Cooper News 1/4

2023-24 School Year Course Selections

Cooper PTO meeting discussing the Langley HS course selection process with Principal Greer and DSS Braden Peterson will be held in the Cooper Cafeteria on Tuesday, January 10th at 9:00AM.

Rising 8th grade registration calendar
Rising 9th grade course registration calendar

New Parent Series

Parent series: drugs and alcohol

Word Masters

Highest Honors achieved 

A team representing Cooper Middle School achieved Highest Honors in the recent WordMasters Challenge™—a national vocabulary competition involving nearly 125,000 students annually. The eighth grade team scored an impressive 173 points out of a possible 200 in the first of three meets this year, placing eighth in the nation.

Competing in the very difficult Gold Division of the WordMasters Challenge™, students from Cooper Middle School who achieved outstanding results in the meet include Shveta Sunkar.  Competing in the Blue Division, eighth grader Sivani Vemur also achieved outstanding results. The students were coached in preparation for the WordMasters Challenge™ by the grade 8 English teachers. 

Bake sale to support Ukraine

SCA is hosting a Bake Sale on January 18th and 19th during A and B Session in Gym-1. All proceeds are going to the Ukraine Red Cross. Anyone interested in providing treats for the bake sale is welcome to bring in their goods to the front office no earlier than January 17th. Please tape an ingredients list to your goods so we can showcase allergen information. We'd appreciate it if you'd sign up using our Sign Up Genius, which you can click on here. We encourage students to swing by and purchase snacks for a great cause! Prices will range around $1. Thank you for your involvement!

provide photos for the yearboook

Attention parents! The yearbook staff needs photos of your student outside of school!

Here is a list of photos are we looking for:

Summer photos

Your student playing sports

Any fun fall or winter activities

Family or friends photos

First day of school photos