Twain Principal Search
We are beginning the search for a new principal for Twain Middle School. A critical component of the process is to collect written input from staff, parents, and students. You are invited to provide written input regarding the skills, experience, and leadership characteristics of the next principal. You might also consider any challenges or issues that a new principal will need to address. Input is confidential and should be sent to by Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
If you are interested in serving as a panelist,please submit your information by the close of business on May 30, 2023. Participants must be available in-person from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the day of the panel, Thursday, June 8, 2023. The Region Leadership Team will review all submissions and select staff and community members to serve as either panelists or alternates for these in-person interviews. The Department of Human Resources will contact the individuals who are selected to serve in this capacity.
VA Standards of Learning (SOL)
Twain Middle School students will be taking their final SOLS on the date listed below. Parents/Guardians can help students be successful by minimizing their absences and insuring they are well rested. All students need to bring their fully charged laptop to school.
Tuesday, May 23 – Science (8th grade only)
Calendar Updates
Monday, May 29 – Memorial Day – School Closed
Friday, June 16 – Last Day of School – Early Dismissal (12:15 pm)
Health Room Medication
Dear Parent or Guardian:
The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than the student dismissal time on the last day of school. Medication left in the health room after that time will be destroyed. It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian. Medication cannot be sent home with your student. However, with parent or guardian permission, a high school student may transport over-the-counter medications to and from the school health room. If your student will be enrolled in a summer program sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools, the existing medication authorization form(s) may be used for the summer program, but you will need to pick up the medication on the last day of school and deliver the medication and completed forms to the summer learning site on the first day of the summer program. Please let the health room know if you would like a copy of the form(s).
Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online at A medication authorization form is required for any medication, prescription or over the counter, to be kept at school. Please be sure medication orders are clear. All information on the form must be completed. Part I must be signed and dated by the parent or guardian. Part II must be signed and dated by your health care provider. Approved over-the-counter medications given for headaches, muscle aches, orthodontic pain, or menstrual cramps do not need a health care provider’s signature. Antibiotic or antiviral medications for 10 consecutive school days or less do not require a health care provider’s signature either. For all asthma medications, a Virginia Asthma Action Plan must be provided. More detailed information is available on the back of the medication authorization form(s).
Over-the-counter medication must be in the unopened original container and clearly labeled by the parent or guardian. No more than 100 pills/tablets of OTC medication should be brought to school at a time. All prescription medication, including samples, must be labeled by the pharmacist or health care provider. Please make sure that the label clearly states your student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage of the medication, and the time to be given.
Your cooperation will ensure that we can safely give your student, their medication. If you have any questions, please contact your school health room aide, at 703-313-3710.
Thank you for your cooperation and have a good summer.
Chuck Miller, Principal
PTA Updates
Would you like to be on the Twain PTA next year?
The Twain PTA is currently recruiting for next year’s officers (Vice President and Secretary). The time commitment is minimal (typically less than elementary school) so please contact Henri Wingfield at if you are interested! Parent voices are needed to ensure student success! Twain needs You!!
Attention: 8th Grade Dance!
The 8th Grade Dance Committee is well on the way to planning a memorable event for our 8th Graders, but we need some help to make this evening a success. Please click this link to learn how you can help out. We are looking for volunteers to sell tickets during the lunch period, help setting-up the decorations and the food, and serve as volunteers during the dance. The 8th Grade Dance will be on June 9th from 6:30-8:30 pm. The theme this year is “The Stars Are Out.” All 8th Grader Twain Students are invited to attend. This will be a formal event. Contact Linda Pinkney at with any questions or if you are interested in getting involved in the planning.
Buy your yearbook today!
Go to:
Use our code #: 8606
Available to order online until May 26
Edison Cross Country
Interested in running on a team this fall? The Edison cross-country interest meeting will be held Wednesday May 24th via Zoom. Please use this form to sign up for the interest meeting and to receive the Zoom Link. You will need to be signed into your student’s email to fill out the form.