Happy Summer Break! I hope everyone is enjoying the time away from school. Thank you to all our parents that volunteered at Field Day, Class Parties, Sixth Grade Day, or joined us for the end of year festivities!
Due to work being done by FCPS to improve Lemon Road’s flooring, the front office will be closed for a period of time. If you need an appointment, email Ashley Castillo (aocastillo@fcps.edu) or Mary Anne Nealson (manealson@fcps.edu) to arrange a meeting. Following the front office work, we will re-open from 9 AM - 1 PM Monday - Friday for the rest of the summer.
Lions can stay connected and engaged with the Lemon Road Summer Activity Board. Students can complete and mark off as many activities as they can and return the board to their classroom teacher by Monday, August 28, 2023. Paper copies of the board were in one of the last Wednesday folders of the year. Digital copies of the board can be found on Schoology and should be “Shared” with Ms. Burke at goburke@fcps.edu. All participants will be entered into grade-level drawings and will be recognized on the morning news. We hope all Lions will participate!
In addition to the activity board, we love seeing our families throughout the summer! The Lemon Road Book Mobile will be driving through our neighborhood on the afternoons of July 13 and 25. Specific stops will be shared closer to the dates, but we come with boxes of books to give away, popsicles, and smiling Lemon Road staff. Lemon Road staff will also be at the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library on July 20 at 1 PM with activities, crafts, and books to engage with for an hour. Come by the library and say hi!
Ensure your lions have what they need to kick off the new school year without running to multiple school supply stores! Plan ahead and cross one thing off your to-do list by ordering next year's school supplies through the PTA's vendor. Supplies ordered before July 31st will be delivered to your child's new classroom ready for the start of the new year. Each purchase also helps support the PTA's year round programs including our student scholarship fund. You can place your order here - https://www.campussurvivalkits.com/lemonroad
As another school year comes to a close, the Lemon Road Elementary PTA extends its warmest THANK YOU to this amazing community of teachers, staff, parents, caregivers, administrators, and students. Thanks to everyone’s generous contributions of time, energy, goods, and cash, together we held 30+ community events, 15+ staff appreciation events, filled more than 220 volunteer openings, and received more than 350 donations of baked goods, concessions, and food. If you joined us this year, in any capacity - THANK YOU! If you didn’t join us this year, it’s never too late, and we would love to have you! Membership enrollment for the 2023 - 2024 school year begins in August and we have a spot waiting for each and every one of you!
Each year the Lemon Road PTA Board are honored to select one winner of the Carolyn Miller Spirit of Generosity Award to celebrate the contributions made by Dr. Miller during her time as Principal of LRES and the culture of inclusivity and positivity she fostered. Thank you to everyone who nominated a staff member. Every nominee was a worthy winner, making it hard to choose, but Taryn Roman, Kindergarten Teacher was the winner for 2022-2023!
Have a happy, fun, and safe summer & we look forward to seeing you all in August for another great Lemon Road year! Keep in touch! A great way to keep up to date with PTA planning and activities is to follow us on social media.
Monday, July 3: Holiday (Schools & Offices Closed)
Tuesday, July 4: Holiday (Schools & Offices Closed)
Monday, July 10: First Day of SOAR/Bridge to K/Young Scholars
Thursday, July 13: Book Mobile #1
Thursday, July 20: Lemon Road Library Meet Up @ Tysons Pimmit Regional Library
Saturday, July 22: Kindergarten Playdate (10 AM)
Tuesday, July 25: Book Mobile #2
Friday, July 28: Last Day of SOAR/Bridge to K/Young Scholars
Monday, July 31: School Supply Order Deadline
Tuesday, August 1: Kindergarten Playdate (5:30 PM)