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Dear Fairfax County Students, Staff and Families,
The end of the school year is just about here! Congratulations to all of our staff and students for your hard work, persistence and dedication. And thank you to all of our families that support their students. We have a wonderful community in Fairfax!
A special congratulations to the Class of 2023! You did it! I love hearing from you and I am blown away by your wisdom, joy and motivation. I enjoyed attending several graduations and celebrating you is a highlight of the school year. As many Class of 2023 graduation speakers mentioned, you handled an unprecedented high school experience with grace and embraced your senior year with gusto. I wish you all the best in your future - whatever shape it may take. I hope you keep your energy, inclusivity, passion for making your world a better place, and your open mindedness as you go forth. Our future is in good hands with you.
I recently had the honor of welcoming Vice President Kamala Harris to Lewis High School for a conversation about school safety. I shared with her that our students cannot learn and teachers cannot teach when they go to school afraid and she agreed. The leading cause of death for children in the United States is gun violence and one in five families in the United States have lost someone to gun violence. FCPS has taken actions on school safety and we are awaiting the result of the systemwide independent third party security review but schools cannot do this alone. Read more about the School Safety Event.
 Please read below for important information on the FY24 budget, strategic plan and more.
As always, please reach out to share your thoughts and concerns. Reminder - the last day of the 2022-23 school year is Friday, June 16. Students will be dismissed early. The first day of the 2023-24 school year will be Monday, August 21. I hope you have a wonderful summer!
Warmest regards,
Below you will find:
School Board Updates
 Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Adopted
The School Board unanimously voted to adopt the FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Approved Budget at our May 25 Regular Meeting. The FY 2024 Approved Budget totals $3.5 billion—a net increase of $221.7 million or 6.7% over the FY 2023 Approved Budget. Nearly 86% of the Approved Budget is targeted at instruction. I am pleased that we adopted a budget that supports our Equitable Access to Literacy Plan, increases access to pre-K programs by adding resources to support 10 additional pre-K classrooms, expands access to advanced academics in line with the advanced academics external review, acknowledges our system’s changing student needs and increases student and family supports.
The budget also seeks to attract and retain excellent teachers and staff through a 3% market scale adjustment, a step increase for all eligible employees and a step extension for all scales.
Increased security measures and the continuation of green investments are also acknowledged. Read more about the FY 2024 Approved Budget.
Bond Referendum
The School Board approved a resolution requesting that the Board of Supervisors (BOS) approve a School Bond Referendum, supporting the division and county’s commitment to providing safe and welcoming learning environments for all students.
The School Bond Referendum will be on the November 2023 general election ballot in the principal amount of $435 million, pending the approval of the BOS. The BOS will vote on the School Bond Referendum in June.
The funding provided by voter-approved bonds will provide construction funds for seven elementary schools; planning and design funds for eight elementary school renovations and one middle school renovation; and funds for three modular relocations, security vestibules, and inflation adjustments for prior bond projects. These projects are identified in the FY 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program which was approved by the School Board in February.
The building and renovation of our schools is not funded through the division’s operating budget. Voter-approved bonds allow payment for these projects over time. Read more about the 2023 Bond Referendum.
Strategic Plan Presentation
Superintendent Reid presented FCPS’ new Strategic Plan to the School Board at our May 25 Regular Meeting. The new plan was developed after months of dedication and hard work from our entire FCPS community. It will be our North Star in charting our course through 2030. The student-centered and data-driven plan will be guided by five goals and four supporting pillars. Watch the Strategic Plan presentation. The School Board will vote on the plan at our meeting on Thursday, June 15.
Academic Matters Update
At the May 25 School Board meeting, Dr. Reid presented information on a new Virginia Department of Education report called Virginia’s Visualization and Analytics Solution (VVAAS) Student Assessment Summary.
Virginia school divisions will be distributing a report to parents showing their student’s past Standards of Learning (SOL) testing data. Reports will be provided, through SIS ParentVUE or by mail, for any student who has an SOL testing history in the state of Virginia as of Spring 2022.
In addition to showing a student’s performance on SOL tests over time, it also shows how that performance compares to other Virginia students who took the same test. This report, along with a companion letter, will be available mid-June.
FCPS uses various data sources to determine student growth and success. The Student Assessment Summary Report is just one piece of information in the larger picture of student assessment in FCPS. Learn more about what to expect regarding assessment reporting practices and timelines.
2023-24 School Board Student Representative |
Rida Karim, a sophomore at Woodson High School, has been elected by the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council to serve a one-year term as student representative to the Fairfax County School Board, beginning July 1.
Rida has three main focuses as student representative: ensuring equity in education, empowering students to recognize their self-worth, and making learning enjoyable for students so they can understand the significance of their education. Read more about Rida. Welcome Rida and I look forward to working with you!
