LRES Community News 6.4.23

Message from Mrs. Castillo


I hope you had a good weekend! It is hard to believe that there are only ten days of school remaining in this school year. On Friday, we hosted previous Lemon Road students who are graduating Wednesday as a part of Marshall High School's Class of 2023. Tomorrow, we welcome our McLean High School graduates as well.  

This Friday is Field Day. A big thank you to Mr. Van Trees and Mr. Hickman who plan this day of great fun each year and parent volunteers. 

As a reminder to families, all library books are due now If your child has medication in the School Health Room, a parent must come to Lemon Road by Friday, June 16 to pick up the medication. 

K Writing


The Edge - Team Building with GMU


All classes will have their second team building day in collaboration with George Mason University's The Edge program.  The schedule is listed below.  On your child's day, please be sure they dress to be outside for 80 minutes (shorts, sneakers, and a breathable shirt) and bring both a full water bottle and hat.  Students will rotate in small groups between stations reinforcing the Portrait of a Graduate attributes.  


Preparing for Field Day


Each grade level will have a half day Field Day event on Friday run by staff and volunteers.  This is one of our favorite days of the year, but we need your help to ensure all students are prepared for the day!

Please have your children: 

- wear a bathing suit or clothing that can get wet

- bring a hat 

- wear closed toed sneakers that can get wet

- bring a full water bottle (students may refill throughout)

- K - 3 students apply sunscreen at home; 4-6 grade students may bring to apply for their afternoon

- bring a complete change of clothes packed in a separate plastic bag within their backpack including socks & shoes

If you are interested in volunteering, sign up here: 

LRES PTA Updates

School Supplies

Thank you for coming out for our last PTA Community event of the year on Friday - we hope everyone had fun! 

Each year the Lemon Road PTA Board are honored to select one winner of the Carolyn Miller Spirit of Generosity Award to celebrate the contributions made by Dr. Miller during her time as Principal of LRES and the culture of inclusivity and positivity she fostered. Nominations are now open and close on June 5th. For more detail on the award criteria and to complete your nomination please click here

Order your School Supplies now - the new school year will be on us before we know it! Supplies ordered before July 31st will be delivered to your child's new classroom ready for the start of the new year. Each purchase also helps support the PTA's year round programs including our student scholarship fund. You can place your order here -

Keep in touch over the summer! A great way to keep up to date with PTA planning and activities is to follow us on social media. 


Upcoming Important Events

  • Monday, June 5: A Week; The Edge Program; Band/Strings Recruitment; Last Day for Dr. Miller Award Nominations
  • Tuesday, June 6: The Edge Program; Band/Strings Recruitment 
  • Wednesday, June 7: The Edge Program; Therapy Dog Visit @ 11am; Band/Strings Recruitment; The Healthy Table Farmer’s Market (final visit); Mentor EOY Celebration; Marshall HS Graduation  
  • Thursday, June 8: Grade 6 Kilmer Visit; Band/Strings Recruitment 
  • Friday, June 9:  Field Day; Preschool - Grade 2 Device Collection
  • Monday, June 12:  B Week; Student Leadership Picnic; Grades 5 & 6 Device Collection 
  • Wednesday, June 14:  Wacky Wednesday (Beach Day); Kindergarten Class Parties & Processional; Grades 3 & 4 Device Collection
  • Thursday, June 15:  Sixth Grade Day & Class Parties
  • Friday, June 16:  Last Day of School;  Early Release; K - 4 Awards Ceremonies; 5 - 6 Awards & Promotion (10:30)

FCPS School Year Calendar for 2023 - 2024

