Floris Friday Message 2/17/23

Translation Blockkindness week collage


In this Friday Message you will find:

  • Principals' Message 
  • President's Day Holiday
  • Soaring Eagles
  • Order Your Yearbook 
  • Digital Corner
  • Counseling Team Lunch and Learn, Feb. 27, 12-1pm 
  • Congratulations to PTA Sponsored MathCounts
  • Upcoming Dates 

Floris Families, 

WOW- such an amazing week as we celebrated kindness and love. Thank you to the PTA for the yummy treats for the staff on Tuesday, and thank you to Ms. de Kramer for the Kindness Bingo activities. 

Please remember that each time you come to Floris for a meeting, to have lunch, to volunteer, or to pick up your child, you must have your photo ID available to show at the door and to sign in on the Visitor Management System. Thank you in advance for bringing your ID, as we continue to keep a strong focus on student safety and school security. 

Monday is Presidents' Day, a holiday during which all FCPS Schools and Offices are closed. We will see everyone on Tuesday. 

Have a wonderful long weekend, 

Holly Walker, Principal, hjwalker@fcps.edu

Rob Gibbs, Assistant Principal, ragibbs@fcps.edu


Presidents Day Holiday

Presidents' Day Holiday 

As a reminder, all schools and offices will be closed on Monday, February 20, for the Presidents Day holiday. Learn more about Presidents Day in Britannica.com

Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 21.

See the complete 2022-23 school year calendar.


Soaring Eagles 

We truly appreciate all our Floris staff and would like to give the community the opportunity to say thank you and/or show their gratitude for all of the effort the Floris Staff is putting in day and night!  

Floris Soaring Eagles can be compliments, kudos, etc. for our staff. What a great way to show your appreciation!  We will share the Soaring Eagle with the staff members. To submit a Soaring Eagle to a staff member, please fill out this form!

Thank you for helping to recognize our amazing staff!


Order Your 2022-2023 Floris Yearbook!

Floris YB


Click here to order a yearbook!

Digital Citizenship Corner: Choosing Digital Media Wisely

The digital landscape is saturated with apps, sites, games, and devices, and it's often hard to know how to choose the right ones for your family.  Take a look at some of the resources below to give you a good idea of what you should be looking for and how you can choose the best digital tools and games.

choose media wisely

Lunch and Learn

Lunch and Learn with the Floris Counseling Team

Monday February 27, 12:00pm-1:00pm

“Collaborative and Proactive Solutions”

Engaging Cooperation

We had a great discussion together in January about listening with empathy and validating feelings to help us engage with our children. We want to continue the conversation. We welcome all who are available to participate, even if this is your first time.

The format will be the same: Bring your lunch if you want, and we will enjoy more collaborative conversations on how we can all work together to support the social and emotional needs of our Floris students. We look forward to meeting with you!


Sarah de Kramer, James Duffield, and Maggie Seneca

Please RSVP to Maggie Seneca, maseneca1@fcps.edu, if you plan to attend.



On Saturday February 4, eight of Floris Eagles' mightiest mathematicians traveled to Chantilly High School to participate in the annual PTA Sponsored MathCounts competition!

Our Floris 6th-grade team (Kevin S, Ishaan G, Aayush M, Jasmine W, Abhinav P, Abhijit C, Aaron H, and Rasem Y) went head-to-head in solving math problems while competing against more than 200 students in 6th through 8th grade from 23 schools across the county:

All of the Floris Mathletes performed amazingly! Special recognition was awarded to Kevin S. and Ishaan G., who placed in the top 25% of all participating students.

Congratulations to our Floris Eagles 6th grade Math superstars!

Cafeteria Volunteers Needed

Sign Up Here!

SOL dates

Mark Your Calendar


Monday, February 20: 

  • No School

  • Presidents' Day Holiday 

  • All FCPS Schools and Offices closed

Monday, February 27:

  • Counseling Team Lunch and Learn, 12-1pm 

Thursday, March 2:

  • FCPS Two-Hour Early Release 

  • Floris Dismissal 2pm

Friday, March 3: 

  • School Planning Day 

  • No School for Students

Monday, March 20:

  • Spring Picture Day
  • ESOL Family Engagement Night, 6:30pm, cafeteria

Find the 2022-2023 School Year Calendar