4/21/2023 - Brookfield News and Notes

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Upcoming Events

Calendar Reminders


  • 25 - Field Day (Rain date is April 27th)
  • 25 - Chantilly Pyramid Spotlight on Learning at Franklin Middle School    6:00 p.m.
  • 26 - Brookfield 5th/6th Grade Concert - 7:00 p.m.
  • 27 - Hidden in Plain Sight Program
  • 28 - Sixth Grade Panoramic Picture
  • 28 - International Night 6:00-8:00 p.m.


News and Notes

Lost and Found is Full!

Lost and Found

Is your child missing a coat, gloves or a hat? Send them down to Lost and Found!

Field Day is Next Week, Tuesday April 25th!

Field Day

3rd ,4th, 5th, and 6th Grades 8:30-10:30 am

1st and 2nd Grades 12:45-2:25 pm

Kindergarten and Head Start 1:15-2:25 pm

(Rain Date is April 27th)

On Field Days, please have your student dress in comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. 

Can’t wait to see you there!

Mr. B and Mrs. Peterson

Brookfield's SOL Schedule

Brookfield's SOL schedule for Spring 2023 has been finalized. Please see the chart below.  It is important that your child attend school on these days. If possible, please avoid scheduling trips or appointments that would take your child out of school during this time period. It is also important that your child has had a good night’s rest and a healthy breakfast before testing. 

3rd grade 

Reading:  May 11th

Math:  May 16th 

4th grade 

Reading: May 11th

Math:  May 16th 

5th grade

Reading: May 9th

Science: May 12th

Math: May 18th 

6th grade

Reading: May 9th

Math: May 18th 

*Makeup testing will occur throughout the window based on staff availability to administer tests.

Bronco Block

Kindergarten Recess

We never did get any snow, but that hasn't stopped these kindergarteners from enjoying their recess!

Mr. B's G6 FF

Mr. B's fifth grade students preparing for Field Day in a game of flag tag.

Small group phonics lesson

Ms. Copeland is helping a group of second graders in building Phonemic Awareness by listening to and isolating sounds in words.

ESSER Online Feedback Form

FCPS received Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funding in the fall of 2021. The funds are being used to support the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students.

ESSER III focus areas include:

  • Ensuring continuity of learning services and addressing students’ academic needs.
  • Maintaining the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff.

  • Addressing student wellness including their social, emotional, mental health, and other needs.

FCPS would like your feedback on how well the school division is responding to the areas above. Please complete this Online Feedback Form, which will be open through Friday, May 5. Your input will inform the School Board and FCPS staff on the community’s view of our work.

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

According to a recent study of elementary and middle schools, there’s a 5.8% difference between April and June attendance rates. Let's work together to end the school year successfully! Visit our website for more attendance resources

PTA Banner
Staff Appreciation Week


This year, Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week will run from May 8th-12th. The PTA plans to spoil our teachers daily! Please help us celebrate our wonderful teachers by having your student(s) bring in a flower on Monday (from your yard or garden), a small sweet treat on Tuesday (individually wrapped candy or small packaged baked good), and a handmade card on Thursday.

We are also looking for baked treats or fruit platters to be brought in before school on Tuesday (for our hardworking bonus teachers to enjoy) and helpers for setting up Wednesday morning’s staff breakfast.

Tuesday baked treat/fruit platter sign-up: https://tinyurl.com/mryprnbs
Wednesday breakfast setup volunteer sign-up: https://tinyurl.com/5n6kccm3

2023/2024 PTA Board Positions Available

PTA logo

Help the PTA in a big way!  Consider joining our executive board and be a part of all the decision making.  The following positions are currently available and calling your name!

President - A fun gig connecting you to the school!  
Works closely with all of the PTA roles and administration to ensure PTAs mission, to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children, is met throughout the year.  

Vice President-Hospitality Help with Back to School Breakfast for teachers  Thank teachers throughout the year Plan Teacher Appreciation Week 

Vice President-Membership Encourage community members to join PTA Plan booths at events such as Open House

Treasurer Has custody of all funds and finances Keeps a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures Makes disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the general membership Presents a written financial statement for meetings Prepares an annual financial report at the close of the fiscal year

Email pta.Brookfield@gmail.com to officially nominate yourself or a friend!


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