Job Opportunity - Deputy Clerk to the School Board
The School Board is looking to hire a Deputy Clerk to the School Board. This is an important position that provides highly responsible administrative management and support tasks for the chair and members of the School Board. Please see the job posting and share with anyone who might be interested.
School Board Seeking FPAC Applicants
The Fairfax County School Board invites applications from community members interested in serving on the Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) for an At-Large member. FPAC advises and informs FCPS staff and the School Board in the development of comprehensive, long-term plans for facilities.
The Facilities Planning Advisory Council consists of 13 members, one from each Fairfax County magisterial district, three At-Large representatives, and one representative from the City of Fairfax, each appointed for three-year terms. The current council member appointment will end June 30, 2025.
FCPS encourages individuals with experience in construction, engineering, architecture, land use planning, development, demographics, government operations, and financing to apply. The deadline to submit an application is June 26. Applicants must reside within the boundaries of Fairfax County or Fairfax City. More information about FPAC and an application are available online.
Volunteer Needed - Elementary Language Arts Basal Resources Adoption Committee
FCPS will be engaging in the basal resource adoption process for Elementary Language Arts. Part of this process includes a review by a committee made up of representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups - teachers, administrators, and community members. I have the opportunity to appoint a representative to the committee.
Appointed representatives must be able to meet in person from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the following dates at Luther Jackson Middle School*:
- July 31, 2023
- August 1, 2023
- August 3, 2023
- August 7, 2023
- August 8, 2023
- August 9, 2023
- August 10, 2023
*Location and times to be confirmed in July. Additional dates will be added for the committee to reconvene in the winter after additional resources are added to the approved state list. Staff will work with committee members to schedule additional dates.
Participation on the committee requires the following:
- In-Person attendance at all meetings
- Independent review of submitted resource materials
- Email communication
- Commitment to additional dates in the winter for any additional resources the state provides on the approved list. (Dates and times are TBD.)
Please complete this form by June 28 if you are interested in serving on the committee.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
June 15 at 6:00 p.m. - Recognitions: Virginia High School League State Champions
June 15 at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
June 21 at 1:30 p.m. - Work Session: Educational Equity Policy and Policy Governance Retreat
June 22 at 5:30 p.m. - Work Session: Committee Reports
June 26 at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
June 27 at 2:00 p.m. - Work Session: Special Education Enhancement Plan and Committee Reports
July 13 at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
Please note that times and topics are subject to change.
The work sessions and regular meetings are broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
For Spanish speakers, to watch recorded School Board meetings, or live during regular meetings, visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel.
Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Mental Health Support This Summer
 Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy Services for High School Students
Teletherapy services will continue to be available for all FCPS high school students at no cost this summer. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hazel’s highly-qualified therapists specialize in speaking “teen.”
Caregivers must first opt in their students to access Hazel Health. Then, a caregiver or school counselor, social worker, or psychologist can refer the student to Hazel for services. Learn more on the FCPS teletherapy webpage.
Mental Wellness Summer Supports
The FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will offer virtual Mental Wellness Consultations from June 26 to August 4. Any FCPS parent or secondary student can schedule a 45-minute consultation with a school psychologist or school social worker by phone or videoconference. Consultations will be offered in two ways:
- Directly to parents of students in any grade level. This consultation provides an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social, emotional, and academic success. Information about community resources will also be provided.
- Directly to students in middle or high school. This consultation provides an opportunity for middle and high school students to receive guidance and support for concerns related to anxiety, mood, behavior, peer or family interactions, or school transitions and changes. Strategies and tools can also be provided to address academic challenges such as organization and time management.
All parents and secondary students are encouraged to take advantage of this service. Consultations can be requested online or by calling 703-503-2520 and leaving a message.
Summer Fun for All! Summer Camps and Adapted Recreation
The Family Resource Center has recently published a list with dozens of summer camps including general camps, camps for students with a variety of needs, and camps for children of military personnel. They’ve also prepared a list of adapted resources, sorted by activity, that are inclusive for children and adults of various physical abilities.
The Family Resource Center (FRC) provides resources and support for all families and school staff. They offer a free library, confidential consultations, and informational webinars. For more information, call 703-204-3941, email or visit their website.
Take on the Road! continues to be available to all students, at no cost, to continue summer learning. Visit the Summer Access webpage for more information on how to access the online service throughout the summer. There are many wonderful resources and learning opportunities available through so please check them out!
Digital PSAT Replaces Paper in Fall 2023
This October, the PSAT/NMSQT will be administered in Fairfax County in a digital format. Some testing accommodations are administered differently for digital tests than for paper/pencil tests. See information about PSAT testing and accommodations for students with disabilities. Read more about this change.
PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Day
The district will offer access to the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Day for rising 10th through 12th grade students at no cost to families. Exams will be held at each high school on October 11.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and English Learners
Because these exams are operated by the College Board, students do not automatically receive testing accommodations or supports. If you have a student with disabilities entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grade; or have an English Learner (EL) student entering 12th grade, please review the accommodations request process and/or EL support request process and return forms to the high school by August 8.
Find out more about SAT Assessments and PSAT Assessments.
Thank You, Fairfax Citizens, for Supporting Our Schools!
Fairfax County Public Schools recently celebrated the completion of renovations and additions at seven schools. These projects were funded by voter-approved school bonds. Thank you, Fairfax citizens, for supporting safe and welcoming schools. Enjoy a recap of all the ribbon-cutting fun!
Pre-Participation Physicals for Athletes
FCPS will offer middle school students a chance to participate in cross country this fall and track in spring 2024. Any students who would like to participate in athletics will need to have a Virginia High School League (VHSL) pre-participation examination (PPE). The physical exam form must be completed and signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant.
Fairfax County public high schools are offering PPEs at a cost of $50 per student through Saturday, June 17. Students who receive free and reduced-priced meals are eligible to receive an exam at no cost. Learn more about middle school athletics and sports physicals.
Enjoy Our School Grounds This Summer
School blacktops, playgrounds, outdoor basketball and tennis courts, and tracks are available for use by individuals (not organized groups) without being scheduled.
Please keep the following in mind when using these facilities:
- Use is allowed from dawn to dusk, except during school hours or when being used for school activities or other scheduled programs.
- Facilities must be shared with anyone else who wishes to use them.
- Please leave the facilities as you found them. Remove waste or debris from the property.
Visit our Availability, Fees, and Hours webpage for details on using school grounds and facilities. See our Community Use webpage for a list of items community users are prohibited from having in school buildings, on playgrounds, and on fields, and additional information on reserving facilities. Groups interested in formally reserving school facilities should contact or call 571-423-2340.
Parent Information Phone Line Available in Eight Languages
Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS. View the list of phone numbers.
Twilight School to Help At-Risk Seniors
FCPS began a pilot program this spring to provide instruction outside of traditional school hours for students at six high schools across the division. Currently, ninety seniors who were not on track to graduate with their class are working towards obtaining the credits they need to make that happen. Read more about this pilot program.
Twenty-three FCPS Students Named 2023 National Merit College-Sponsored Scholarship Winners
Twenty-three Fairfax County Public Schools students from ten high schools have been named winners of 2023 Merit Scholarship awards by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). The students are part of a group of more than 3,000 National Merit® finalists chosen to receive scholarships financed by higher education institutions. See the list of winners.
Calling All FCPS Alumni!
We are thrilled to invite all FCPS graduates to join our alumni network. Whether you are in the Class of 2023, the Class of 1972, or even earlier, your participation is crucial as we lay the groundwork for an inclusive network that will serve as a valuable resource for all alumni. You are an essential part of our effort to build a strong and interconnected community. By filling out this form with your contact information, you will help us create a directory of our graduates, facilitating connections and providing opportunities for collaboration and engagement with FCPS.
June is …
LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
 In the month of June, we recognize the resilience and determination of the many individuals who are fighting to live freely and authentically. We stand with those facing an ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice. This Pride Month, we affirm our obligation to uphold the dignity of all people. Each individual in our school community should feel valued for who they are and free to be their authentic self.
Good News!
Region 1: Congratulations to Oakton HS sophomore Ashley Wang who is the first Chinese American and only the second Asian American to win the Miss Virginia Teen USA competition! Learn more about Ashley’s journey. |
Region 2: Congratulations to members of the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and McLean High School Scholastic Bowl teams for finishing first and second, respectively, in the Virginia High School League's 2023 Scholastic Bowl. Both teams were recognized by the Fairfax County Board of supervisors in May. Read more about their accomplishments.
Region 3: Congratulations to Elias Crowder, a first grader at Hayfield ES, who competed in the Elementary School National Championships in chess in Baltimore in May. He took first place in the K-1 under 500 division by winning all 7 rounds in a field of 228 children from across the US. You can see the results here. Keep up the good work!
Region 4: South County MS eighth graders were featured on NBC4 for their Day of Service. The story showcased the students’ service to the school, their local community and to the world. Keep up the great service work and energy! Watch the segment.
Region 5: Congratulations to Fairfax HS sophomores, Mason Le and Vivianne Kim, who have been selected as Virginia Space Coast Scholars. They will be attending this Summer’s Academies at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, VA. Since November 2022, they worked on an interactive online learning experience focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Upon successfully completing the online program, exceptional scholars received an invitation to participate in a seven-day residential Summer Academy.
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The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2023 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia