VHSL Athletics & Activities
Athletics & Activities Website: https://www.lakebraddockbruins.com/
Follow Us on Social Media: Twitter & Instagram: @LBAthletic & @LB_Activities
Purchase game tickets online - no need to bring cash - fast entry!
GAME TICKETS: tinyurl.com/braddocktickets
Game Day Team Rosters
All regular season tickets $5. District & Regional tickets: adult tickets $7; student tickets $5. State Competition Ticket Sales: https://gofan.co/app/school/VHSL
HS Club and Activities Information
Important Dates
- 3/15 Winter Sports Awards, 7 PM, Little Theatre
- 4/3 - 4/9 Spring Break
- 4/18 Girls Lacrosse Senior Night
- 4/19 is our annual Commitment Ceremony aka Signing Day for ALL student-athletes committed to play at the next level (JUCO, D3, D2, D1) – please have your student-athletes committing to play at the next level complete this form.
- 4/28 Softball Senior Night
- 5/2 Boys Lacrosse Senior Night
- 5/5 Girls Soccer Senior Night
- 5/9 Boys Soccer Senior Night
- 6/6 Spring Sports Awards
Registration for the 2023 Bruins Sports Camp is underway. Information can be found at https://www.lakebraddockbruins.com/page/5607
Check out this awesome video senior ATSA Bryan Gonzalez put together on behalf of National Athletic Training Month 2023! https://youtu.be/7HklnNHH8hA
March is National Athletic Training Month and a time to recognize the important role Certified Athletic Trainers employed by Fairfax County Public Schools play in keeping our students safe.
This year’s theme, “There’s an AT for That”, reflects the multifaceted role FCPS Athletic Trainers play in promoting the health and safety of our student-athletes before, during and after practices and competitions.
Nationally certified, state-licensed medical professionals, FCPS Athletic Trainers provide comprehensive healthcare services, which are guided by the 5 domains they are educated and trained in: (I) Injury/Illness Prevention & Wellness Promotion, (II) Examination, Assessment, & Diagnosis, (III) Immediate & Emergency Care, (IV) Therapeutic Intervention, and (V) Healthcare Administration & Professional Responsibility.
FCPS’ Athletic Trainers consistently go above and beyond to support our athletic programs and without question are essential members of each school’s activities program. During the 2021-22 school year, FCPS athletic trainers provided care to over 9,500 individual student-athletes, treating more than 19,700 injuries.
Even when faced with unprecedented circumstances, FCPS athletic trainers play a vital role in our overall efforts to support athletic opportunities for all FCPS students.
A special thank you goes out to our very own Ms. K & Ms. A for all the hard work and dedication they show our Bruins on a daily basis! They go above and beyond to make sure all of our students are seen and cared for, and Lake Braddock wouldn’t be the same without them!
Follow our Spring Sports Teams on Social Media for up to date info!
Baseball: @LBbaseball16 Outdoor Track and Field: @LBTrackandField Boys Lacrosse: @lakebraddocklax Boys Soccer: @LBSSboyssoccer Girls Soccer: @SoccerLB & @MrWickhamLB Softball: @ThatPurpleTeam Crew: @LBRowing
Boys LAX: @lbsslax Girls LAX: @lakebraddockglax Girls Soccer: @lbgsoc Boys Tennis: @lbtennisboys Track: @LBSS.tf Crew: @bruin.crew
Be sure to follow:
Bruins Athletics: @LBathletic Clubs & Activities: @LB_Activities Athletic Leadership: @LBathlead Athletic Training: @LB_AthTrainRm Athletic Boosters: @bruin_boosters
Get all the latest news about Bruins Athletics & Activities! Sign up to receive the weekly newsletter directly to your email inbox! Select Lake Braddock under Secondary Schools, then check Lake Braddock Secondary School Student Activities!
Calling all Sneakerheads!!! Got Sneakers?? We Need them! Join in supporting the Lake Braddock Track Team by donating your old sneakers for recycling! We have partnered with a non-profit called Got Sneakers, to collect used sneakers and make a global impact. Did you know at least 200 million sneakers find their way into US landfills every year? Let's make a difference together and clean out those closets to make room for new kicks!
To help, please place your sneakers (we are not accepting shoes or sandals only sneakers) for donation in a bag and drop them off in the box in the Student Activities Office. Write your name on the list of donors with the number of pairs of sneakers you dropped off and you will be entered to win a prize!
What is the best way to support our Lake Braddock athletes, teams, and facilities?
Join the Lake Braddock Athletic Booster Club (LBABC), today! https://bruins-fan-shop.myshopify.com/collections/membership-passes
We have five membership categories so choose the one that works best for you: Super Bruin, Family, Couple, Individual (non-student), or Student.
Every LBABC member gets a Booster Pass that can be used for admission to all Lake Braddock REGULAR SEASON HOME GAMES, for all VHSL sports, throughout the school year. Senior athletes who are LBABC members are eligible to apply for one of the LBABC scholarships in the spring.
Questions? Contact LBABC Membership Chair, Andrea Edelstein at lbspiritgear@gmail.com
Purchase your Lake Braddock Athletic Booster Membership
Click Here to Purchase!
If you prefer to purchase your booster passes by check, please mail the form (linked on the left of this page) and your check (made payable to LBABC) to the address below: LBABC Lake Braddock Secondary School ATTN: Student Activities Office 9200 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015
FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA https://www.facebook.com/BruinBoosters