In this week’s WPHS News You Choose:
- Important Dates
- Principal Message
- PTSA News
- Operation Happy Sock
- Class of 2023 Updates
- School News Update
- College and Career Center Updates
- SAT/ACT Prep News
- Quick Links/Additional Resources
Important Dates
March 6 PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM in library
March 7: Preparing Families for Difficult Conversations about Alcohol & Drugs @ 6 PM in WP library
March 8: Class of 2024 College Planning Night – 6pm
March 11: Mock ACT and SAT offered by Applerouth & Applerouth SAT and ACT group class begins
March 11: FCPS Teen Job Fair 11 AM – 1 PM at West Springfield High School
March 18: WABC Mulch Sale
March 18: FCPS Teen Job Fair 11 AM – 1 PM at at South County High School
March 20: FCPS Virtual Military Night 5 – 8 PM
March 25: FCPS Teen Job Fair 11 AM – 1 PM at Chantilly High School.
March 30: WP Job Fair at 3 – 4:15 PM
April 3 – 7: Spring Break
April 10: PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM in library
April 13: End of Third Quarter
Principal Message
Your Views and Opinions Are Important to Us!
- On Monday, March 13, West Potomac parents/guardians will be contacted through email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form Online. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and offers parents/guardians an opportunity to provide anonymous input about various topics related to our school. These topics include instructional leadership, school climate, management (human resources and organizational), communication and community relations, culturally responsive and equitable leadership, and professionalism.
- The questionnaire will be collected online between March 13 and March 24. When you receive an email from FCPS Surveys, please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your opinions matter!
Please join the PTSA today if you've not already done so. It's quick and easy -- just click here.
West Potomac PTSA is looking for a 2023 – 2024 Test Prep Chair!
Best Volunteer Opportunity EVER! Do you have freshman and/or younger students? Well, SAT/ACT tests are in your future. Be on the cutting edge of changes to the official tests and college admissions by chairing the PTSA’s Test Prep Program! No test prep experience is needed just strong organization and customer service skills. Contact Marilyn Aboff,, to learn more about managing this rewarding program. Planning for summer and next school year starts soon. Now is a great time to jump on board and learn the ropes!
 West Potomac 5th Period Band performing at District X Assessments today. WPHS is hosting District 10 Assessments and our Period 1 Band performs tomorrow at 11:05am. You can also watch our Orchestra at Assessments tomorrow at Hayfield at 10:10am and 1:15pm! Go West Po!
Class of 2023 Updates
- This week our seniors celebrated 100 days of school for the last time!! Thank you to all the parents who donated items and helped- especially Kim Dwyer for leading the effort.
- Next up is the big Senior Breakfast on March 22. We will need tons of food donations and would love any money you can throw towards the big Anita’s burritos the kids love. Click below to donate- any amount will help! Thank you for helping make the year special for our seniors.
- Senior Parents & Guardians! It’s 100 days until Graduation which means it is time to pay this year’s seniors dues, which are $75. Dues may be paid via cash, check, or MySchoolBucks. Cash and checks can be dropped off to the Finance Office in the Main Office. If Dues are not paid by April 21st, it will appear as an unpaid obligation which will delay students’ ability to purchase Prom ticket(s).
School News
Preparing Families for Difficult Conversations about Alcohol & Drugs
Concert Band - Last weekend a small number of our band students auditioned for the VBODA All-State event. To even be invited to audition for this event is very impressive and we are extremely proud of all the participating students for the hard work they put into the audition processes. Five students from West Potomac placed in an All State ensemble, as follows:
All-Virginia Orchestra:
- James Leggett (1st in State)
All-Virginia Wind Symphony:
- David Rubinstein (5th In State)
- Stuart Murphy (2nd in State)
- Jack Siegfried (3rd in State)
All-Virginia Concert Band:
- Abigail LaFleur (11th in State)
Again, congrats to all who auditioned! You have all done West Potomac proud!
Winter Guard - Congratulations to the Winter Guard for their 1st place finish last Saturday at the AIA competition at Woodgrove HS!
WABC Mulch Sale
- Support West Po’s Student Athletes by ordering your Spring supply of mulch through the WABC. Place your order before FRIDAY, MARCH 10!!! Delivery or Pickup (your choice!) will on be Saturday, March 18 between 9:00am-2:00pm at Carl Sandburg Middle School (8428 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, VA 22308).
***Order 25 or more bags of mulch & get free delivery!!!*** (Orders under 25 bags will incur an additional $25 delivery fee)
Click HERE for more information
Dance Team
- Three Weeks of Dance Team Summer Camp this July — Spaces Filling up Fast!
- Sign up your youngster for one or more weeks of summer fun with dancers and coaches from the West Potomac Dance Team. Camps are open to rising Kindergarten through 8th Grade students and include dance, crafts and lots of time with friendly, talented high school dancers. Themed weeks include U.S. states, Christmas in July, and Hollywood. See details below.
