Cooper News 12/14

Two hour delay schedule

In the event we have increment weather, causing a two hour delay, the bell schedule will be as stated below.

2 hr weather delay

Winter Break Office Hours

December 19-January 2nd

The school office will be closed during winter break. We wish everyone a restful break and look forward to welcoming you back on January 3rd. 

Should you require immediate assistance, please email Administrative Assistant, Aubrey Midgley at, or leave a message at, 703-442-5802. 

Please see the 2022-23 FCPS school year calendar for more information. 

P.S. Please bring or send a holiday card to Cooper!  We will display your holiday card on our bulletin board in the main office!  Have a wonderful Winter Break.

Parent Series Part 2

As we approach winter break we would like to provide you with the second parent series video. This video will walk you through how Schoology courses are structured at Cooper and will provide you with a helpful overview of your Schoology parent account. 

There is also a helpful overview of your SIS ParentVue account and an explanation of our school-wide grading comments and a brief review of the after school program. To help you better understand your parent accounts and how you can use them to support your child watch this short video.

7th Grade Families! 

Help your student glow in PE!

glow fitness for students Jan. 3rd or 4th

Cooper Quiz Bowl Team

The team participated in the online National History Bowl Tournament (Middle School Division) today and won first place!  As the first place team, each member qualified for the International History Olympiad ("IHO") as well.  The IHO will be held in Rome, Italy this summer.  Very exciting!

provide photos for the yearboook

Attention parents! The yearbook staff needs photos of your student outside of school!

Here is a list of photos are we looking for:

Summer photos

Your student playing sports

Any fun fall or winter activities

Family or friends photos

First day of school photos

Rise Against Hunger

Dear Cooper Middle School families, 

You are encouraged to sign up to donate and volunteer for our annual Langley Pyramid Rise Against Hunger event! This is a wonderful Langley pyramid tradition, and we want to ensure that all our families can participate. Our last in-person Rise Against Hunger event was held in February 2020. It was a huge success and provided a wonderful service learning opportunity for all family members.  

On Saturday, February 4, 2023, families in the Langley Pyramid will join together to help children in need. In partnership with Rise Against Hunger, the Langley pyramid (elementary, middle, and high schools) have a shared goal to prepare 83,000 meal packages for schools and orphanages around the world.  

Donate and help raise money for the event: 

Each student is encouraged to donate loose change or money that they earn and wish to donate to Rise Against Hunger. Grade level jugs will be in the cafeteria for students to drop their change and make a donation. The collection period is January 3rd-January 20th.  

Each meal costs 42 cents to make. For just $15, you can donate over 35 meals; $30 will make over 70 meals and $100 will make nearly 280 meals. Families may want to make an End of Year tax deductible donation. You may make your tax-deductible donation today at: 

In order to reach our goal of 83,000 meals, the Langley Pyramid needs to raise $35,000 by January 27th.  If your company makes matching contributions, please consider having them join you in making a tax-deductible donation today at: and help us Rise Against Hunger.  

 Volunteer for the event: (Sign up opens January 3rd!!!) 

About Rise Against Hunger 

Rise Against Hunger is a 4-star rated organization that sends nutrient-rich, dehydrated meal packages to developing countries around the world.  In those countries, the meal packages are delivered to families through the schools.  In developing countries, children may not attend school to receive a formal education, so in part to this program, more children are being encouraged to attend school to receive a hot meal at school and additional meal packages for their families.  As an additional benefit, more children are also receiving a formal education. Click here to learn more about Rise Against Hunger.   

This is a great event for the whole family! Don't miss out.  Please email if you have any questions. 

COVID Diagnostic Testing in January

Mark your calendars! COVID diagnostic testing will be available for FCPS teachers, staff, and students at five locations across the county January 3-5 from 5 to 8 p.m. This testing is for those who are either experiencing COVID symptoms or have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID. Appointments are not required, but registration must be completed before testing. Visit the COVID Testing webpage for more information

SEL Screener - Score Results

Students took the SEL Screener in October and families will be receiving score reports in early January.   There are resources available on the FCPS SEL Screener website that can be accessed here.  If you have any questions about the results of the Screener, please contact your child’s counselor.

AAP Level IV Parent Referrals

(7th grade only)

Parents/guardians of students in Grade 7 who would like their student to be considered for full-time advanced academic programs (level IV AAP services) for 2023-2024 may submit the AAP Level IV Referral Form to their Cooper school counselor no later than December 15, 2022

Forms for AAP Level IV referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for AAP Level IV services can be accepted

Submitting a referral form for AAP Level IV will initiate a process that begins at Cooper and is then completed at the central office level. Cooper will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for level IV placement.