Lockdown Drill Information

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A Note from Mr. Dickens: Lockdown Drill Information


Monday, May 22, 2023


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Keeping students and staff safe is a priority for all of us. We have a crisis management and emergency preparedness plan for our school that is reviewed and updated regularly. Our plan includes procedures on how to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Students and staff regularly practice these drills every school year. We also practice lockdown drills.

A new Virginia Law (22.1-137.2) requires schools to notify parents at least 24 hours before a school practices a lockdown drill. However, we are not required to share the exact date and time of the drill. We are required to practice lockdown drills two times a year. FCPS lockdown drills do not include any type of active-shooter scenario training; they are instruction and classroom based. We will conduct a lockdown drill at our school soon. 

Additional information on our lockdown-drill program, to include parent tips and FAQs, can be found on the Emergency Planning and Crisis Response web page. After reviewing this content, you should discuss the value of these safety drills with your child.

Keeping our school safe and secure for all students and staff involves the participation of the entire school community, and we thank you for your help to keep our school safe.


Allen Dickens, Jr., M. Ed.
Assistant Principal
Lane Elementary