Student Services and College and Career Center Updates
Wolverines, please see highlights of some of the great programs occurring in March for students and families!
Class of 2024 College Planning Night
Please join us on Wednesday March 8 for the Class of 2024 College Planning Night. We will welcome expects in the field to include:
- Alexis Jenkins, Regional Assistant Director of Admissions, Radford University
- Mario Cruz, Assistant Director of Admissions, Virginia Tech
- Carla Goodwin, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions, George Mason University
- Jasmine Haywood, Admissions Outreach Cordinator, Northern Virginia Community College
- Jimmy Mauger, Financial Office Manager, Northern Virginia Community College
The agenda for the event is available here: Class of 2024 College Planning Night
While this event is designed for Class of 2024 families, all are welcome!
Virtual FCPS Military Night
FCPS Virtual Military Night is March 20, 2023 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm. FCPS students and families will learn about the various pathways available, including enlistment, ROTC, Senior Military Colleges, and Service Academies. Registration is open.
- FREE 2-week summer bridge programs for current juniors and seniors who have little or no experience with Information Technology, Computer Science, or Engineering Technology career pathways. Students will be introduced to NOVA’s IET programs, tour regional employers, and meet NOVA faculty, students, and staff. Bridge students also have the opportunity to receive college credit! Program available at Manassas/Loudoun and Annandale/Woodbridge campuses. Apply by March 31st!
- More information and application available at:
- These 10-day internships support SySTEMic’s summer STEM camps and are available for students with experience in coding, cybersecurity, fabrication, programming, robotics, or rocketry. Interns can receive up to a $1000 stipend upon program completion. Internships open to college and high school students 16 and older. Applications due March 15th!
- Apply online at:
- For additional information on resources, scholarships, and programs , see the February College & Career Center newsletter emailed to all students and parents earlier this week!
- Don’t forget to follow the College & Career Center on Twitter: @wphsccc & Instagram: @westpoccc
SAT/ACT Test Prep Upcoming Events
Best Volunteer Opportunity EVER! Do you have freshman and/or younger students? Well, SAT/ACT tests are in your future. Be on the cutting edge of changes to the official tests and college admissions by chairing the PTSA’s Test Prep Program! No test prep experience is needed just strong organization and customer service skills. Contact Marilyn Aboff,, to learn more about managing this rewarding program. Planning for summer and next school year starts soon. Now is a great time to jump on board and learn the ropes!
Do You Know Your Test Preference?
- Most students will show a strong preference for either the SAT or ACT format. This preference usually results in students naturally testing the SAT equivalent of 100 points higher on their preferred test. Sponsored by PTSA, mock tests are offered on campus to help students determine their preferred format and establish baseline test scores – not to mention the benefits of practice. Sophomores can make their junior year less hectic by determining test preference now! Juniors, get a little extra practice!
Mock (Practice) Tests through May 20, 2023:
- Walk-In registration for mocks ($28.00) available as space allows. Checks should be payable to WPHS PTSA.
SAT Practice Test Date: 03/11/23, 9:00am - 12:45pm, $23.00 Sign Up
ACT Practice Test Date: 03/11/23, 9:15am - 1:30pm, $23.00 Sign Up
SAT Practice Test Date: 04/22/23, 9:00am - 12:45pm, $23.00 Sign Up
ACT Practice Test Date: 04/29/23, 9:15am - 1:30pm, $23.00 Sign Up
SAT Practice Test Date: 05/13/23, 9:00am - 12:45pm, $23.00 Sign Up
ACT Practice Test Date: 05/20/23, 9:15am - 1:30pm, $23.00 Sign Up
Why Take a Mock SAT or ACT?
- Did you know that 54% of students show a natural increase the second time they take a real test? Use the mock to practice test time management skills – see if you have the ability to apply the content and strategies learned while studying when in an official test environment. Test your mental endurance. Earn confidence for the “real thing.”
Group Classes:
SAT Group Class First Mock Test: 03/11/23, Sessions: 03/18/23 - 05/20/23, Meets: Sat (Full Schedule), Max Class Size: 15, $425.00 Sign Up
SAT Group Class First Mock Test: 03/11/23, Sessions: 03/18/23 - 05/20/23, Meets: Sat (Full Schedule), Max Class Size: 15, $425.00 Sign Up
ACT Group Class First Mock Test: 03/11/23, Sessions: 03/25/23 - 05/27/23, Meets: Sat (Full Schedule), Max Class Size: 15, $425.00 Sign Up
FREE Online Applerouth Webinars:
Questions? Contact Marilyn Aboff,
Scholarships! Need-based scholarships to mocks and classes are available to WPHS students. Contact Karen Young, CCC Specialist,
FCPS News /Quick Links
Quick Links: