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Mason District Community,
As we finish the school year, I’d like to bring your attention to the proposed Strategic Plan scheduled for action by the Board at the June 15th School Board meeting. This important document will serve as the guide for the division for the years to come.
The Board will also be voting on the Educational Equity Policy and Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) on Monday, June 26th.
I had the honor of listening to Vice President Kamala Harris speak at Lewis High School on Friday, June 2, 2023, marking Gun Violence Awareness Day. She spoke about the continued fight to end gun violence and save lives. Vice President Harris was introduced by Jada Hughes, a senior at Lewis High School. Her words echoed our Board’s commitment to foster schools in which our students and their families feel secure and safe.
Vice President Kamala Harris address at Lewis High School on Gun Violence Awareness Day, June 2, 2023.
I have also had the privilege of attending numerous graduation ceremonies and end-of-year events over the past two weeks. It has been such a joy to participate in the most memorable moments in the lives of our students.
I value the input I receive from the Mason District Community and am happy to address questions or concerns via email or phone. You can reach me by email at If you are interested in scheduling a phone call, please reach out to my assistant, Cristy Coffey, at to arrange a time.
In This Issue:
Strategic Plan 2023-2030
FY 2024 Approved Budget
Upcoming Board Action
State Student Assessment Summary Reports
Middle School Athletics Coming This Fall
Fairfax County Library Resources
Camp Fairfax
English Conversation Groups
Braddock ES Renovation Celebration
Mason District Recognitions
Audit Buzz
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Strategic Plan 2023-2030
Superintendent Reid presented FCPS’ new Strategic Plan to the School Board at the May 25th Board meeting. The new plan was developed after months of engagement with the FCPS community.
The plan includes five goals, several measures, equity commitments and four pillars. The measures will include accountability metrics to which the division will report regularly to the Board and community. The pillars illustrate operational expectations for leadership and staff.
Five Goals
Goal 1: Strong Start: Pre-K - 12
Every student will develop foundational academic skills, curiosity, and a joy for learning necessary for success in Pre-K through 12th Grade.
Measures: |
• Availability of Pre-K programs (including inclusive Pre-K) to meet community need |
• Students meeting criteria for kindergarten readiness |
• Students demonstrating self-regulation attention skills (Pre-K - 3, and beyond) |
• English Language Learners meeting expected growth and reclassification criteria |
• Early and consistent access to and preparation for advanced instruction and enrichment opportunities |
• Students meeting standards at defined entry and transition points |
Equity Commitment: |
We will ensure authentic and affirming partnerships with families and key stakeholders by engaging in collaborative decision-making that results in each student’s success. |
Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered
Every student will experience an equitable school community where student health and well-being are prioritized, and student voice is centered.
Measures: |
• Student academic inclusion and engagement |
• Positive school climate (safety, inclusion, and sense of belonging; academic support; inclusive, academically-focused culture; and teacher-student trust) |
• Student access to the necessary emotional, behavioral, mental, and physical health services to support their successful engagement in school |
• Student attendance and absenteeism rates |
• Student participation in extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities |
• Disciplinary disproportionality and recidivism |
Equity Commitment: |
We will amplify student voice to inform our approaches, honor students’ identities and experiences, and ensure student safety and well-being in an inclusive school climate and culture. |
Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence
Every student will acquire critical and creative thinking skills, meet/exceed high academic standards, and achieve their highest academic potential.
Measures: |
• Growth and performance in coursework (e.g., course grades, grade point average [GPA], meeting Individualized Education Program [IEP] goals, and language acquisition goals) (including students with 504s) |
• Growth and performance on state/national/international assessments in reading, math, social studies, and science |
• Successful completion of Algebra 1 by 8th Grade |
• Evidence of progression towards or successful completion of advanced coursework (e.g., Honors, Advanced Placement [AP], International Baccalaureate [IB], dual enrollment, Career and Technical Education [CTE], etc.) |
• Growth with evidence in at least one/two self-identified Portrait of a Graduate skills, annually |
• Students reading on grade level by the end of 3rd Grade |
Equity Commitment: |
We will utilize available evidence to provide access to challenging academic programs and necessary supports that celebrate each student’s humanity, growth, and attainment of high levels of academic performance. |
Goal 4: Equitable Access and Opportunity
Measures: |
• Availability of, accessibility to, and student enrollment in coursework in the arts, STEAM, career and technical education, trades, technology, and world languages |
• Availability of and enrollment in advanced, rigorous coursework and programs (K-12) |
• Student access to and participation in formalized systems of early intervention, academic and other supports, including special education services and services for English learners |
• Disproportionality in course-taking patterns and participation in inclusive settings |
• Consistent availability of and accessibility to electives, extracurricular, co-curricular, and enrichment activities |
Equity Commitment: |
We will prioritize data that describes student outcomes and lived experiences, to allocate resources and supports that are responsive to each student’s strengths and needs. |
Goal 5: Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation
Every student will graduate ready to thrive in life after high school and with the skills to navigate, adapt, and innovate for a sustainable future.
Measures: |
• Availability of, accessibility to, and participation in multiple pathways and work-based learning opportunities (e.g., shadowing; internship; apprenticeship; and Career and Technical Education) |
• Attainment of FCPS Portrait of a Graduate competencies and digital and financial literacy |
• Supported and successful transitions leading to high school graduation and postsecondary opportunities |
• Students on track for graduation at the end of 9th Grade |
• Increase in the percentage of students earning an advanced studies diploma |
• Reduction of the percentage of students earning an applied studies diploma |
• Enrollment in college, entry into the workforce or public service, enlistment in military, or other, verifiable post-secondary plan |
• Students innovating and preparing for the future |
Equity Commitment: |
We will center student voice data and use evidence to ensure each student is ready to make informed decisions, prepared for a wide range of post-secondary options, and can successfully navigate their future path. |
Four Pillars
The Four Pillars identify what FCPS must do well to be able to reach the stated goals for all students. They serve as the foundation of the division’s work and serve to strengthen the effectiveness of instructional programs and divisionwide infrastructure. These four pillars are the building blocks for action and decision-making.
A. Differentiated & Culturally Responsive Learning Environments
We design innovative learning experiences that meet the needs of each and every learner, and implement professional practices that engage, empower, include, and challenge the whole learner through varied opportunities.
B. Vibrant Home, School, & Community Partnerships
We share responsibility to build trusting partnerships that sustain a safe, inclusive culture for learning and work, and we collaborate proactively with respect, honesty, and transparency.
C. Diverse, Adaptive, & Supported Workforce
We recruit and retain staff who reflect the diversity of students and families; provide meaningful continuous learning, exceptional compensation, and balanced workload; and create a safe and culturally responsive environment that values staff voice.
D. Culture of Equity, Excellence, & Accountability
We nurture processes and structures that are grounded in intentional partnerships, shared responsibility for equitable resource allocation, and data-driven continuous improvement and innovation.
Watch the Strategic Plan presentation. The School Board is scheduled to vote on the plan at the June 15th Board meeting.
FY 2024 Approved Budget
The School Board unanimously voted to adopt the FCPS FY 2024 Approved Budget at the May 25th meeting. The FY 2024 Approved Budget totals $3.5 billion—a net increase of $221.7 million or 6.7% over the FY 2023 Approved Budget. Nearly 86% of the Approved Budget is targeted at instruction. Budget highlights include:
- $108.4 million in compensation, including a 3% Market Scale Adjustment (MSA) for all FCPS employees and step increases for eligible employees;
- $15 million to support the implementation of the Equitable Access to Literacy Plan;
- $2 million to increase access to Pre-K programs by providing resources to accommodate 10 additional Pre-K classrooms;
- $1.6 million for the final implementation of recommendations from the advanced academic external review to support students in Advanced Academic Programs;
- $65.2 million and 679.2 positions to address changing student needs, including increased numbers of students requiring English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Services and special education services, and enrollment growth;
- Increase in student and family supports including additional family liaisons;
- Middle school athletic opportunities that support student well-being; and
- Increased security measures and green investments.
Read the news release.
The Board also approved several follow-on motions with the adoption of the FY 2024 Budget to direct the Superintendent:
- To evaluate the Safety and Security Staffing across the division to develop a formula to include but not limited to the following metrics: student enrollment, school needs/student behavior, specific school level (elementary – K-5 and K-6; Middle: 6-8 and 7-8, High schools and secondary schools), reporting structure, crisis management training and other findings to be identified in the forthcoming safety and security review.
- To develop a proposal for School Board consideration to re-establish 1) Sick Leave Donation Plan and 2) Sick Leave Bank Plan for all employee groups.
- To develop a program for Board consideration and within the Department of Human Resources that aligns with the school division's forthcoming strategic plan and affirmatively assists qualified employees with registering for and maintaining annual eligibility in the U.S. Department of Education's Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. The effort should target focused outreach on likely eligible employees such as new hires and those who have recently graduated from college, previously applied for tuition reimbursement, moved over a column by completing an advanced degree, or previously sought assistance with verification for a qualifying federal student loan repayment program or the PSLF.
- To explore and report back to the Board in alignment with the school division's forthcoming strategic plan, on the possibility of offering all middle school students the same mental health teletherapy services currently provided to high school students with parent/guardian approval through Hazel Health.
- To initiate a full review of salaries, employee benefits and stipends offered to employees to determine the competitiveness of the FCPS salary structure and to provide input to the FY25 and/or FY26 budget cycle.
Upcoming Board Action
Equity Policy
A proposed Educational Equity policy will be presented to the Board as new business at the June 15th School Board meeting, followed by a work session on June 21st. The Board is scheduled to vote on the policy on June 26, 2023.
Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)
The School Board discussed the proposed changes to the SR&R at the May 23rd work session. The Board is scheduled to vote to approve the 2023-2024 SR&R on June 26, 2023.
State Student Assessment Summary Reports
At the May 25th School Board meeting, Superintendent Reid presented information on a new Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) report called Virginia’s Visualization and Analytics Solution (VVAAS) Student Assessment Summary Report.
Virginia school divisions will distribute the report to parents which will show their student’s past Standards of Learning (SOL) testing data. Reports will be provided, through SIS ParentVUE or by mail, for any student who has an SOL testing history in Virginia as of Spring 2022.
In addition to a student’s performance on SOL tests over time, the report will also include how each student’s performance compares to other Virginia students who took the same test.
This report, along with a companion letter, will be available mid-June.
FCPS uses various data sources to determine student growth and success, and the VVAAS Student Assessment Summary Report will be an additional data point which will help build a comprehensive academic profile of students in FCPS.
Learn more about what to expect regarding assessment reporting practices and timelines.
Middle School Athletics Coming This Fall
FCPS has designated funding in the 2023-2024 budget for middle school spring and fall athletic activities at no cost to students. This will be the first time FCPS has offered middle school students a chance to participate in extracurricular sports programs.
Middle schools will begin with cross country this fall followed by track in the spring of 2024.
Any middle school students who would like to participate in athletics will require a Virginia High School League (VHSL) pre-participation examination (PPE). The physical exam form must be completed and signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant.
Fairfax County public high schools will offer PPEs at a cost of $50 per student through June 17. Students who receive free or reduced meals are eligible to receive an exam at no cost. Learn more about PPE and middle school athletics.
Fairfax County Library Resources
Library Resources for School-Age Youth
The library has many resources for kids, caregivers, and teachers and educators. Visit the Kids Events and Resources page to learn more or check out some of the resources listed below.
Homework Help Take a look at our collection of resources to help with your homework.
- Book Recommendations Looking for your next favorite book? Look no further - visit our book recommendations page to learn more.
Library Events Take a look at our calendar to see what's coming up for kids near you.
Library Resources for Teens
The library maintains a collection of information that is relevant to teens, their parents, and teachers and other educators. Some of the resources include:
Homework Help The library offers extensive resources to help you with your homework, including a list of databases and online resources as well as a list of recommended websites to help you complete your assignments.
College and Job Information What are your plans after graduation? Check out our job and college information guides to learn about your options.
Recommended Reading Looking for your next favorite book but not sure where to start? We can help! Browse our list of reading-related resources.
 Summer Camp Fairfax provides opportunities for rising 1st - 7th grade children to participate in a variety of fun experiences that appeal to the artist, performer and athlete in every child.
Host sites include James Lee Community Center, Willston Multicultural Center, Baileys ES, Annandale Terrace ES, Mason Crest ES, and North Springfield ES.
A sliding fee scale is available for income eligible families. More information and registration is available online.
English Conversation Groups
Beginning and intermediate English learners can practice English conversation skills with a volunteer at the Woodrow Wilson Library.
Monday Evenings: June 12 and 26, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday Afternoons: June 14, 21, and 28, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
No registration is required.
Braddock ES Renovation Celebration
On Tuesday, May 23, I joined Superintendent Reid, Braddock Board Member Megan McLaughlin, and Braddock ES students and staff to celebrate the completion of the Braddock Elementary School renovation.
Assistant Superintendent Chuck Fanshaw represented the division’s Facilities office that manages the planning, design, and construction of all school capital projects.
Representatives from DLR Group, Bowie Gridley Architects and Dustin Construction were also present to celebrate the completion of their work.
The Braddock Elementary Student Chorus provided entertainment for the crowd that included families and community members, staff, and county leaders.
This project provided modern amenities, removed a modular classroom, and added approximately 38,000 square feet to the building.
This project was funded by the 2017 and 2019 bonds, and we thank Fairfax County citizens for their support.
Mason District Recognitions
Summer Scholarships Send Annandale Students Abroad
 Barcelona. Berlin. Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Ghana. Rome. These are some of the places where 19 Annandale High School students will be spending their summer, aided by a collective $75,085 in scholarship funding they won after their teachers encouraged them to apply for the grants. Read their story
Voices of Now
 Voices of Now is an internationally recognized theater program where artists, aged 11 to 28, work together to raise important questions about their communities through an evening of original, autobiographical theater. I was fortunate to attend one evening of the four-day festival in D.C. where the Holmes MS Ensemble performed Flight Path. Three other FCPS schools also had participating ensembles over the course of the festival: Luther Jackson MS, Kilmer MS, and Robinson Secondary. Congratulations to all of the wonderfully artistic students participating in this year’s festival.
International Recognition
Congratulations to Shinyoung Jeon, a Mason District resident attending Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, for her second place award at the recent International Science and Engineering Fair! Over 1,600 students, representing 64 countries, regions and territories, participated in the 2023 fair.
Audit Buzz
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Regular School Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)
- June 15, 2023 at 7 p.m.
- June 26, 2023 at 7 p.m.
Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)
- June 21, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.
- June 22, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
- June 27, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
All meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. The meetings are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting or public hearing.
Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español
Para ver las reuniones de la Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las reuniones regulares en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.
We are cognizant of the significant language needs of the Mason District and I will continue to advocate for their availability and inclusion.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia