artists! The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking students to design posters to submit to the 2023 Youth Poster Contest. The theme for this year is ‘One Water.’ This contest is open to all K-12 students in Fairfax County, and scouts are eligible to earn a poster contest patch. Additionally, this year will feature a new digital poster contest open to students in grades 7-12. Learn more about both poster contests and download your entry form on the Conservation Poster Contest website. Entries are due by September 30, 2023.

The English Empowerment Center (EEC) Fall 2023 Class Schedule

The English Empowerment Center, formerly Literacy Council of Northern Virginia, provides beginning-level English classes for adults so that they and their families may survive, thrive, and equitably participate in the community. All classes are $85 unless otherwise indicated. EEC will never turn away a learner due to financial challenges. Learn more about the classes and how to register here.

Class Locations and Registration Information

In-Person Classes: Alexandria, Annandale, Falls Church, Herndon, Lorton, and Reston Sign up for in-person English classes by attending any in-person registration- now open.

Online Classes Begin the sign-up process for online classes by completing this interest form: Staff will follow up to complete the enrollment process.

Herndon Optimist Club Registration

The following Herndon Optimist Activities are open for FALL REGISTRATION.

Herndon Optimist Fall 2023 Sports

Click image to learn more

Please visit the Herndon Optimist website, click on registration, and scroll to find the Sign in to Begin Registration button (everyone will need to create a new account because we switched operating systems this summer). Please join us for a fun-filled fall!!


Fairfax County Public Safety Day- August 26

Fairfax County's Department of Public Safety Communications (9-1-1) is hosting a Public Safety Day Open House, Saturday, August 26, 10am - 2pm, EDT in collaboration with other Fairfax County public safety agencies. There will be yard games, prize games, free popcorn and snow cones, food trucks with BBQ and cookies/ice cream, tours, demos, information booths, and take home freebies. Learn more here.

East Meets West Festival- August 26

Immerse yourself in the diverse traditions of many talented artists coming together on one stage. From soul-stirring melodies and mesmerizing Bollywood and classical dance performances to delicious food and inspiring community non-profits, this festival showcases the best our community has to offer. For more information, visit the Arts Herndon Website.

Saturday, August 26,  2 - 8p.m.

Arts Herndon (750 Center Street, Herndon)

McLean Community Center

Blood Drive- September 7

The MCC will host a American Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, Sept. 7, Noon-5 p.m. For an appointment, visit and enter sponsor word: HEARTOFGOLD or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Eligibility Questions: Call 1-866-236-3276 MCC (1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean)

Fall Community Parking Lot Sale- September 16

Got stuff? Need stuff? Find bargains and treasures at this outdoor community parking lot sale with 60+ community resident vendors selling household items. September 16, 9-1 p.m. at the MCC (1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean) Free admission for patrons; registration is not required. Sellers can register now. . Learn more about the Parking Lot Sale here. RAIN DATE: Sunday, Sept. 17

Photo dog jumping into Pool

Dog Daze at Water Mine Water Park- September 9

During Dog Daze, dogs will have the run of the Water Mine at this season-end event that benefits parks through the Fairfax County Park Foundation. Dogs can swim and frolic throughout The Water Mine at Lake Fairfax Park from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 9, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Register for Dog Daze here

Raising A Kid Who Can Event- September 13

Based on all that modern science has to offer, what are the most important things I should try to do in raising my kid? 

Graphic Raising Kids who Can event- 9/13

The Safe Community Coalition (SCC), in partnership with the Temple Rodef Shalom, is proud to host the authors of Raising A Kid Who Can, an event that is sure to help parents - and kids - start the new school year off strong! Learn from a child psychiatrist, a parent psychologist, and a child therapist who have spent years distilling the latest parenting science and best practices to answer the complex question: Based on all that modern science has to offer, what are the most important things I should try to do in raising my kid? Learn more and register for this event at the SCC website:

  •  Wednesday, September 13, 7-8:30 pm 
    • Temple Rodef Shalom (2100 Westmoreland St., Falls Church) 

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk- September 17

As in previous years, FCPS schools are invited to participate in the nonprofit Asha-Jyothi 5k at Fairfax Corner on September 17, 2023. To sign up,  visit the webpage:

Save the Date

Raptor Rapture

See live raptors like owls and hawks, a great close-up look- free!  Learn all about these impressive birds. September 23, 1- 3 p.m., Fort Hunt Park, Pavilion B Visit for more information. 

Fairfax Fiesta Logo

Hispanic Heritage Celebration- September 23

Fairfax County's inaugural Hispanic Heritage Celebration, the Fairfax Fiesta, is taking place on Saturday, Sept. 23, 12- 5 p.m. at the PARC at Tysons (8508 Leesburg Pike, Vienna). Learn more here.

The Alden Announces Its 2023-2024 Season

The 2023-2024 Season at The Alden is coming soon, and it is going to be spectacular! To buy tickets and learn more about the 2023-2024 season here.

MPAartfest 2023- Oct. 1

Along with the artists’ tents and live music, MPAartfest offers food from local restaurants; the New Dominion Women’s Club Children’s Art Walk; and a hands-on Children’s Art Village to engage creative minds and captivate art lovers of all ages. Learn more here.

McLean 5K Registration Open

The McLean 5K is hosted by the McLean Community Center (MCC) and McLean Community Foundation (MCF) with the generous support of our valued sponsors. Recruit your family, friends, teammates, neighbors and co-workers, and mark the calendar for October 7, 2023, race begins at 8am. This certified course through McLean is designed to appeal to runners of all abilities.

  • Saturday, October 7, registration 7am, race 8am
  • McLean Square Shopping Center (6631 Old Dominion Drive, McLean)

Library of Congress Announces Fall 2023 Concert Series

The series presents a diverse lineup of chamber music and jazz concerts in the Library’s Coolidge Auditorium, along with conversations with musicians and composers, educational projects, and curated displays showcasing collections from the Library’s Music Division. Events are free and open to the public. You can learn more about Concerts from the Library of Congress website. 

October 13, 2023- Brazilian jazz pianist, composer and vocalist Eliane Elias

RIF Book It for Books 5K- October 28

Book It For Books, RIF of NOVA's biannual fund- and fun-raiser, will be October 28, 2023 at Bluemont Park in Arlington. Why do we host a biannual 5K/One-Mile Run/Walk? This is how we fund the majority of book purchases for the children we serve.  Additional details can be found here!

FCPS Cares

FCPS Cares

Do you know a FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© 2023 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia