Haycock Hello 4.24.23


Dear Haycock Families, 

Thank you to the parents who were able to join us last week for the April Parent Coffee.  Ms. Maloney, the coordinator of Advanced Academic Services for FCPS, and Ms. Chami, our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher, presented on the continuum of AAP services.  They provided examples of how we are affirming, assessing and advancing all our students from Kindergarten to 6th grade at Haycock.  Here are the presentation slides from the Parent Coffee.  

Our chorus and strings students have been practicing hard in preparation for the spring concert this Wednesday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m.  We hope to see many of you on Wednesday evening.  

This week we honor our Office Staff.  Many thanks to Ms. Eames, Ms. Choi, Ms. Smith, Ms. Felix, and Ms. Chamberlain who help us in the library and in the front office.  We are also celebrating our health room aid, Ms. Vaughn, and our public health nurse, Ms.Cunningham.  They keep Haycock running smoothly. 

We look forward to honoring and celebrating our Haycock ijnstructional staff members next week during Teacher Appreciation Week.  We are deeply thankful for the professionalism, hard work, and dedication of our Haycock teachers and staff members. Please see information from room parents and the PTA about how we will show appreciation for our teachers each day the week of May 1-5.  

Finally, we are super excited for Ms. Susanna Sullivan, one of our 6th grade teachers.  She was the top American finisher at the 2023 London Marathon with a personal best time of 2:24:27. The London Marathon took place this past weekend on Saturday, April 23. Ms. Sullivan was a top ten finisher overall!   

With appreciation for your partnership,

Liz Beaty, Principal embeaty@fcps.edu  

Heather Boyd, AP  HABoyd@fcps.edu 

Jody Delaney, AP jmdelaney@fcps.edu

Upcoming Important Dates

Monday, April 24- Report Cards available in ParentVUE

Tuesday, April 25- Paper copies of reports cards go home

Tuesday, April 25- Longfellow Open House for rising 7th graders 6:30-7:30 p.m. 

Wednesday, April 26- Community Meeting at McLean HS regarding Kent Gardens overcrowding 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 26- Haycock Strings and Chorus Concert 7:00 p.m.

May 1-5- Teacher Appreciation Week   

Wednesday, May 3- Bike and Roll to School Day (more information to come)

Wednesday, May 3- Parent Book Study-7:00 p.m. virtual discussion about the book Where You Go Is Not Who You Will Be 

Wednesday, May 10- Suicide Prevention Workshop provided by the PTA in the library, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Monday, May 15- Kindergarten field trip to the GMU Center for the Arts

Monday, May 22- Second grade field trip to the National Zoo

FCPS 2022-23 School Year Calendar

Tahnks, Teachers

We will celebrate and honor our Haycock teachers and instructional staff members the week of May 1-5 

Calling All Rising Seventh Graders!

Longfellow MS will host a Spring Open House on Tuesday, April 25th from 6:30-7:30pm. We welcome all Rising 7th graders & New FCPS families to attend. During this time you families and students will have an opportunity to tour LMS and ask any questions you may have to prepare for the 23-24 school year. 

Bike and Roll to School- May 3

Wednesday, May 3rd is Bike & Roll To School Day.  We encourage all of our students to try to bike or scooter to school that day.  There are bike racks located near the flag pole to lock up your bikes.  If there is no room in the front, you may lock your bike or scooter up to the outside of the basketball courts near the playground.  After you have secured your bike or scooter, make your way through door #1 under the awning to receive your sticker for participating.  On a first come, first served basis, we will also be handing out wristbands as well as reflectors.  Students may choose either the wristband or reflector as supplies last.  Please let Mrs. Hecht or Mr. Wilcox know if you have any questions. 

Purple Up Day

Haycock students celebrate some of the military's most unsung heroes - their children!  'We stand in awe of your courage and resilience.'

purple up

Global Classroom Project

Congratulations to our students who presented their recycling project at the Global Classroom Project Showcase last week.  Our students are partnering and collaborating with students in India.

Preparations for the 2023-24 School Year 

If your child won't be returning to Haycock next year:

Please complete this form (not for our 6th graders moving on to Longfellow)

Student's Intention for 2023-24

If you have an incoming Kindergarten student: 

  • Complete this form: registration form
  • Our registrar, Yujin Choi, will contact you to set up an appointment

Order your Haycock Yearbook Now!

Yearbooks will be delivered during the last weeks of school.  Please see this link to place your order.  

Parent Input for Class Placements for 2023-24

We are beginning preparations for the 2023-24 school year on many fronts.  Every year, we ask for parent input as we make class placement decisions for the following school year. Please note that we do not take specific teacher requests.  If you would like to provide your input, please complete this parent input form by May 19.

SOL Testing Dates- Grades 3-6

Below is the testing schedule for the month of May.  Please ensure that your student is well-rested and has a good breakfast before their tests. If possible, avoid making appointments for your students on these days.

3rd Gr: May 5 (Reading),  May 17 (Math)

4th Gr:  May 9 (Reading), May 16 (Math)

5th Gr:  May 4 (Reading), May 12 (Science), May 18 (Math)

6th Gr:  May 10 (Reading), May 19 (Math)

Save the Date! Safety and Security Town Hall

On Monday, May 8, FCPS will hold a town hall to discuss our approach to safety and security and the work we do every day to keep our schools safe. FCPS staff and experts will review our risk assessment processes, the physical measures we already have in place to protect our students and staff, pilot programs to detect vaping, and how we communicate and collaborate with our partners when there is an incident at our schools. Please stay tuned for additional details. 

The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees at Haycock ES. We love our Haycock staff members- let's tell them how we feel!

FCPS Cares


Fourth Graders share History Day 


Please check the Lost and Found and pick items this week! 

We will be collecting all of the lost and found items on Wednesday, May 3 and delivering them to a local donation site.  


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