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Dear Fairfax County Students, Staff and Families,
Happy Earth Day and welcome to the fourth quarter! It is hard to believe we only have one quarter left in this school year! I hope you all had a good spring break with opportunities for rest, fun and connection. I was grateful to have the chance to spend time with my daughter in Washington state, see her daily life as a young adult and have some great adventures with her, too. FCPS did a wonderful job preparing her to “adult” well!
Spring brings many opportunities for student events and I have been able to attend many, including the Sixth Grade All-County Choral Festival, the Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair Awards, the Peace Awards and more. I am always amazed by the talent of our students and the difference they are already making in our world. We are also in the midst of musical season - be sure to check out our amazing FCPS student performances, some of which are highlighted below.
I have also been able to speak on some important issues, including participating on a Jewish Community Center panel discussing the report of the state Commission to Combat Antisemitism. I was honored to be able to speak at the Board of Supervisors budget public hearing about the changing needs of FCPS students and to thank the Board of Supervisors for their strong support of FCPS and public education.
Finally, I want to highlight something that I am very proud to have championed: the first-in-nation K-12 Neurodiversity Specialist (to my knowledge no other K-12 school system has one) and also a Twice Exceptional Coordinator to better serve our neurodiverse and twice exceptional students. There is still a lot of work to be done but it is a good start. Read more about these positions.
As always, please let me know how I can help.
Warmest regards,
Below you will find:
School Board Updates
Strategic Plan Updates
As School Board Chair, it has been an honor to serve as a member of the Strategic Plan core planning team. In addition, the School Board held a retreat on March 28 to review community feedback and draft goals and measures. It’s been wonderful to also attend community forums to hear feedback from around the county on our strategic plan. The strategic plan will create a roadmap and vision for FCPS’ future and it is very exciting to be part of this work.
Our families, community, students, staff, and the Board have all been seminal contributors to the plan. The Board refined the goals, reviewed the pillars and discussed how to measure the goals. The measures are the standards by which the School Board will hold the Superintendent and the system accountable for implementing the strategic plan once it is finalized. We will continue this discussion at the next Strategic Planning retreat in April.
I am excited about this important work and really appreciate all the time and attention that our community members have poured into the process. Please continue to stay engaged as we work through the process. Visit our Strategic Planning webpage for more information.
Special Education Enhancement Plan
At the April 11 School Board work session, the Board received and discussed an update on the development of the Draft Special Education Enhancement Plan that addresses actions in response to the American Institute for Research (AIR) external review of FCPS’ Special Education program.
This is important work that can make a huge difference for our students and I will continue to monitor the plan’s development to make sure we take advantage of this critical window of opportunity to improve services, programming, and transitions for students with disabilities. We are at a unique moment in time to reimagine education for students with disabilities, leading to better long term outcomes.
School Board Governance
At the April 13 regular meeting, the School Board approved the Governance Committee amendment to the Strategic Governance Manual regarding Recognitions and Resolutions to clarify and streamline the recognition and resolution process of regular meetings.
The School Board also approved the School Board Code of Conduct, Standards, and Protocols policy.
Family-Facing Curriculum
At the March 30 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented updates to the curriculum overview on the FCPS website during the Academic Matters segment. Parents can go to the website to see what their students are learning in their core classes by grade level. Information will be updated at the start of each school year to reflect curriculum changes. To access the grade level and/or course pages directly, visit FCPS' Academics page. The K-12 Curriculum links provide access to all family-facing curriculum for those grades.
Science in FCPS
Dr. Reid shared some of the wonderful science opportunities offered to FCPS students during her Academic Matters presentation at the April 13 regular meeting. She mentioned regional science fairs, described K-8 elementary and middle school science curriculum which include outdoor learning and hands-on kits, and high school science, including core and electives courses. View the presentation.
ESSER Public Hearing
The School Board will hear public comment on ESSER IIII in-person instruction and continuity of services plan on Thursday, April 27, 2023, beginning at 6 pm in the auditorium of Luther Jackson Middle School. Registered speakers will have two minutes to address the Board regarding ESSER III.
The purpose of the public hearing is to receive feedback on FCPS’ efforts during the 2022-23 school year:
- To ensure continuity of learning services and to address student’s academic needs
- To maintain health and safety of students, educators, and other staff
- To address the wellness needs of students to include their social, emotional, mental health, and other needs
Register to speak at the ESSER III public hearing.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
April 25 at 10am - Retreat: Strategic Plan
April 27 - 6pm ESSER Public Hearing; 7pm Regular Meeting
May 9 at 12:30pm - Work Session: Strategic Plan
May 11 at 7pm - Regular Meeting
May 16 at 6pm Budget Public Hearing
May 18 at 10am - Work Session: FY24 Budget
Please note that times and topics are subject to change.
The work sessions and regular meetings are broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
For Spanish speakers, to watch recorded School Board meetings, or live during regular meetings, visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel.
Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.
FCPS News and Resources
SR&R Survey Due Today
FCPS is in the process of updating the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document for the 2023-24 School Year. The SR&R provides clear expectations for student behavior, responses to that behavior, and support that may be needed.
As part of this process, we are seeking feedback from FCPS families, students and staff about the SR&R and proposed changes. A brief survey was emailed on Monday, April 10 to families and staff. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The survey will close at 8pm TODAY, Friday, April 21.
The information provided will be used to revise the SR&R document that is presented to the School Board for our approval in June.
Proposed staff changes include:
Dress Code: Language in the dress code has been modified to be more specific and objective, as well as less gendered. The focus is on the specific clothes that are/are not permitted rather than the amount of skin permitted to be shown. The Student Dress Code regulation (R 2613) is also being revised to reflect these changes, and to include a belief statement and corresponding values relative to the dress code.
Substance Misuse: Draft proposals for several substance misuse infractions include changing the minimum FCPS Student Behavior and Administrative Response (SBAR) Level to at least Level 3, in alignment with Model Guidance and given the increased concern regarding substance misuse.
Discriminatory Harassment: The definition of discriminatory harassment has been revised to define what constitutes an “intimidating, hostile, or offensive student environment,” and specific examples of how discriminatory harassment may be expressed are provided.
Hazing is currently listed as an FCPS SBAR Level 2-5 infraction. It is proposed to be a Level 5 infraction only to align with the model policies established by the Department of Education.
Bullying: Principals or their designees will now be required to notify the parent/guardian of any student who is involved in an alleged bullying incident of the alleged incident within 24 hours of learning of such allegation.
Our goal is to ensure each and every student's right to an education in a safe, civil, and caring environment. The survey will close TODAY, Friday, April 21 at 8 pm.
For more information, read about the proposed updates to the SR&R.
Community Meeting on the Dangers of Fentanyl
 Last month, the division hosted a conversation on the dangers of fentanyl. During this impactful event, audience members heard testimonials from individuals affected by the opioid epidemic and learned facts from medical experts and law enforcement representatives. The conversation will continue on Monday, April 24, 6:30 to 8 p.m., at Woodson High School. Families and students will learn how, as a community, we can partner to reduce the impact of these harmful—and often deadly—drugs. All attendees will receive a free REVIVE! Narcan training during the event and learn about support services currently available within FCPS and Fairfax County.
Transportation will be available from select schools throughout the county. View the registration page for details.
Visit our Opioid Awareness webpage for more information. Visit the Fairfax County Government webpage on opioids for information on how you can take action and how to get help for yourself or loved ones.
Register Now for Special Education Conference
 The FCPS Special Education Conference will take place on Saturday, April 29. Registration is now open on the event website for this virtual event. Guest speakers have been added to the website along with the topics they will address. Interpretation can be requested during registration. Registrants who need language assistance can contact the Parent Information Phone Lines.
No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for High School Students Now Available!
 FCPS has partnered with Hazel Health to begin offering virtual mental health services to high school students via live video sessions. Parents/caregivers who have been struggling to find a therapist for their child or who notice changes in their child’s behavior can connect them virtually with a licensed therapist. The first step for parents is to provide information through an opt-in form. Visit FCPS’ Teletherapy webpage for details.
Safety and Security Town Hall
On Monday, May 8, FCPS will hold a town hall to discuss our approach to safety and security and the work we do every day to keep our schools safe. FCPS staff and experts will review our risk assessment processes, the physical measures we already have in place to protect our students and staff, pilot programs to detect vaping, and how we communicate and collaborate with our partners when there is an incident at our schools. Please stay tuned for additional details.
Interested in Becoming a Licensed Virginia Teacher?
Here is some information to help guide you through the Virginia licensing process. You can also register to attend a monthly information session on the process.
Job Fairs
Bus Driver Job Fairs
Learn more about becoming a bus driver on Friday, April 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Stonecroft Transportation Center. Visit the Bus Driver Job Fair webpage for more upcoming job fairs and details on the competitive pay, paid training program, and other benefits.
Instructional Job Fairs
FCPS is searching for educators with strong academic backgrounds and a passion for making a difference. FCPS is hosting two upcoming job fairs to meet hiring needs in instructional areas. The first instructional job fair will be held virtually on Thursday, May 4 (6 - 8 p.m.). The second job fair will be held in person at Lake Braddock Secondary School on Saturday, May 6 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.). Registration is required.
Spring Assessments Measure Student Learning and Progress
Students will be participating in spring assessments based on their grade level and courses. This includes standardized benchmark assessments like Standards of Learning (SOL), Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. It also includes progress assessments like iReady tests and performance assessments to demonstrate a student’s strengths and competencies. A list of assessments for each grade level provides the spring dates for required tests. Remember that assessment is part of ongoing teaching and learning in the classroom. Teachers may also assign end-of-year projects or final exams for certain subjects or courses.
Schools set dates for each assessment and communicate schedules to students and families. Parents and caregivers can help students perform their best by reminding them to get a good night’s rest and have a healthy breakfast on testing days. It is important that students attend school on these dates. If you become aware of a conflict that could result in your student missing a test, please notify your student’s school as soon as possible.
Please also keep in mind that spring assessments do not signal the end of coursework for the year. Learning continues through the last day of school. In addition to details shared by each school, details about spring student assessments are also available online.
Kindergarten Registration
 FCPS recognizes that parents are their children’s first teachers. Resources on the School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten webpage provide parents with ways to support their children to help ensure a successful transition to kindergarten.
There’s an easy to follow five step process outlined for parents registering their children for kindergarten. Register your child today.
FCPS received Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funding in the fall of 2021. The funds are being used to support the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students.
ESSER III focus areas include:
- ensuring continuity of learning services and addressing students’ academic needs.
- maintaining the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff.
- addressing student wellness including their social, emotional, mental health, and other needs.
FCPS would like your feedback on how well the school division is responding to the areas above. Please complete this Online Feedback Form, which will be open through Friday, May 5. Your input will inform the School Board and FCPS staff on the community’s view of our work.
See how FCPS is using ESSER funds to impact student success.
Fun and Learning on the Calendar This Summer!
FCPS’ Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA/E-IFTA) camps are now open for registration. Tuition is waived for students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) is a week-long exploratory camp designed to give current K-6 students an opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM); culinary; health; trades; and business and marketing areas. Visit the TAC webpage to register.
CTE Summer Academy (CSA) is a week-long enrichment program that allows students in grades 7-11 to dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and begin career exploration. Visit the CSA webpage to register.
Institute for the Arts Camps (IFTA)
IFTA is a two- or four-week summer enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, health and physical education 9, music, self-directed economics and personal finance, and theater. Visit the IFTA webpage to register.
E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four classes every day related to dance, music, theater, and visual arts. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create classes that are fun and engaging. Visit the E-IFTA webpage to register.
Credit Recovery Academy and Programs at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST)
The FCPS Credit Recovery Academy and Thomas Jefferson Middle School Technology Institute will open registration Monday, April 24.
The Credit Recovery Academy is a three-week program that provides an opportunity for FCPS students to recover one high school course credit, or prep for a selected Standards of Learning or WorkKeys test. Visit the Credit Recovery Academy webpage for information.
The Middle School Technology Institute (MSTI) is a summer STEM program that consists of experiential workshop-style sessions for middle school students in our community to explore STEM at TJHSST. Sessions occur weekly. Visit the TJHSST summer webpage for information.
Upcoming Webinars and Events for Caregivers
FCPS’ Family Resource Center is dedicated to helping adults support the success of all students. Upcoming PRC webinars include:
Flash Forward: Postsecondary Education and Employment Options, Wednesday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m.
Presented by Career and Transition Services, students with disabilities seeking a standard or advanced diploma and their families are invited to this event that provides an introduction to options available after high school. This event takes place at Woodson High School.
Neurodiversity at High School, Friday, April 28, at 10 a.m.
Kristen Haynor, a neurodiversity specialist, will share strategies on setting your child up for success (no matter how their brain functions), advocating for your child, and collaborating with your child’s school. This event is virtual.
Click on the titles above to register.
Student Accomplishments
McLean High School Student Places in Top 10 of Regeneron Science Talent Search
Ethan Zhou, a student at McLean High School, has placed 7th in the national 2023 Regeneron Science Talent Search. The competition is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. Zhou received a $70,000 award for studying the theory behind a machine learning model in which the learning program receives training data gradually. His math research could be especially useful for algorithms that predict and learn from events that are revealed over time, like the weather. Read more.
Students from 15 FCPS High Schools win DECA Awards
 Two-hundred-three students from 15 Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) high schools were recognized as competitive event winners at the Virginia DECA State Leadership Conference. These students earned the right to compete at the DECA International Career Development Conference April 22-25. A complete list of winners is available on the FCPS website.
Regional Science and Engineering Fair: 10 Grand Prize Projects
 The 68th annual Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair showcased more than 300 high school science projects. Over 400 students presented their research projects in a wide variety of science and engineering fields. Projects were judged by more than 150 professionals and 40 professional organizations and businesses.
The Grand Prize Winners are eligible to compete in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in May, and many others are eligible to compete in the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair to be held in April. See the list of winners on our webpage.
Six Teams, 40 Individuals Honored as Winter Sports Winners
Congratulations to all the FCPS student-athletes who participated in the 2022-23 winter sports season. This year, six teams and 40 individuals won the Virginia High School League (VHSL) Class 6 championship in their respective sports, and three teams and 38 individuals were the state runners-up. Four teams were repeat champions. See them listed on our webpage.
Students Earn 33 National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
FCPS students received 33 national awards through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. The students were recognized for original art and writing with one American Visions Medal, 10 Gold Medals, one Silver Medal with Distinction, and 21 Silver Medals. Read about the winners on our webpage.
Three FCPS Schools Honored by Columbia Scholastic Press Association
Three FCPS news publications were honored with Crown Awards in a ceremony at Columbia University on March 17. McLean High School’s The Highlander news magazine and website earned a Gold Crown in high school hybrid news. Silver Crowns were awarded to Chantilly High School’s The Purple Tide news magazine and website, and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology’s tjTODAY news magazine and website. Read more about the awards.
Community News and Resources
TJ Techstravaganaza
 Techstravaganza is a free, hands-on STEM activity fair open to the public and geared towards elementary and middle school students put on by TWIST, a student-run STEM outreach organization at Thomas Jefferson HSST. The event will feature over 50 different labs and demonstrations that cover a wide range of STEM concepts. Learn more and register.
Earth Day Donation Drive
 Start cleaning out your closets, cabinets, toy bins, and drawers! The Langston Hughes MS PTA is excited to host a fundraising Spring Clean-Out event on Earth Day. Start collecting and bagging or boxing your gently used goods and then on Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. deliver it all to the Langston Hughes MS parking lot (11401 Ridge Heights Rd, Reston). They get paid per bag of goods and all proceeds will go back into their community. Have questions about what you can donate or are interested in volunteering? Contact Lily at
"What Parents Need to Know About Drugs and Their Students with Disabilities"
 The last general membership meeting of the Special Education Parent Teacher Association will include a presentation entitled "What Parents Need to Know About Drugs and Their Students with Disabilities" given by Tiffany Jones. Tiffany is an FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist and is tailoring this workshop specifically to address issues related to students with disabilities, including the latest research findings. Please note that this presentation is geared toward adult caregivers, not students. Please register in advance at
Congressional Art Competition
High school students residing in the 11th Congressional District are invited to participate in the Congressional Art Competition. Each student can submit a maximum of two pieces and all entries are due Monday, May 1. For a full list of rules and regulations, and to complete the application, visit this webpage.
Students residing in other Congressional districts can visit this webpage to learn more about the competition and find out whether their representative participates.
NoVA Young Entrepreneurs Expo
Experience young CEO’s marketing, selling and networking. Come shop and help NoVA’s young entrepreneurs launch their businesses. Saturday, May 13 from 9am -12pm at Hayfield Secondary School. Learn more.
Youth Conservation Camp due April 28
Applications are now open for Youth Conservation Camp, held July 9-15 on the Virginia Tech campus. The program brings together 70 students for a week of learning about Virginia's natural resources from hands-on experience with conservation professionals and faculty from Virginia Tech. Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to apply and may receive a partial scholarship from NVSWCD. Learn more about Youth Conservation Camp, including how to obtain an application.
NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge
NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge opened for entries on Jan. 6, 2023 and closes on April 28. The judges will choose winners in two categories: grades five through eight and grades nine through 12. Entries must be submitted by an educator or a student leader who's 18 years old or older. Read more here.
NoVA Magazine Teacher of the Year
Northern Virginia Magazine established this award to recognize the very best educators in our region, and we need your help finding those deserving teachers. The teacher selected as Teacher of the Year will be awarded with a $10,000 prize and featured in the October issue. The survey runs through April 23, and we welcome nominations from school administrators, teachers, parents, students, former students, and the general public.
Student Member FC Environmental Quality Advisory Council (EQAC)
EQAC is seeking a student member to join the council for the July 2023 - June 2024 term. EQAC’s primary function is to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for improving environmental protection and enhancement, including preparing an annual report on the state of the physical environment in Fairfax County. The council generally meets on the second Wednesday of each month, starting at 7:15 p.m.
The student member application is open to all interested Fairfax County high school sophomores and juniors who are in good standing. To apply, students should complete and submit the student application form. All applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3.
Juneteenth Resiliency Award Nominations
 Nominations are now open for the 2023 Juneteenth Resiliency Award for residents ages 13-21. This award recognizes the incredible resilience shown by young people in Fairfax County who have made meaningful contributions in their lives and in the lives of others.
Juneteenth is an important holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It is a time to reflect on the history, celebrate freedom, appreciate Black culture and encourage continuous self-development.
The Resiliency Award will recognize both youth and young adults who have exhibited true resiliency (also known as grit, determination, dedication, perseverance and persistence) to make meaningful contributions and outcomes in their lives and/or the lives of others in the Black community.
The deadline for nominations is Friday May 5, and the award ceremony will be held on June 6 at the Board of Supervisors meeting. For more information on the Juneteenth Resiliency Award and to submit a nomination, please click here-
Relationship and Sex Education Classes for Teens with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
EASE conducts classes for teens and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, leads parent workshops and more. Upcoming classes include topics such as consent, boundaries, relationships, online safety and more. Learn about EASE and their programs.
Medicaid Enrollment Updates
If you have Medicaid/FAMIS/CHIP health insurance, the Medicaid Enrollment Processes began in March. The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) (Virginia Medicaid) has started to review Medicaid members’ health coverage to determine whether members are eligible for coverage. DMAS will not cancel or reduce coverage for members without asking for updated information, but they need your help to make this a smooth process.Make sure your current mailing address, email, and phone numbers are up-to-date so that important information about your coverage gets to you. Update your contact information today online at, or by calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or your local Department of Social Services.If you need any assistance or have any questions, contact Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or your local Department of Social Services.
Colleges and Universities Still Accepting Applications
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has released their annual list of colleges and universities that are still accepting applications from prospective freshmen or transfer students for fall 2023. Students and families are encouraged to use this tool to search colleges that still have space available. Users may narrow down the list of schools by state and view whether a school still has financial aid, as well as unfilled housing.
Additionally, NACAC has created an enrollment deposit fee waiver request form that is considered by some institutions for students experiencing significant financial hardship. Families can learn more about the enrollment deposit fee waiver and eligibility on the NACAC website. Students and families may contact their school counselor, and college and career specialist with any questions.
April Is …
National Arab American Heritage Month
 FCPS is proud to celebrate National Arab American Heritage Month in April. This special month provides an opportunity to recognize the remarkable history and valuable contributions of Arab Americans. Arab Americans have ancestry in one of the world’s 22 Arab nations, which are located from northern Africa through western Asia. The people of these nations are ethnically, politically, and religiously diverse but share a common cultural and linguistic heritage. Learn more about National Arab American Heritage Month here. See the School Board resolution.
Month of the Military Child
 April is the Month of the Military Child! Every year we take the opportunity to recognize military-connected youth for their service and contribution to our community. Fairfax County Public Schools is proud to have over 14,000 military-connected youth as a part of our student body. We appreciate the varied life experiences they bring to our school community, and recognize their strength and resilience. Learn more about Month of the Military Child and FCPS’ resources for military families. See the School Board recognition.
Autism Acceptance Month
 April is Autism Acceptance Month. About one in 36 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States, according to the CDC. Our schools and staff play a vital role in creating and ensuring inclusive environments, promoting acceptance of autism and recognizing that differences in thinking and behaving are part of the diversity of human experience. See the School Board recognition.
School Library Month
 In FCPS libraries, students develop knowledge and skills, experience a sense of belonging, find inspiration and support, and have the ability to freely pursue their personal interests and academic growth. Watch this video to learn how FCPS librarians make a difference.
Here are just a few FCPS productions. Be sure to check out the Fine and Performing Arts Calendar on the FCPS website. Individual listings for many middle and high school theater events are featured. Users can subscribe to the calendar to be notified of upcoming performances, and each event can be added to a calendar or shared on social media.
Region 3: Lewis HS, Legally Blonde, April 21-22 and 28-30,
Good News
Region 1: This year, Vienna ES will celebrate 150 years of educating children in Fairfax County. This year also marks the 100th anniversary of the oldest portion of the school, making Vienna ES the oldest FCPS school building in continuous operation that is still in use today.
Region 2: Congratulations to the Longfellow MS Science Olympiad team that placed first at the Division B 2023 Virginia Science Olympiad State Tournament at the University of Virginia on March 25! Congratulations also to Thomas Jefferson HSST that placed first at the Division C Virginia Science Olympiad State Tournament the same day. Wonderful teamwork and accomplishments!
Region 3: Students at Hayfield ES had a wonderful time watching the Joe Romano magic show with laughter from students and staff alike!
Region 4: Members of the West Springfield HS orchestra were invited to perform at the White House Easter Egg Roll! What a fun opportunity!
 Region 5: Congratulations to Woodson HS student, Cadet Winter Grimes! She was selected to attend the AFJROTC Cyber Academy this summer. This program is fully funded by the National Science Foundation.
Quick Links
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2023 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia